West Side Elementary

Fourth Grade Standards Benchmark Guide

Our standards based report cards at West Side organize learning standards into categories. Each category is indicated below along with the standards associated with it. This document is intended to be an outline of what we want students to know and be able to do by the end of grade 4.

Language Arts

Reading: Literature and informational Text

-Use details and examples when drawing inferences from a text.

-Summarize a poem, story or drama using text details.

-Find the main idea using key details.

-Use text details to describe a character, setting, and event.

-Describe the sequence of events and find cause and effect relationships in a text.

-Figure out the meaning of grade level words in a text.

-Explain differences between drama, poems, and prose using structural elements. ( characters, setting, descriptions, dialogue, and stage directions)

-Describe the structure of a text.

-Compare and contrast the point of view. (1st and 3rd person)

-Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand accounts of events. (Minnesota American Indians)

-Make connections between a text and a visual presentation.

-Use charts, graphs, and diagrams to interpret information.

-Explain how an author uses reason and evidence to support a text.

-Compare and contrast similar themes and topics.

-Present information from two different sources on the same topic.

-Read and understand grade 4-5 text independently.

Reading: foundational skills

-Use phonics and words skills to decode words

-Read with accuracy and fluency to support grade level comprehension


-Write an opinion piece supported with reasons and information.

-Write informative and explanatory texts on a specific topic showing ideas and information clearly.

-Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences using details and sequence of events.

-Produce clear and coherent writing.

-Use the writing process to develop and strengthen writing.

-With guidance, use technology to produce writing and interact with others.

-Create a short research project about a topic

-Recall or gather information from print and digital sources.

-Use informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

-Write for extended time and shorter time frames for a range of tasks and purposes.

Speaking, Viewing, Listening, and Media Literacy

-Engage in conversations 1on 1, with small groups and large groups.

-Paraphrase portions of a text presented in multiple formats.

-Find the main idea of a text read aloud or information presented orally.

-Report on a topic and avoid plagiarism while speaking clearly at an understandable pace.

-Add audio and visual displays to presentations.

-Differentiate between formal and informal presentations.

-Use different types of print, digital and multimodal media.

-With support, create a multimedia project for a specific purpose.


-Demonstrate commands of conventions of English grammar in writing or speaking.

-Demonstrate commands of conventions of English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

-Use knowledge of language and conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

-Determine meaning of unknown words and phrases using a variety of strategies.

-Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

-Use grade-appropriate words or phrases in conversations.


Numbers, Operations, and Data Analysis

-Do 40 multiplication facts in 2 minutes

-Multiply by 10,100, and 1,000

-Multiply multi-digit by 2 digit

-Use rounding to estimate products and quotients

-Solve word problems that require two or more operations use strategies to divide multi-digit whole numbers by one or two digit numbers.

-Use models to show equivalent fractions.

-Use a number line to compare and order proper and improper fractions.

-Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

-Read and write decimals. (tenths, hundredths, and thousandths)

-Compare and order decimals using models

-Know decimal/ fraction equivalents for ½ and ¼.

-Round decimal to the nearest 10th.

-Use tables, bar graphs, timelines, and Venn diagrams to display data.


-Create and use input/output rules involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

-Understand multiplication and division number sentences. (variable, unknown)

-Solve multiplication/ division equations with variables.


-Describe, draw, and classify triangles.

-Describe, draw, and classify quadrilaterals.

-Use a protractor to measure angles.

-Compare and classify angles.

-Find the area of a rectangle.

-Find the area of geometric figures.

-Recognize translations, reflections and rotations.

-Understand congruency and symmetry

Social Studies

Citizenship and Government

-Explain how local, state, and national government addresses issues.

-Determine how the 3 branches of government work. (legislative, judicial, and executive)

-Explain the importance of voting and expressing viewpoints.


-Make and apply choices about earning, spending, and saving money.

-Explain how goods and services are traded in an economy.


-Understand how to use map tools.

-Use latitude and longitude to locate places

-Use a variety of maps to gain needed information

-Use a variety of maps to answer questions about geographical representation of the United States and neighboring countries.

-Understand how the environment influences human activities.

-Understand how people adapt to the environment of each region.

-Identify regions of the United States and name the states and capitals.

-Compare regions of the United States.

-Understand how the location of resources and distribution of people have created and impacted different regions of the United States.

-Describe how the location of resources affect the people and the economy.

-Understand how geographic features affect agriculture


-Understand when and why different groups of people came to each region in the United States.

-Understand when and why different groups of people came.


Nature of Science and Engineering

-Understand how engineered products should help the world.

-Create multiple solutions to an engineering problem and select the best one.

-Build a product within the given constraints and explain the design process.

-Describe a situation in which one invention led to another.

Physical Science

-Measure temperature, volume. Weight, and length

-Identify and distinguish between solids, liquids, and gas.

-Describe how the states of matter change as a result of heating and cooling.

-Understand how energy can be transferred.

-Separate objects that attract from those that repel.

-Identify objects that are insulators and conductors.

-Identify different sources of energy.

-Construct a simple electrical circuit using wires, batteries, and light bulbs.

-Demonstrate that electricity can be used to produce a magnetic force.

Earth and Life Sciences

-Differentiate between a rock and a mineral.

-Describe and classify minerals based on their physical properties.

-Describe how water moves through the water cycle.

-Describe how humans affect water supply and quality.

-Understand how the body uses tears, saliva, skin, and the blood to prevent germs.

-Identify diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.


-Identify the elements of music including melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, tone, color, texture, form and other related concepts

-Read and notate music using notation

-Sing and play with accurate pitch, rhythm and expressive intent

-Identify characteristics of music from a variety of cultures

-Improvise or compose to express musical ideas

-Revise a creation based on the feedback from others

-Sing and play a varied song with simple rhythms and melodies

-Compare and contrast the characteristics of a variety of musical works or performances

Physical Education (PE)

-Demonstrates understanding of a variety of motor skills and movement patterns

-Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance

-Demonstrates knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness

-Shows responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others

-Recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction


Tiger Pride Skills for Success

-Respects rights and properties of others

-Shows responsibility by completing homework and returning it to school

-Stays on task, listens, and follows directions