Course Syllabus

HU 2271 – Level I A French Language and Culture

College of Science and Arts

Fall 2015

Instructor Information

Instructor: Audrey Viguier, Ph.D.

Office Location: 337 Walker Arts & Humanities Center

Telephone: Office – (906)487-2540


Office Hours: W 4:00pm – 5:45pm or by appointment

Course Identification

Course Number: HU 2271-R01

Course Name: French Language and Culture

Course Location: Walker 120 A

Class Times: MWF 3:05pm – 3:55pm

Prerequisites: Before We Begin, You Should Know:

This course is intended for TRUE BEGINNERS of the French Language. This means that if you have had two, three, four or more years of French within the last five years you SHOULD NOT BE ENROLLED. Students with previous knowledge of French MUST take the MTU online placement exam prior to enrolling in an MTU language course. If you have enrolled in this class with prior background in French but have not taken the exam, you can register at:

Students with previous knowledge of French may earn up to 9 semester credits of French by taking the placement exam and successfully completing (with B or better) the appropriate validation course.

Student work products (exams, essays, projects, etc.) may be used for purposes of university, program, or course assessment. All work used for assessment purposes will not include any individual student identification. HU2271 satisifies University Student Learning Goal #3

#3 Global Literacy: Students will be able to interact in meaningful ways with people from other cultures. This will be accomplished by acquisition of global knowledge and competencies through the study of languages, cultures. For more information on Global Literacy, please refer to: Goal 3 Global Literacy & Human Culture Rubric

Course Goals: Student will:

-  Learn to communicate in French (develop speaking, reading, listening, writing skills)

-  Gain knowledge and understanding of Francophone cultures

Course Description/Overview

Promenades: Regularly you will have a few pages to read and study in the textbook. The grammar points must be closely studied and the pertinent vocabulary must be memorized. We will cover the material briefly in class, and you will fall behind if you have not adequately prepared. Indeed, failing to prepare will negatively impact your participation grade and, by extension, everything else! You are also responsible for bringing your textbook to class every day unless instructed otherwise! In addition to the textbook, you will need to purchase an access code for the Supersite, which contains the online workbook and resource materials that we will be using.

Devoirs: For every lesson in Promenades, you will complete written and/or online work in the Supersite, the online workbook and lab manual that accompanies your textbook. The devoirs are date-sensitive, so in the case of an absence, it will be your responsibility to adhere to assignment due dates.

Testing: There will be no make-ups given for the examen final, interrogations, or quizzes. This policy applies to excused as well as unexcused absences. Missed interros and quizzes due to an unexcused absence will receive a 0%. Make-ups for the final exam will be given only in rare cases. Please check your final exam schedule to see if you will have a scheduling conflict, and let me know as soon as possible so that something can be arranged. Instructors are not authorized to change the exam schedule; exceptions may be authorized only by the dean's office.

Culture Points: Students will be able to receive up to five additional percentage points on the written portion of each interrogation by engaging in French and francophone cultural activities such as attending the French Club events, café français, and participating in activities. In order to receive the extra points, the student will turn in a written reflection of the activity no later than the day of the interrogation.

Compositions: You will write two short compositions (rédactions) during the semester. The topics will be assigned later, and you will write a rough draft (ébauche) for both of them. Your final composition grade will depend upon the quality of both drafts.

Due dates: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date for which they are assigned or as posted on the Supersite. I do not accept late assignments and the date-sensitive exercises on the website will not permit you to “turn in” work after the due date.

Grading Policy

Grades will be based on the following:

Participation en classe 10%
Devoirs 10%
Compositions 15%
Interrogations (4 sur 5) 35%
Examen oral 10%
Examen final 20%

Course Resources

Course Website(s)

·  Canvas

Required Course Text

·  Promenades, 2nd Edition, by Mitchell, ©2014 Vista Higher Learning, ISBN 1-61857-662-3

Course Fees

Lab/Course Fee: $45.00

Grading Scheme

Grading System
Letter Grade / Percentage / Grade points/credit / Rating
A / 93% & above / 4.00 / Excellent
AB / 87% – 92% / 3.50 / Very good
B / 82% – 86% / 3.00 / Good
BC / 76% – 81% / 2.50 / Above average
C / 70% – 75% / 2.00 / Average
CD / 65% – 69% / 1.50 / Below average
D / 60% - 64% / 1.00 / Inferior
F / 59% and below / 0.00 / Failure
I / Incomplete; given only when a student is unable to complete a segment of the course because of circumstances beyond the student’s control.
X / Conditional, with no grade points per credit; given only when the student is at fault in failing to complete a minor segment of a course, but in the judgment of the instructor does not need to repeat the course. It must be made up by the close of the next semester or the grade becomes a failure (F). A (X) grade is computed into the grade point average as a (F) grade.

Course Policies

Attendance Policy:

Absences will be excused for:

·  a serious personal illness (reported before or during the class period)

·  a death in the family or an illness in the family which requires the student to return home

·  the observance of a religious holiday (information presented in writing to the instructor at the beginning of the semester)

·  participation in a University-sponsored varsity sports event (event information presented in writing to the instructor at the beginning of the semester)

·  Students whose extenuating circumstances require special attendance accommodations in all courses should ask their Association Dean to provide this information to all of their instructors.

Please Note:

·  Multiple absences, even if excused, inevitably lower the student's grade, since so much practice takes place in class.

·  Students should treat any absences from classes as they would any missed appointment or absence from a job. Contact (or have a friend contact) the instructor before class — not after the absence has occurred.

·  Tardiness will lower the participation grade, so please be on time!


The most crucial task in learning a foreign language is that you practice speaking, reading and writing every day. Most elementary French courses at MTU meet for 50 minutes three days a week; therefore, it is extremely important that you attend class every day. Your participation grade will include attendance, of course, but will also reflect your performance in a number of activities, including:

·  Speaking French whenever possible!

·  Quality and quantity of French used in class activities

·  Role-plays, skits & small-group work

·  Announced "vérifications" (quizzes)

·  In-class activities such as writing or games

·  Oral presentations (individual and group)

·  Attention to and constructive interaction with others students and the instructor

·  Overall contribution to the fostering of a positive classroom dynamic

·  Your instructor will regularly attribute a grade based on your performance in class.

Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules

Cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, PDAs, or any other electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom. Information exchanges on these devices during class are also prohibited and violate the Academic Integrity Code of Michigan Tech.

University Policies

·  Texts and reference materials should be used to prepare homework and compositions.

·  Unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you may not receive help on assignments from anyone other than your instructor. This includes compositions.

·  You may not use online translators to prepare homework or compositions.

·  If you are unsure whether certain assistance (from a tutor, etc) is acceptable, please check with your instructor.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Michigan Tech has standard policies on academic misconduct and complies
with all federal and state laws and regulations regardingdiscrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information aboutreasonable accommodation for or equal access to education or services at MichiganTech, please call the Dean of Students Office, at(906) 487- 2212or go to

Course Schedule

Week 1

M 8/31 Course introduction

W 9/2 Unité 1

F 9/4 Unité 1

Week 2

M 9/7 Labor Day Recess

W 9/9 Unité 1

F 9/11 K-day Recess

Week 3

M 9/14 Unité 1

W 9/16 Unité 1

F 9/18 Interro 1

Week 4

M 9/21 Unité 2

W 9/23 Unité 2

F 9/25 Unité 2

Week 5

M 9/28 Unité 2

W 9/30 Unité 2

F 10/2 Interro 2

Week 6

M 10/5 Unité 3

W 10/7 Unité 3

F 10/9 Unité 3

Week 7

M 10/12 Unité 3

W 10/14 Unité 3

F 10/16 Interro 3

Week 8

M 10/19 FILM

W 10/21 FILM

F 10/23 FILM

Week 9

M 10/26 Unité 4 / Ebauche 1

W 10/28 Unité 4

F 10/30 Unité 4

Week 10

M 11/2 Unité 4 / Rédaction 1

W 11/4 Unité 4

F 11/6 Interro 4

Week 11

M 11/9 Unité 5

W 11/11 Unité 5

F 11/13 Unité 5

Week 12

M 11/16 Unité 5/ Ebauche 2

W 11/18 Unité 5

F 11/20 Interro 5 (online)

*Thanksgiving recess begins at 10:00pm


Week 13

M 11/30 Unité 6 / Rédaction 2

*Classes Resume

W 12/2 Unité 6

F 12/4 Unité 6

Week 14

M 12/7 Oral Exams

W 12/9 Oral Exams

F 12/11 Final Exam