Cal ENA Membership Report

August 2008

Ellie Encapera RN, Chair

These are the most current totals for our 12 active Chapters and overall total for ,the California Council as of August 2008. Our state membership numbers fluctuate month to month but continue to grow. We broke the 3,100 mark in June. The national office has a new membership database system, assigning all new members to local chapters by their mailing address zipcode.

Chapter # and Name2/083/084/085/086/087/088/08

(223) East Bay282284283287283

(224) Greater LA489479458465462

(225) Mid-Valley255270272277265

(226) Orange CoastNN270264252251249

(228) San DiegoOO336347352359333

(230) San Francisco 260259259260250

(232) Loma PrietaDD229256232230223

(253) SacramentoAA345358388397405

(362) Inland EmpireTT265278269279276

(378) Channel Islands AA119134130130126

(379) Superior121137142144137

(442) Kern County 47 52 51 52 50

(NCA) No Chapter Assigned assigned to monthly totals

State Membership 3023 3091 3088 3131 3059

Our membership numbers continue to grow thanks to the efforts of our chapter and state leaders. Due to their diligence, all 100 free one-year membership awards were distributed prior to our annual delegate allotments were announced in June. We will arrive with the largest CalENA Delegation ever in Minneapolis this fall as we support our current 2008 national ENA President, Denise King.

Regarding “unassigned members”: When someone joins ENA for the first time they are assigned to a chapter based on their mailing address and zipcode location. Any member may change their chapter affiliation. Just log on to and under the Members Only section, update your personal profile.

If your sponsoring a new member, tell them what chapter number to write on their application according to their address or personal chapter choice.

To receive timely communications and optimal membership services, we encourage all members tokeep email & mailing addresses currentwith the National office. Only the individualmember may make address, email and chapter preference requests.

Spread the word to educational coordinatorsthat this committee prepares Cal ENA mailing labels for approved buyers for educational event announcements. Encourage them to advertise in your local and statenewsletters.