Contract for the dissemination of work (copyright)
Českéekologickémanažerskécentrum(hereinafter referred to as the “publisher” or “CEMC”), based inPrague 10, 28.pluku 25, postcode 101 00, company registration number: 45249741, represented by VladimírŠtudent, as one party, and
Name, surname, birth certificate number, permanent address
(hereinafter referred to as the ”author”),as the other party,
entered into this contract within the meaning of Section 56 of the Act No 121/2000 Coll., as amended:
Article I.
- The subject matter of this contract is the provision ofthe material copyright to the work (copyright) further specified in this contract (hereinafter referred to as the“work”) to the publisher for its publication in WASTE FORUM electronic journal. The authorsubmittedthe work to the publisher in electronic form via e-mail and the author approved/verified its final version in the journal on...... (indicate the date of submission of the approval or comments on the final version of the article in the completed issue to the editorial team).
The work in question is the following:………………………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………......
The author hereby transfers to the publisher of WASTE FORUM journal all rights associated with the dissemination of the work to the unlimited extent regarding the time, scope, location, mediaand language.
- The author retains the following rights associated with the work:
• The right to patent;
• The right to make copies for their own use;
• The right to use the entire work or a part thereof after its publication in WASTE FORUM journal in the authorship of a bookora collection of their own works;
• The right to make copies of the workto be used with their employer;
• The right to use pictures, tables and parts of the text up to 250 words for any purpose;
• The right to self-propagation of the material of the work.
The author hereby agrees that the copiesmade or electronically disseminated by themwill in any case have a reference to the publication in WASTE FORUM journal.
- If the work was written as part of employment, the publisher hereby provides a licence to the relevant employer for the dissemination of the work under the condition that in any casethere will be a reference to the publication in WASTE FORUM journal.
- The author hereby declares that the work is their own original work. The author undertakes to inform possible co-authors of this contract, which was signed on their behalf. The author also declares that the work was only sent to WASTE FORUM journal and it has not been published elsewhere so far.As for illustrations, tables and other parts of the work taken from other works, the author declares that they received permission for their publicationfrom the original authors.
- The author declares that during the duration of the contract they will not publish the work elsewhere, with the exception of paragraph 3 of this article.
- The author declares that they waive the author’s royaltiesfor the benefit of payment of publication costs.
- If the work contains an Acknowledgment or information regarding the fact that the article was created in connection with a specific research project, the author undertakes to pay a fee of CZK500 for each commenced page ofan article in the Czech/Slovak language and CZK200 of an article in the English language (both amounts are exclusive of VAT) for the benefit of payment of publication costs. An invoice for the amount in question should be senttothefollowingaddress: ......
Registration number of the organization: ......
- All rights and obligations hereunder will pass to legal successors of the parties to the contract. If the contract does not expressly cover certain issues, the provisions of the Copyright Act and related legal regulationswill apply.
Article II.
1. This contractmay only be amended by written addenda signed by both parties to the contract.
2. The contract may only be terminated by agreement of the parties to the contract or as provided by law.
3. This agreement becomes effective and operative on the date of signature by both parties to the contract.
In Prague on...... In………………..on......
Director of CEMC Author’s signature: