St John Fisher Catholic Church

Parish Pastoral Council

Minutes for meeting on 26th February 2018

Members present: Fr Shaun Church, Peter Mackie (Chair), Carolyn Opie (Chair of Finance Committee), Malcolm Golin (Secretary), Carlos Pierce

1.Welcome and opening prayer: Fr Shaun Church

2.Apologies: received from Fr Damian Ryan, Liz Munro, Duncan Farnsworth, Monica Williamson, Maureen Fields, and Patricia O’Sullivan

3. Minutes of the last meeting held on 13 Dec 2017 were approved nem. con.

4. Matters arising from the last meeting

No matters arising needed to be discussed which were not included in items below

5. Parish Priest’s Report


Our Christmas celebrations were very well attended and I would like to record my thanks to our musicians and singers, sacristans, altar servers, readers, ministers of communion, welcomers, and flower arrangers for all their work in making these celebrations so special.

Also at Christmas, we introduced what has now become a “local custom” – Prayer Partners at Mass. This simple gesture is a sign and reminder that we are present at Mass not as individuals, but as part of a community – a community that is called to be welcoming to the stranger and the newcomer, a place where the bonds of communion and fellowship are always meant to be being built up.

Thanks to a generous donation we were able to give a copy of Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Jesus to everyone who attended one of the Christmas Masses across the three parishes.


In January we took delivery of 12 new chairs for the church. Whilst it wasn’t possible to get an exact match for the existing chairs it is close enough that old and new blend together very well indeed. The finished result is to give a sense of unity and completion to the appearance of the church, not to mention a more comfortable seating option that the old wooden school chairs, which we have now been able to “retire” from the church.


On 25th January, there was an evening of prayer for parish renewal, hosted at St John’s, Mill End. This was very well attended by parishioners from the three parishes. I’m a very grateful to Fr Damian and the small team of people that worked with him to make this evening such a success.


Sixty two parishioners from across the three parishes are currently meeting in Lenten Reading Groups across the three parishes (many of them in parishioners’ homes) to discuss and reflect on Fr James Mallon’s book, Divine Renovation. This is a very encouraging development, not only are these parishioners able to share their thoughts and reflections on the book and to hear what others have to say, but it is also a great way for parishioners to meet parishioners from our sister parishes and build real ties of fellowship and friendship.

6. Chair’s Report

Peter Mackie reported as follows:

No proposals had yet been received for the necessary 2 new PPC places: there was nothing else specifically to report on that would not be covered in other sections of these minute. As a result of other pressing commitments it was not possible to hold a meeting of the 3 Chairs on 6 February as originally planned.

It was commented on that the introduction of the ‘local custom’ of having ‘prayer partners’ at mass had had a most noticeable and, indeed, immediate effect on sociability amongst those attending Mass.

7. Finance and Property Update

Carolyn Opie reported as follows, the next Finance Committee meeting being due on 2 March 2018 :


It has been another busy period for the church building with plenty of maintenance tasks to be completed.

•The 12 month snagging inspection for the refurbishment of the flat and reordering of the church was completed in the middle of last year. We have hastened the contractor to complete the 4 minor outstanding repairs but he doesn’t seem to be in a hurry. Consequently, we have yet to pay the retention sum.

•We are still awaiting quotes for the external works for the damp on the wall behind the organ.

•We have identified that spalling from the chimney (left hand side as you look from the front) caused the damage to the roof tiles. As the chimney was repaired previously, the Diocesan Surveyor has asked the contractor to return. We will take the opportunity to re-tile the porch roof, which is unsightly. Unfortunately, repairs to the roof are likely to be required on a regular basis.

•We are purchasing some acoustic screens to provide privacy for the children during their liturgy.

•The 11 new chairs arrived in January and we now have none of the old wooden chairs being used in the church on a regular basis. In slower time and as funding permits we will consider re-upholstering the existing chairs.

•The organ was repaired and serviced shortly before Christmas. The engineer reported that the organ is in reasonable condition given its age. However, it is probably near the end of the average life for that type of instrument. Generally, the dry atmosphere of the church is helpful in prolonging its life but we need to be mindful that we could be on borrowed time with it.


The recent request for new people to join the counters’ rota has generated two new volunteers.

Finances are generally healthy and we were able to make a further lump sum payment against the loan prior to the end of the year, meaning that we have paid off nearly a quarter of it. However, this was partly due to the delays in getting various works completed in the church and there are a number of potentially significant bills expected early this year, specifically the retention against the refurbishment, the work to correct the damp in the side wall and the repairs to the roof and chimneys. This means that we are unlikely to reduce the loan by quite such a substantial amount this year. But it was good to make such a significant repayment while interest rates are low.

8. Parish Priorities (Growing Edges)

a.) Children’s’ participation at Mass and within the broader parish community.

