1. Save thistemplate to yourschool network or computer and alter it for yourownassessment designor copy the below information intoyourschool-basedassessment instrument template.
  2. Delete the information thatis not relevant to yourassessment, e.g. if the taskis for Year 11, delete the Year 12 conditions. Information isprovided in tables so to delete, highlight the rowyouwish to remove, right click, and select DeleteRows.
  3. Replace the redtextwithyourschool- and task-specific information.
  4. Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no redtextremains.
  5. Deletethisinstructionaltext.
Insert school-specific information, e.g. school name, logo
Insert context
Insert task— Composition tasks require students to create music. Possible types of compositions include:
  • response to particular stimuli, e.g. another composer’s work, visual stimulus such as a film clip or advertisement
  • demonstration of an understanding of a particular style or genre
  • arrangement of an existing piece
  • composition for a particular occasion,or musical production
  • pieces for combinations of instruments and/or voices
  • compositions generated by electronic means and contemporary technologies.

Supporting documentation
  • Students can present their compositions as a sound recording and/or a score (traditional, graphic or contemporary).
  • The development of a composition may also include documentation of the process, e.g. composer’s journal, recordings, screen shots, diagrams, annotations.

Year 11
  • a minimum of 16 bars or approximately 30 seconds in length
  • development of the composition, observed throughout the teaching and learning
  • combination of music elements and concepts as the focus of composition assessment,
    i.e. not the manner of presentation (recorded sound or score)

Year 12
  • a minimum of 32 bars or approximately oneminute in length
  • development of the composition, observed throughout the teaching and learning
  • combination of music elements and concepts as the focus of composition assessment,
    i.e. not the manner of presentation (recorded sound or score).

  1. Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.
  2. Make the standards instrument-specific. (Words may not be added to the standards except to specify the music elements and concepts,compositional techniques,stylistic characteristics, and music ideas.)
  3. The following words may be used in the singular:music elements and concepts, compositional techniques, stylistic characteristics, and music ideas.
  4. Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.
  5. Delete this instructional text.
Insert school-specific information (if required)
Instrument-specific standards matrix
Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard E
Composition / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
  • consistent and proficient selection and application of music elements and concepts in the creation of their own works
  • effective selection and application of music elements and concepts in the creation of their own works
  • selection and application of music elements and concepts in the creation of their own works
  • variable selection and application of music elements and concepts in the their own works
  • selection and application of some music elements and concepts in their own works

  • skilful manipulation of compositional techniques in the creation of cohesive and well-structured music
  • manipulation of compositional techniques in the creation of cohesive music
  • demonstration of compositional techniques in the creation of their own works
  • use of basic compositional techniques to develop works of variable quality
  • use of rudimentary compositional techniques to produce partial works

  • discerning synthesis and convincing expression of music ideas and stylistic characteristics integral to the creation of their own works.
  • effective synthesis and expression of music ideas and stylistic characteristics that support the creation of their own works.
  • synthesis and communication of music ideas and stylistic characteristics to create their own works.
  • presentation of music ideas and stylistic characteristics in their own works.
  • use of music ideas in their own works.