2012 Group Planning Calendar — Check the RESULTS calendar for updates

Key Opportunities Calendar / Our Group Calendar
Green: Congress/President Red: Global events Orange: Microfinance
Black: Grassroots Events Blue: Education Maroon: TB/Global Fund/Vaccines
January 2011
14th: RESULTS National Conference Call and
Group Planning Kick Off
17th: 112th Congress reconvenes
24th (Tentative): State of the Union
25th-29th: World Economic Forum
28th: Global Fund’s 10th Anniversary / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Jan 14th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Set up face-to-face meetings
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
Do group planning
Plan for International Conference
Look ahead to World TB Day
(So. California Regional Conference)
February 2011
11th: RESULTS National Conference Call
After 14th: President’s FY11 budget released
20th - 26th: Congressional Recess (Presidents’ Day)
20th-Mar. 31st: Friends and Family Fundraising Campaign
23rd-25th: North America Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease in San Antonio / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Feb. 11th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Complete group planning
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
Begin work on appropriations
Begin planning World TB Day events
Register for International Conference
Plan an outreach event for Q1
(TX Regional Conference)
March 2011
10th: RESULTS National Conference Call
8th: International Women’s Day
9th-18th: Congressional Recess
24th: World TB Day
Through 31st: Friends and Family Fundraising Campaign / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Mar. 10th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Do a World TB Day event
Get World TB Day media
Plan for International Conference
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
Look ahead to Global Action Week for
(No. California Regional Conference)
April 2011
14th: RESULTS National Conference Call
1st – 15th: Congressional Recess (Passover/Easter)
2nd-8th: National Public Health Week
10th-13th: World Vaccine Congress in DC
20th-22nd: World Bank/IMF spring meetings in DC
22nd-28th: Global Action Week for Education
World Immunization Week / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Apr. 14th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Register for International Conference
Plan Global Action Week for Education
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
Plan MoC meetings for Memorial Day recess
(Northeast Regional Conference)
May 2011
12th: RESULTS National Conference Call
19th-20th: G8 in Chicago
22nd-26th: World Health Assembly in Geneva
26th – 29th: Congressional Recess (Memorial Day) / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  May 12th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Plan MoC meetings for Independence Day
Plan outreach event for Q2
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
Revisit 2012 group plan with RC
Reassess members of Congress on
Champion Scale
June 2011
9th: RESULTS National Conference Call
Child Survival/Vaccines Summit
G20 in Mexico / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Jun. 9th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Set up lobby meetings for the International
Conference and plan back-home
engagement/media around
International Conference participation
Plan outreach event for Q3
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
July 2011
14th: RESULTS National Conference Call
21st-24th: RESULTS International Conference
1st– 6th: Congressional Recess (Independence Day)
22nd-27th: International AIDS Conference / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Jul. 14th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Request August recess meetings with MoCs
Learn about bird-dogging for election season
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
August 2011
11th: RESULTS National Conference Call
4th– Sept. 11th: Congressional Recess (Labor Day)
27th-30th: Republican National convention in Tampa / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Aug. 11th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Have August recess meetings with MoCs
Begin discussing fall fundraising
Plan outreach event for Q4
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
September 2011
15th: RESULTS National Conference Call
3rd-6th: Democratic National Convention in Charlotte
23rd-Nov. 12th: House Recess
25th – 26th: Congressional Recess (Yom Kippur) / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Sept. 15th
Group Activities:
Finalize fundraising plans
Revisit 2012 group plan with RC
Reassess members of Congress on the Champion Scale
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
October 2011
13th: RESULTS National Conference Call
Through Nov. 12th: House recess
12th-14th: World Bank/IMF annual meeting
17th: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
29th – Nov. 2nd: American Public Health Association Conference / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Oct. 13th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Engage in fundraising
Look ahead to World AIDS Day
(Heartland Regional Conference)
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
November 2011
10th: RESULTS National Conference Call
12th: Veterans’ Day
12th: World Pneumonia Day
13th-17th: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease in Kuala Lumpur
20th: Universal Children’s Day / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Nov. 10th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Engage in fundraising
Plan World AIDS Day event
Reassess MoCs on Champion Scale
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call
December 2011
10th: RESULTS National Conference Call
1st: World AIDS Day / Group Meeting Dates (2 per month):
·  Dec. 10th
·  ______
Group Activities:
Do World AIDS Day event
Finish fundraising
Plan January meetings, including 2012 group planning
Celebrate the year’s accomplishments!
Invite new people to Intro to RESULTS Call