Mrs. Coen’s English 2
2016-2017 Syllabus
Mrs. Coen
Room 2B04
Phone: 850-833-3614
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students an integrated study in reading, writing, speaking, and listening for college and career preparation and readiness. In this course we will:
- Participate in active readings of varied texts for what they say explicitly and for any logical inferences that can be drawn
- Analyze literature and informational texts from a variety of literary periods
- Practice writing for varied purposes to include: argumentative, informational, and analytical
- Practice effective listening, speaking, and viewing strategies
- Collaborate among our peers
Reading Material: During this course we will read, analyze, and discuss a variety of texts.
- Florida Collections: Grade 10
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding
- Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Class Expectations/Procedures:
- Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher
- Arrive on time and be prepared
- Follow directions when given
- Help to preserve a positive learning environment by being courteous to others
- Students will be familiar with and follow all expectations and policies in the Student Handbook
- When Class Starts- Students not in the classroom when the bell rings will be marked TARDY. Students will have one minute after the bell rings to turn in any homework and take their seats with all needed materials in hand
- Backpacks- Due to limited space in the classroom, all student bags and backpacks will be placed along the back wall during class. Students will expected to place their bags and retrieve all needed materials within one minute of the tardy bell ringing. Needed materials will be listed on the front board
- Absences-For excused absences ONLY, you may obtain absent work from the “Daily Assignments” folder located at the Student Center in the back of the classroom. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain any missing work from their absence. All absent work and tests must be completed WITHIN 5 DAYS of the recorded absence. Any work not turned in by this time will be given a zero.
- BYOD- If a lesson is to be a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) lesson, the teacher will remind students the day before. Refer to the front board to see the BYOD “traffic light” of the day:
Red- No devices allowedBlue-Devices allowed for only a portion of the class Green-Devices allowed the entire class period
- Unauthorized Use of Devices- The following three strike system will be used:
- Device will be confiscated and placed in “cell-phone time out” for the duration of the class
- Device will be confiscated and turned in to administration to be collected and the end of the day
- Device will be confiscated and turned in to administration, to be collected at end of day by parent/guardian
- Food and drink– School policy states that food is not allowed in class. Drinks are permissible as long as they have a screw top lid.
- Hall Pass-Students must raise their hand to ask to be excused from the class. If excused, the student will be provided with a classroom hall pass to carry with them.
- Reading Journals- Students will be using composition notebooks throughout the school year for Reading Journal Assignments. These journals will be kept in an egg crate at the front of the classroom. Refer to the board to see if your journal will be needed for class and return the journal at the end of the class period.
- Notebooks- Students will need a separate notebook for their English class. Notebooks will be graded periodically and should have a copy of this syllabus at the front and then the following tabs: Bell Ringers, Notes, Classwork/Homework, Essays, and Tests/Quizzes. Students will be expected to file all class documents in the appropriate section
*If students are unable to follow class expectations, consequences are as follows
1. Verbal warning from teacher 2. Student-teacher conference
3. Parent contact and before/after school detention 4. Office referral
Classroom Point System: Each class period will operate on a point system. Points will be awarded for good behavior and taken away for bad behavior. The class period with the most points at the end of each nine weeks will earn a class-wide prize. Examples of how classes can earn points are:
- All students are in their seats and ready, one minute after the bell rings
- Classroom is clean of all trash or litter at the end of the period
- Caught doing random acts of kindness for fellow classmates
- Class average for a test is over 75%
- Class participation
Required Materials:
- 3-ring binder with dividersStudents/Parents may also provide:
- Composition Journal-Paper Towels
- Pencils/pens-Kleenex
- Student Agenda-Hand sanitizer
Grading Policy: Students’ grades will be based on total point system. Different assignments will be given different point values as detailed below:
- Major Projects/Tests- 100-200 points
- Quizzes- 30-50 points
- Homework/Classwork- 10-30 points
- Reading Journal/Notebook- 10 points
- Essay Writing Assignments- 50-100 points
Reminders: Parents/Students may receive reminders on class assignments and important events from the class website ( or by using the App “Remind” (previously Remind101). This service will send text/email reminders and your information will not be visible to any users. To sign up, visit and enter the class code 98dfg
Office Hours: Mrs. Coen’s office hours are from 6:45-7:00 a.m. and from 2:00-2:15. Tutoring is available on Thursdays from 2:00-3:00. Students may drop in during this tutoring time or see Mrs. Coen directly to schedule tutoring/conferences.