Unit 2 – Using ICT to create business solutions
Name: ______Target Grade: Pass / Merit / Distinction
Task & Level / ACTIVITIES / Student / StaffLO1 Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information
1 / Create meaningful folder and sub-folder names to store your electronic information
2 / Save the files into appropriate folders with meaningfulfilenames
3 / Evidence how to make a backup of the files and folders you have currently created
4 / Show evidence of how to create folders in your email system
5 / Evidence how to effectively send and reply to anemail ()
6 / Evidence of how to effectively forward an email to multiplerecipients
7 / Sending an email to multiplerecipients with highpriority and anattachment
7 (M/D) / Show how to add a deliveryreceipt to the email and explain why this would be effective
7 (D) / Show how to add a read request and explain why this would be effective
8 / Show evidence of how to effectively receive and saveanattachment
9 (M/D) / Use To, CC and BCCto send a message tothree people explaining how these work
9 (D) / Printout a document commenting on privacy issues related to email and the use of bcc
10 (M/D) / Evidence storing the contact details of the MStreamITDirector in your address book
10 (D) / Create a distributionlist of all staff emails to help communication within the company
11 (M/D) / Setup an autoresponse message for MStreamITDirectorto notify he is out of the office
11 (D) / Create an appropriate emailsignature for the MStreamITDirector
12 (D) / Explain how to compress/zip files and how to send them as an email attachment
13 (M/D) / Information document which explains to all staff the importance of email etiquette
14 / Use the Internet to source and store images needed to promote the ‘Stream-as-kids-go’
14 (M/D) / Comment on the trustworthiness of each of the sites used
14 (D) / Comment on the validity of each of the sites used
15 / Screenshots to show the use of a searchengine (criteria, results and contents ofwebsite)
15 (M/D) / Use of quotation marks (" ") and Boolean operators (+, -) in your searches
15 (D) / Show the use of the advanced search option in your searches
16 (D) / Bookmark the most useful sites you found and organise them into suitable folders
17 / Produce an item of publicityfor‘Stream-as-kids-go’ annotating all key features used
18 / Annotated screenshots of setting the size to 6cm x 12cm and using the “adverttext” file
19 / Create a suitableadvert(6cm x 12cm)for a magazine annotating all key features used
20 / Annotated screenshots of spellchecking and justifyingsoftware used for both adverts
/ Brooke Weston CTEC Nationals in ICT
Unit 2 – Using ICT to create business solutions
Name: ______Target Grade: Pass / Merit / Distinction
Task & Level / ACTIVITIES / Student / StaffLO2Be able to select and use software to handle data
1 / Import the kidsmovie.txt file into a spreadsheet accurately meeting user requirements
2 / Format the spreadsheet adding appropriate borders, cell colour, logo, currency, etc.
3 / Add formulas to the spreadsheet and justify their function and suitability
Total Purchases for each Movie / Total Price for each Movie / Total Purchases for Categories / Total Price for Categories / Average Purchases for Categories / Round Averages to whole numbers / Total Revenue adding Category Total Purchases / IF checks if Target Revenue Met (D)
4 / Evidence filtering the spreadsheet to show the movies that are PG
5 / Evidence sorting the spreadsheet to find the five most popular movies
5 (M/D) / Create a chart to display this information more effectively
5 (D*) / Use conditional formatting to help users easily see the most popular movies
6 / Evidence of how you could determine whether or not Adam has met his target revenue
7 / Analyse if it would be worth offering a 10% discounton a new sheet called discount
8 (M/D) / Isit worth offering a 10% discountifsales increased by 10% on sheetincreased sales
9 (D) / Analysis sheet for sales, discountand increasedsales data - chartshowingtotalrevenue
10 (M/D) / Evidence passwordprotecting the spreadsheet with appropriate justification
10(D) / Evidence encrypting the spreadsheet with appropriate justification
11 / Import the customers_v2.csv file into a database accurately meeting user requirements
12 / EditdetailsbydeletingKudwick Bosko, editingRebecca Jackson,addingPhoebe Jacques
13 / Create a query to send Miss Jacques her new membership details
13 (M/D) / Create a reportaddresslabel(L7160) so that the documents can be sent to her
14 / Create a query for all ‘Stream-as-you-go’ members who registered before April 2012
15 / Printout the draftletterAdam sent you annotating all of the keyfeatures you have used
16 / Screenshots ofmailmerge and a printout of the letter annotated to show the mail merge
LO3Be able to select and use software to communicate information for a business purpose
1 / Import the report.txt file into a Word Document accurately meeting user requirements
2 / Format the report, adding appropriate formatting, logo, paragraphing, bullets, etc.
3 / Insert screenshots of the databasecustomerstable to show customer memberships
4 / Insert screenshotsof the mailmerge document showing the latestpromotionaloffer
5 / Insert screenshots of the spreadsheet total revenueto show if it was achievedornot
6 / Insert screenshots of the spreadsheet to show the top five movies
7 / Insert screenshots of the spreadsheet figures (total purchases, prices and averages)
8 / Insert screenshots of the spreadsheet figures after 10% discount toshow if it is needed
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