
Punctuation marks such as capital letters, full-stops, commas and speech marks, help us read and understand texts. The punctuation marks from the following passage have been omitted (left out). Change the errors (there are 25 altogether) and then re-write the passage. Refer to the relevant page in Chapter 4 to check your answer.

if id known you had got in id have waited for you said lucy who was too happy and excited to notice how snappishly edmund spoke or how flushed and strange his face was ive been having lunch with dear mrtumnus the faun and hes very well and the white witch has done nothing to him for letting me go so he thinks she cant have found out and perhaps everything is going to be all right after all


Short answer questions

Answer the questions in complete sentences in your workbooks.

1.What were the children playing the day Lucy discovered Narnia and why were they playing it? ______

2.Explain how Lucy discovered Narnia. ______

3.Write two sentences describing the physical characteristics of Narnia. Use at least 3 adjectives.



Make sure you know the meanings of all the words in the above Key words list.

amazement / wood / jolly / hoax / spiteful / sneer
jeer / heather / wretched / groping / imaginary / sulking
sledge / reindeer / gilded / scarlet / mantle / enchanted

Choose two words from the list and write your own sentence using each word.

Word 1: ______


Word 2: ______


Remember that synonyms are words that mean the same thing. Peter and Susan fear that Lucy could be ‘out of her mind’.

What word does the Professor use that means the same thing? M______

What other word beginning with ‘c’ has the same meaning? C______

Old fashioned expressions

Match the old-fashioned expression with its meaning:

a.Presently / ( ) an exclamation, similar to “My goodness!”
b.Old chap / poor chap / ( ) Almost immediately
c.By jove / ( ) In a little while
d.I daresay / ( ) A friendly term referring to a man
e.Before you could say ‘Jack Robinson’ / ( ) Swearing an oath, referring to Jove, an ancient Roman god
f.Great Scott / ( ) I think / in my opinion

Short answer questions

What creatures made up the rescue party sent by Aslan to save Edmund?






Describe the journey the Beavers and the children had to make to get to the Stone Table. What do they see when they reach the top?



Whereas synonyms are words that mean the same, antonyms are words that mean the opposite.

Write a synonym for each word (you may use a thesaurus to help you) and then write an antonym beside it.

Synonym / Antonym


Apostrophes are also used to show that someone or something (a noun) owns something. We call this the possessive apostrophe which is formed by adding ’s or s’.

Many people don’t understand which ending to use. To work this out you need to work out if there is one or more owner. If there is only one owner you put the apostrophe beforethe ‘s’ (‘s) but if there is more than one owner you put the apostrophe after the ‘s’ (s’).

For example:

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe we know that there is one White Witch, one Aslan, one Peter, one Susan, one Edmund and one Peter. So, if we are referring to the home that belongs to the Witch, we must write the owner (the Witch) and then add ’s: the Witch’s home.

Do the same for the following:

a.The sword belonging to Peter:P______sword

b.The horn belonging to Susan:S ______horn

c.The Turkish delight belonging to Edmund:E ______Turkish delight

d.The handkerchief belonging to Lucy:L ______handkerchief

However, if there is more than one owner, we must write the apostrophe afterthe ‘s’.

For example:

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe we know that there is more than one wolf, more than one dwarf, more than one squirrel, more than one beaver and more than one leopard. So, if we are referring to the hair of the wolves, we must write the owners (the wolves) and add an apostrophe after the ‘s’: the wolves’ hair.

Do the same for the following:

a.the job belonging to the dwarves:The d______job

b.the plum pudding belonging to the squirrels:the s ______plum pudding

c.the dam belonging to the Beavers:the B ______dam

d.the spots belonging to the leopards:The l ______spots

What did Aslan do to bring all the creatures that had been turned into statues in the Witch’s courtyard back to life?


Each person was given a special gift from Aslan to help them during their quest.

List each human and what their special gift was, and what it was used for:






What was Lucy’s potion used for in the big battle at the end of the film?


How well do you know the characters?

Matching characters with quotes

Beside each quote about Aslan in the table below write the character who said it. Some characters may be used more than once.

