Dear Student,

My name is [Name]. I am a research student at Oxford University. The topic I research is how students talk about reason about maths in lessons.

I would like to study your maths class, because you are Year 10 students studying foundation GCSE. If you and your parents or guardians are unhappy about this, you must let me know and other arrangements will be made.

This leaflet will explain my work for you. If you have any other questions, please talk to your teacher.


Please read this leaflet carefully so you know what the research is about. I hope you will agree to be part of my study when you have read it.

I have written to your parents and guardians to tell them about it and think about whether you should be included. Please talk to your parents about what you would like to do.

Thank you for your help.

Best wishes,



Who are you?

I was a maths teacher before I began my research. I will work as a classroom assistant in some of your lessons.

Will it change my maths lessons?

From the end of October until the end of March, I will come into lessons. I will make an audiotape of every lesson and a videotape of the teacher. I will listen to and watch what your class do in lessons.

Will it affect my education?

Your teacher will run normal maths lessons. You will study GCSE maths in the same way as you usually do.


Do I have to do this?

No. You can choose whether you want to take part in this research. You could also change your mind later. This would not affect your education in any way.

Who will be allowed to read the information?

Only my supervisor and I will be allowed to read the information I collect. I will change the names of your school, teacher and all the students when I write about my research.

I will keep all the information locked in an office. If I want to use the information for anything else, I will ask your permission.


At the end of my research, I will write to your school about what I found out in my study. You are welcome to read this if you are interested.

What do I do now?

Please tell your parents, guardians and teacher whether you are happy to take part.

I hope you will agree to take part in my study. The information I collect will help us to understand how talking helps with thinking about maths. This will help other students to learn maths in the future.

Thanks for reading this. I hope I’ll meet you soon!

Yours sincerely,


[Title Example: With Good Reason?

A Case Study of


Reasoning in


Mathematical Activity]

Oxford University

Department of Education