Although progress had been a little slow, Fr Shaun could report thatmost of the DBS clearances had now come through, and that he was due to meet with those who had volunteered to be involved with the Children’s Liturgy, on 7th March, to discuss some practicalities of how the Children’s Liturgy would work and to draw up an initial rota; The hope was to make a beginning in late Lent (or if that is not possible, as soon as possible post Easter).

b.) Volunteering.

This topic was not discussed

c.) Promoting the social life of the parish.

It was noted that the provision of coffee and tea following Mass on the second Sunday of each month had not taken place for reasons that were unclear. No further social events had yet been planned: it was proposed that, at the Annual Parish Meeting, the attending parishioners would be canvassed as to what events they would like to see happening in the future.

9. CAFOD Connect 2 initiative

Malcolm Golin reported that, so far, an initial and productive meeting had been held with Fr Damian, Stephanie MacGillivray, and Geraldine Page from our sister parishes. Various ideas were discussed as to how the Sebeya project could be taken forward. Either Stephanie or Geraldine would be making contact with the two schools so as to include them. Fr Damian would be writing an introductory letter to Abba Solomon in Sebeya. An article had appeared in the last Newsletter welcoming and encouraging parishioners, especially those in ministries to proffer letters and photos for a mid-Lenten posting to Sebeya. Funds had been offered from the profits arising from the Christmas Fair (see below). Malcolm emphasised the urgent need for a noticeboard dedicated to Sebeya which, it was proposed, could be sited in the lounge area. Carolyn agreed to source a suitable board.

10. Making Missionary Disciples

Developments so far, as minuted in more depth above:

•Introduction of Prayer Partners at Mass

•Prayer Evening

•Lenten Reading Groups

Forthcoming Developments:

•Fr Shaun explained that a Pilot Alpha would be beginning in May

•Day of Recollection – 9th June – to be dedicated to reflection on Divine Renovation and Alpha.

•The launch of Alpha is planned across the three parishes from September 2018

•During 2018 the three PPCs will work on the practicalities of how we transition to one PPC and how that joint PPC will function, so that from February 2019 the joint PPC can work with Fr Shaun in developing the broad vision of spiritual renewal for our parishes in the years ahead.

11. Upcoming Parish Events

Fr Shaun said that Mary Latimer had asked him to update the PPC on forthcoming parish events.

WWDP – Takes place on Friday 2nd March and is being hosted here at St John Fisher. It is hoped that many parishioners will attend.

Good Friday Hospitality – once again, we will be offering tea, coffee and hot cross buns to all those attending the Good Friday Witness in the village.

Christian Aid Week – 13th to 19th May. Due to the Royal Wedding the market will be held this year on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th May. House to house collections will take place throughout the week as usual.

Charity Christmas Fair – Saturday 1st December. Those organizing the Fair have expressed a desire that the third of the funds raised currently allocated to Diocesan Charities should in future go to our to the community in Sebeya, Ethiopia, through our CAFOD Connect2 link. I am absolutely delighted by this decision and believe this is an excellent way for St John Fisher to make a very real and tangible contribution to our Connect2 project, year by year.

The APF Missio Boxes (The Red Boxes) scheme will continue through the year, with quarterly returns being made.

Fr Shaun also said that he would like to record his thanks to Mary Latimer and to all who work with her through the year in planning, organising and running all these important events, which have such an important place in the life of our community here at St John Fisher.

The PPC as a whole would also like to record their thanks to Mary and her team of volunteers for their work in supporting the parish in this way.

12. Annual Parish Meeting

This will be held on 20 March 2018. As noted in the minutes of the last meeting, Patricia O’Sullivan, Maureen Fields, and Duncan Farnsworth are due to step down; as their 3 year term of office will draw to a close, the changes determined for the development of a single three parish PPC require only 2 new PPC members to be elected given the relatively short time of twelve months that the existing PPCs will exist.

13. Any Other Business

A PPC member, unable to be present, had asked for two matters to be raised under AOB.

Firstly it was enquired of as to whether a mid-week Mass at St JF could be held. Fr Shaun said that, regrettably, this would not be possible.

Secondly, a request was made for some mention in a homily of the church’s teaching with respect to organ donation, and the donation of one’s body after death for medical science. Fr Shaun responded that the Church’s position was very clear and supportive of these generous acts, given the explicit consent of the donor, and that this was clearly expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Section 2296). Fr Shaun was grateful for the raising of this point, particularly in the light of recent Government proposals respecting the ‘opting out’ of organ donation. He did not feel this item could be included in a homily but could perhaps be highlighted in a forthcoming Newsletter.

14. Date of next meeting

Monday 14 May 2018 at 8 p.m.

Malcolm Golin PPC Secretary