LucyMr BeaverWhite Witch

SusanPeterMrs Beaver

Enemy of AslanWhite Witch’s dwarf

Quote / Character
a.‘He’s the King. He’s the Lord of the whole wood…’
b.‘If there’s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.’
c.‘I’m longing to see him, even if I do feel frightened’.
d.‘Your winter has been destroyed, I tell you! This is Aslan’s doing.’
e.‘He knows the Deep Magic better than that. He knows that unless I have blood as the Law says all Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.’
f.‘Either some dreadful thing is going to happen to him or something dreadful that he’s going to do.’
g.‘The fool has come. Bind him fast.’
h.‘Why, he’s only a great cat after all!’
i.‘The cowards! The cowards! Are they still afraid of him, even now?
j.‘Fool, did you think that by all this you would save the human traitor... you have lost your own life and you have not saved his.’
k.‘Oh, you’re real, you’re real! Oh, Aslan!’

True or false?

Work in pairs and beside each of the statements below write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ is the statement is false.

  1. The four children were sent away to escape the bombing of London. ( )
  2. The old Professor lived in the heart of London.( )
  3. Lucy is the elder of the two ‘Daughters of Eve’( )
  4. Mr Tumnus was half man and half-faun.( )
  5. Turkish delight is a sweet, foamy, creamy drink.( )
  6. Edmund lies about his first adventure in Narnia.( )
  7. The Beavers are on the White Witch’s side.( )
  8. There were three thrones at CairParavel.( )
  9. Winter time in Narnia turns to Autumn after the Witch’s spell is broken.( )
  10. Father Christmas gave the children toys.( )
  11. The Emperor put the ‘Deep Magic’ into Narnia.( )
  12. The ‘Deep Magic’ was the spell that allowed the Witch to kill traitors.( )
  13. The ‘Deeper Magic’ was that death would start working backwards when a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in the place of a traitor. ( )
  14. Aslan sacrificed himself for Edmund.( )
  15. Rabbits nibbled at the cords which bound Aslan to the Stone Table.( )
  16. Susan found Mr Tumnus amongst all the stone statues in the White Witch’s courtyard. ( )
  17. Peter killed the White Witch.( )
  18. Lucy gave Edmund a special cordial to help heal his battle wounds.( )
  19. Edmund knew that Aslan had died in his place.( )
  20. The children were grown up when they came back to the old house after their adventures in Narnia. ( )

Story sequencing

Below is a jumbled version of the events of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.Cut them out, and glue them into your books in the right order.Check your ordering with your teacher first.

No / Event
The children go to the country to escape the war.
The others don’t believe she has been to Narnia, and Edmund laughs at her.
Edmund goes into the wardrobe, and meets the White Witch, who gives him magic Turkish delight.
Aslan sacrifices his own life for Edmund, and dies on the Stone Table.
The children meet the Beavers, and have trout, potatoes and marmalade rolls for dinner with them.
Lucy enters the wardrobe for the first time, and meets Mr Tumnus.
The children and the Beavers walk to the Stone Table, meeting Father Christmas on the way.
The children meet Aslan for the first time.
Aslan rises from the dead, and frees all the magical creatures turned to stone at the White Witch’s house.
Peter kills the chief of the White Witch’s secret police, the wolf Maugrim.
All four children go into the wardrobe, and find that Mr Tumnus has been arrested, and his cave smashed to pieces.
Edmund is rescued from the White Witch.
Edmund runs away from the others, and goes to see the White Witch at her house.
The White Witch demands Edmund back.

Research task: My hero Biography


Research and present a biography on the computer (as a PowerPoint presentation) on a hero you admire. Then presented to the class.

Your hero can be taken from the world of sport, history, war, or any other field of achievement you choose.

You must have a minimum of 10 slides in your presentation and every slide must have either TEXT or PICTURE AND TEXT.

General instructions:

  • Find information from at least three different sources on the life and achievements of your hero.


  • Write in an interesting and descriptive fashion using paragraphs about his or her achievements and explain why these make this person a hero in your eyes.


  • Cover most of the main events in your hero’s life.

E.g. Major wins/awards, family events, when they retired, what made them so good (like skills, natural ability).


  • Present a creative and neat record of the life of your hero, including pictures or drawings of him or her. (1 mark per slide)


  • You must include a timeline as an effective way to cover the life of your hero but remember to write about these events in proper sentence form as well.


  • Include, on a separate page, a bibliography of all the sources you used in your research.


Total Mark /60

A = 53 – 60B = 45 – 53

C = 30 – 45D = Below 30.