Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing Easter break.
We would like to welcome Sam Brown to the team. Sam will be taking on administration duties for both the PFSU and Nursery.
Our Easter holiday clubs werea great successwith the children enjoying lots of cooking and creative activities. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
Ian Taylor will be visiting both the Nursery and the PFSU on Tuesday 17thand Wednesday 18th May, to take informal photographs of the children at play. These will be available for you to purchase and are always very popular. Please talk to the staff if your child does not normally attend on these days but you would like them to come in to be photographed.
We will be holding our annual Sports Day, for children from both settings, on the Deddington Primary School field at 11.15am on Friday 24th June. Bring your lunch afterwards for a picnic in the PFSU garden.
We are still collecting the Sainsburys Active Kids vouchers and would welcome any donations at either the PFSU or the Nursery. As charities the extra sports and cooking equipment we are able to purchase with the vouchers is much appreciated.
Please can all funding forms ( parental declaration forms ) be returned by the end of April. These apply to those children who are claiming government funded places and you will have already been given the appropriate form.
As ( if! ) the weather heats up please can we remind you to dress your children appropriately and to ensure that sun cream and sun hats are available at all times. Long sleeved T-shirts are most suitable for the sun and no flip flops please!
Holiday club will run in the summer holidays from 25th – 29th July, and from 1st – 5th August, from 9am until 3pm each day.
At the end of last term Nursery children and staff were busy hosting Mothers Day Breakfasts and Easter egg hunts. The children made lots of gifts, cards and other goodies.Both events were really well attended and similar summer events will move to the garden as we need a little more room.
We welcome Jesse to Nursery for the summer term, with other children joining us for afternoon sessions as the weeks go by. We have very few places left. If you require more sessions or know of other families who would like to join us please get in touch as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
This term we are looking at colours. The role play areas are dedicated to ‘Under The Sea’ and The Big Top Circus; lots of bright colours to inspire our crafts, dressing up and general everyday fun. We also hope to develop independent dressing skills and to continue to help children develop personal care skills. Please consider this when you dress them in the mornings – easy elasticated waist bands and lots of spare clothes please!
Thankyou for all the donations that have recently arrived at Nursery. Some of these have been given anonymously and we would like to say how grateful we are for you thinking of us.
Between now and the summer holidays we will be managing the transition from Nursery to Pre-School (the PFSU), for those children who will have turned three before 31st August 2016.PFSU staff will be visiting the Nursery so that they and the children can begin to get to know one another, and there will be the opportunity for Nursery children to visit the PFSU.You may want to put in your diary the open afternoons at the PFSUon Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th July, which will give youan opportunity to have a look round and to meet the staff. There will also be a ‘move-up’ afternoon in July for all the new PFSU children. / PFSU NEWS
This term the PFSU children will be learning about ‘The World Around Us’. Our plans include watching our tadpoles turn into frogs, observing caterpillars change into butterflies, mini-beast hunts on the school field, feeding the birds and receiving postcards from around the world.
We will be holding an informal parents evening at the PFSU on Wednesday 25thMay from 7-9pm. This evening is your opportunity to view your child’s profile and to discuss their progress with your child’s key-person. If you are unable to attend on this date we would be happy to arrange another time for you to meet with your child’s key-person.
We would like to thank Mark ( Imy’s Dad ) who brought in his gas van for us to see. Also Vicar Annie who brought in her dog to meet us. The children really enjoyed both visits.
- You are invited to a Boden shopping party on Tuesday 3rd May at 15 The Beeches, Deddington. Two sessions have been arranged so we hope there will be one to suit you; 9-11am or 8-10pm. £3 entry includes coffee and cake or wine and nibbles, a raffle ticket to win a £50 Boden voucher, and the chance to buy at a 25% discount. Come and see, touch, try and buy, the Boden new season range. All money raised is in aid of Deddington Village Nursery and PFSU.
- We will be holding a family fun day at Nursery on Sunday 19th June. There will be a minibeast trail, craft activities and a barbecue. We hope you can join us.
- Thankyou to everyone who supported our jumble sale. We raised an amazing £600.
- Our wine tasting evening was a great success and made £600. We’d like to say a huge thankyou to Sophie McCarthy, one of our PFSU Mums, who made the evening possible.
- Our hamper raffle will be drawn at Deddington Farmer’s Market on Saturday June 25th. We would welcome donations of special food and drinkitems to help us make this a really fantastic prize. Please also support us by buying lots of tickets and by selling them to your family and friends.Raffle tickets will be available soon.
- Tuesday 3rd May – 9-11am or 8-10pm - Boden shopping party at 15 The Beeches, Deddington.
- Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th May – am – Ian Taylor visits to photograph the children
- Sunday 22nd May – Four Farms Challenge - a 5K and 10K and children’s fun run around Deddington Parish organised in conjunction with the Primary School PTA and the Deddington Fire Service. This will start and finish at the Castle Grounds where there will be a barbecue, bar, tombola, cakes and popcorn! To register or for more information visit
- Wednesday 25th May – 7-9pm – Parent’s evening at the PFSU
- Sunday 19th June – Family Fun Day at Nursery
- Friday 24th June – 11.15am – PFSU / DVN Sports Day on Deddington Primary School field.
- Saturday 25th June – Hamper raffle at the Farmer’s Market
- Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th July – 3.30 - 4.30pm - open afternoons at the PFSU for families starting in September.
- Monday 25th – Friday 29th July, and Monday 1st – Friday 5th August – 9am – 3pm - Summer Holiday Club
- Monday 5th September – new term begins at Deddington Village Nursery, Deddington PFSU, and Deddington Primary School.
Rachel O’Connell – PFSU Manager
Jacqui Moulder - Nursery Manager
Lucy Squires – PFSU Deputy Manager
Jo Bull – Nursery Deputy Manager
Hazel Neal – Early Years Practitioner
Liza Staples - Early Years Practitioner
Janet Bird – Early Years Assistant
Jane Rickard – Early Years Assistant
Veronique Semple – Early Years Assistant
Sam Brown – Administrator / Committee:
Kate Perry – Chair
Celia Fawcus – Secretary
Nicola Halton – Treasurer
Michelle Hart
Lynn Nicholson
Anne O’Brien
Donna Winser
PFSU phone number: ( 01869 ) 337484
Nursery phone number: ( 01869 ) 337383
E-mail us on: / Any matters concerning places, sessions or payments please speak to Sam. Invoice payments not made by the due date will incur a £20 late payment fee. Please remember there is a late pick-up charge.
Don’t forget to look at our website:Deddingtonnurseryandpfsu.co.uk
Plus, find Deddington Village Nursery and PFSU on Facebook!