Catherine Bremner is a cognitive hypnotherapist with over 5 years experience in dealing with a range of issues related to mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Using a combination of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy she helps people to make fast and lasting changes, enabling them to overcome problems that are limiting their enjoyment of life.

What can Catherine help you with?

Anything that is a state created by the unconscious mind can probably benefit from NLP and hypnosis. This includes many of the issues you might expect such as giving up smoking, weight loss, phobias, nailbiting etc. She has also worked successfully with post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, relationship issues, confidence, stress, insomnia and many other areas. A more comprehensive list is available on her website but even this is limited to the more usual ailments. If you think that you are sometimes your own worst enemy and that your problem is partly or wholly a result of unconscious thinking, then Catherine is happy to discuss your problem with you and let you know how she can help you.

Why hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest forms of healing in recorded history. There is even evidence of trance states being used by the ancient egyptians. The idea of being put into a 'trance' can often be off putting to those who haven't experienced hypnosis before. The media often depicts it badly, making it open to ridicule or fear. The fact is that we all go into natural trances, or daydreams many times throughout the day. Hypnotherapy simply utilises the ability to go into a relaxed state for the benefit of the client, allowing positive suggestions to be more easily accepted. Contrary to popular belief, the hypnotherapist does not have control over you, nor are you likely to be unaware of what you do or say and you can't get 'stuck' in trance.

What is NLP?

We have all been programmed by our experiences to behave in a certain way in certain situations. This is usually because at some time in our life this behaviour was useful to us in some way. Unfortunately oftentimes our unconsious mind will mistakenly hold onto the belief that this behaviour is still working for us, even though there may be overwhelming evidence that this is no longer the case. For example, a person may have started smoking because it helped them fit in with their friends and feel they belonged, and for a whild that may even work. When they get older and the reasons they want to quit smoking increase, their unconscious mind can make it difficult for them as it's still working on the assumption that smoking is a good thing. NLP is all about changing those beliefs at an unconscious level so that you can do what works for you right now.

Our unconsicous mind is there to keep us safe, allowing us to respond quickly to danger without the delay of conscious reasoning. It wouln't be good to have to think whether or not to move out of the way of a charging elephant! Luckily our unconscious mind is capable of processing extremely fast and our body will generally respond before conscious thought kicks in. This ability to sense danger and respond accordingly is usually a good thing, but sometimes our unconscious mind gets it wrong. To react in the same way to a tiny spider would generally be considered excessive. NLP is able to help you 're-program' your beliefs and behaviours in a constructive way.


Catherine also run SlimQuest courses at Odiham Health Centre. SlimQuest is a six week course specially designed to help you change your attitude to food, exercise and yourself. Most of the people who have attended SlimQuest in the past have already done all the diets. They know how to lose weight, they know what they should and shouldn't eat, but something stops them from achieving permanant weight loss. SlimQuest classes are usually 8-10 people and are a fun way to learn how to change your bad habits for good. We don't tell you what to eat, you probably already know that. We teach you a variety of techniques to help you with letting go of negative emotions, such as stress or boredom, get rid of cravings and increase motivation. For more information or course dates call Catherine on 07762 799737 or visit