Sundays at 10.30a.m.
3 JanuaryMrs S WayFamily Service
10 JanuaryRev T Richards
17 JanuaryRev D HuggettCommunion
24 JanuaryMrs D Hewish
31 JanuaryMr R Bryer
7 FebruaryMrs J MorlingFamily Service
14 FebruaryMr M Bennett
21 FebruaryRev T RichardsCommunion
28 FebruaryMrs P Oakley
7 MarchRev E RidoutFamily Service
14 MarchMr C PitmanMothering Sunday
21 MarchMrs J FryCommunion
28 MarchRev T RichardsPalm Sunday
Winter/Spring 2010 - Special Events
Sat 6 February10.00am-12.00pm
Thrift Sale and Coffee Morning
Sat 27 February10.00am
Christian Aid Booksale
Hundreds of second-hand books and good refreshments
Fri 5 MarchWomen’s World Day of Prayer
2.00pm and 7.00pm
Speaker Rev E Ridout
Mission Church, Vestry Road
Service prepared by women from churches in Cameroon
Sat 6 March10.00am-12.00pm
Thrift Sale and Coffee Morning
Sat 3 April10.00-12.00pm
Thrift Sale and Coffee Morning
Sun 4 April10.30am
Easter Day Service
Mon 15 February7.30pm
“A different sort of Christmas”
Margaret Crockett
Mon 1 March7.30pm
Friendly Meal at The Two Brewers
Mon 15 March7.30pm
“Life in the Mounted Police Branch in London”
Nick Pearce (in aid of Air Ambulance)
Mon 29 March7.30pm
Evening with Wednesday Wives from Street Methodist Church
Easter Bonnets/Quiz/Supper
Mon 12 April7.30pmTBC
Mon 26 April7.30pmAGM
Our children are highly-valued and very much a part of the church. Most come, with their parents, from an early age. We have Sunday School for about 40 minutes on most Sundays; if it is the first Sunday in the month children join with the adults for Family Service.
We organise a Cradle Roll for children who have been baptised
at the church, and try to keep in touch with all.
Children are encouraged to contribute to church services, especially the family services, as they become old enough to help. This can be through activities like singing, drama and reading.
The Sunday School teachers use both material they have developed themselves and the Roots interdenominational course.
At Easter we held a party in the afternoon where the children made various crafts, Easter gardens, etc to decorate the church with.
In July we held a Summer Party for the children. They had great fun solving a treasure hunt and making lots of summer crafts.
In October we held an Autumn Party for all children and young at heart. Everyone had fun making ‘nuterpillars’, arranging autumn flowers, making mint creams and decorating them and making a flower with a photo of each child in the middle to decorate the church.
In December we held an Advent Party where the children helped decorate 2 christmas trees in the Church, they made edible Christmas decorations to take home and lanterns that they lit and walked around the church with at the end of the party.
Each party ends with a party tea for all!!
Starting February 2010
“Living the Questions”
A course led by Rev Tim Richards and Mrs Jo Morling.
This course is open to all who have an interest; you do not need to be a member of this or any church.
“Living the Questions” is a sort of super-theology course at the level of the ordinary man or woman in the pew (or for non-churchgoers with an interest in Christianity).
For nearly two hundred years theologians and biblical scholars of all mainstream churches have been taking giant steps forward, and there is a surprising amount of consensus between them! Churchgoers have reaped the benefits in the sermons we have heard for years and years, and that is certainly so at Street URC. Hence the general tendency through the twentieth century for many British churches to become more forward-looking, more flexible and tolerant in outlook, and often more socially and politically aware too.
Much of the moral teaching in Living the Questions will feel familiar to churchgoers, but how this links up with what we read in the Bible will be surprising and hopefully stimulating.
If you feel that a Church and its faith should be kindly, opened-hearted, broad-minded, and not out of touch with the world we live in, you will enjoy this course. Whether you are at the very beginning of a journey of faith, or a seasoned traveller, it should help you to move on!
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Contents of the course:
Living the Questions is an American product, divided into modules. Contributors include some much-respected theologians, writers and biblical scholars, including Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, John Shelby Spong and Walter Brueggemann, and the hymn writer John Bell (“Will you come and follow me?”) of the Iona Community.
Modules include –
- Taking the Bibleseriously
- Stories of Creation
- Lives of Jesus
- Paul
- Out into the World: Challenges facingChristians
- Evil, Suffering and A God of Love
- Incarnation: Divinely Human
- The Myth of Redemptive Violence
- Prayer: Intimacy with God
- Compassion: The Heart of Jesus’s Ministry
- Practising Resurrection
- Reclaiming the World
- Social Justice: Realising God’s Vision
- A Kingdom withoutWalls
Queries re the Church and its events to Church Secretary:
Miss E R Williams
Tel 01458 442927