Pastor Phoebes Mutasa Effects Of Double Mindedness Saints Together Christian Church 05/12/2010
Effects Of Double Mindedness
James 1:5-8
Tendai Mumanyi, one of my favourite Bible teachers, once said doubt and fear are very good friends.
I believe he was right.
He who doubts is like a wave that is rising one moment, sinking the next.
One minute he believes, the next he doubts.
Making Up One’s Mind
A person who doubts says yes and then no to what God has promised.
Disbelieving people never make up their minds, which way they believe.
They walk unsteadily like intoxicated people.
Hope on the one hand and the fear of the unknown on the other, keep the mind restive and discomposed.
Wave Of The Sea
A vacillating person is compared with the wave of the sea.
The wave of the sea has no permanence.
It is at the mercy of every wind.
A wave seems to be driven and tossed every which way.
A personality that has doubts and fear is agitated and edgy.
Being Double Minded
Being double minded means having two personalities.
It also means one who is vacillating and changeable.
It means having no establishedvalues.
In these verses the allusion is to prayer, but it spreads to everything one does in natural life.
On one occasion, double minded people, are disposed to one opinion and then to another opinion.
Such people are typicallywishy-washy,indecisive and uncertain in all things.
They are insecure in their job
They are wobbly in their plans for life.
They are driven around by each new sentiment that comes into their minds.
Choose You This Day
Joshua 24:15. Choose you this day whom you shall serve, …but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
What is God’s Desire
God wants us to put our confidence in him.
God wants us to rely on his promises.
God wants us to rely on his wisdom.
God wants us to rely on his grace.
God wants us to be resolute and determined.
God wants us to take his promises with firmness.
God wants us to feel the deepest assurance when we pray.
God wants us to go to him without hesitation.
In our trials and tough moments, we should not have a wavering faith.
God wants us to be firm in our principles.
God wants us to be steady in all our ways.
God wants us to be composed in the face of every situation.
God wants us to be steadfast in our plans for life.
God wants people of character
People of character are the ones in whom others can confide.
Firmly taking hold of the promises of God is the best kind of Christianity.