Lesson 3.07: Peace, Demobilization and Next Steps
The Big IdeasWhat were the differences between the Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles?
Which countries had the least say in the Treaty of Versailles and how were they affected by it?
Why did the U.S. adopt a policy of isolationism after WWI? What were its effects?
Woodrow Wilson – (How did he deal with the ending of WWI and the treat process?)
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge – (What were his feelings about the treaty?) / Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)
Demobilization after the war
Recession of 1919
Vocabulary (fill in the effects from the lesson where possible or put the definition in your own words)
Armistice – an agreement to end an armed conflict
Article X (Article Ten) – part of the Covenant of the League of Nations that required member nations to defend another member nation if it was attacked
Big Four – name given to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Italian Premier Vittorio Orlando, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson during the peace conference after World War I
Dawes Plan – plan in which the United States loaned money to Germany, who used it to pay reparations to France and England; this payment allowed France and England to pay their debts to the United States
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)– area where no military activity is permitted
Demobilization – the period after an armed conflict when soldiers are sent home and industries reduce or halt their production of war materials
Disarmament – the reduction or disbanding of a nation’s army
Fourteen Points – the ideas that made up Woodrow Wilson's plan for world peace after World War I
League of Nations – an association of nations formed after World War I designed to solve disputes between nations
Recession – a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and business activities are lessened
Reparations – compensation paid by a defeated nation-state to the victors after a war
Sanctions – a penalty or punishment given for violating a law or directive
Self-determination – the right of a nation-state to choose its own political system and leaders