MacEwan University
Precalculus Mathematics
Math 099(AS40)
Fall 2013
Instructor:Sunil Barran
Websites:Blackboard Learn
Office Hours:MWR: 11-12, T: 1-2, in 5-107B
T: 11-12, in 5-206 (Help Centre)
Lecture Time: TR:9:30-11
Lecture Room:5-259
Course Hours:Lecture 45 Lab 0 Seminar 0
Course Description: This course reviews and extends the mathematical concepts needed to be successful in university level calculus. Topics include graphing, equations of lines, inequalities, review of elementary algebra, functions, and trigonometry.
Course Objectives:To provide students with a solid foundation in basic algebra, functions and graphing, and trigonometry, and to prepare students for success in Math 113 or equivalent
Course Prerequisite:Math 30-1 or Math 30-2
The Faculty of Arts and Science strictly adheres to the notion of prerequisites, and University staff conduct prerequisite checks throughout the term. If it is discovered that you do not have the appropriate prerequisite for this course, you will be withdrawn by the Registrar’s Office. Deciding to remain in the course without the prerequisite may result in a significant financial penalty because you will be responsible for any tuition costs associated with the course up to the date of the withdrawal. Courses transferred to MacEwan University from another post-secondary institution will not be applied to your student record until a transfer credit assessment has been completed. If you believe you have the proper external prerequisite please consult with an advisor in the program office (6-211).
Course Co-requisite:none
Required Learning Materials:MATH 099 Grant MacEwan University
Other Learning Resources:Blackboard site
Logging in to Blackboardfor Students:
- In the address bar of your Web browser, type and press Enter.
- Login to myMacEwan.cawith your MacEwan network user ID and password.
- Click on “Distance and Online Learning” tab
Note: Your initial password has been determined for you and is printed on your course registration sheet. Most often the id’s are assigned as Last name and first initial. With the first letter of your last name and first initial being capitalized. For example:
First Name: JackLast Name: Henry
Student Number: 1234567 / User Id: HenryJ
Password: 1234567 / If you do not know your MacEwan Network ID or password please contact the CNS HelpDesk at 497-4357, or visit them in person in room 7-306.
Seminars, Assignments and/or Reports: :There will be 9 assignments; please see “Assignments” below for more information.
Grade Evaluation:
Term Exams (20% each) / 40%Final Exam / 40%
Assignments / 10%
Quizzes (5% each) / 10%
Total / 100%
Examination Dates:
Quiz 1: Thursday, September 12, in class
Quiz 2: Thursday, November 14, in class
Term examination 1: Thursday, October 3, in class
Term examination 2: Thursday, November 7, in class
Final Examination*: Thursday, December 12, 9-11, in GYM. This is a 2 hour exam.
*Students are responsible for verifying the date of the final exam (see here).
Format of Examinations: written, closed book, no calculators
Final Grade:
Score / 95-100 / 90-
94 / 85-89 / 80-
84 / 75-
79 / 70-
74 / 65-
69 / 60-
64 / 55-
59 / 50-54 / 45-
49 / 0-
Final Grade / A+ / A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / F
Please Note:
- Official final grades can be accessed through myStudentSystem. MacEwan University adheres to the Alberta Common Grading Scheme, which is a letter grade system. While instructors may use percentages to aid in their grade development, only the letter grade will appear on transcripts.
- A minimum grade of C- is required to receive transfer credit or to satisfy a prerequisite for a higher level course.
- Note that a minimum grade of 40% is required on the final exam in order to obtain a grade of C- or better.
Student Responsibilities:
Students are expected to be aware of their academic responsibilities as outlined in MacEwan University Policy E3101: Student Rights and Responsibilities (found here).
- Academic Integrity: All forms of student dishonesty are considered unacceptable. MacEwan University Policy C1000: Academic Integrity (found here) promotes honesty, fairness, respect, trust, and responsibility in all academic work. According to the policy, “Academic dishonesty involves participating in acts by which a person fraudulently gains or intentionally attempts to gain an unfair academic advantage thereby compromising the integrity of the academic process”. All incidents of academic dishonesty are reported and recorded by the Academic Integrity Office. The penalties and sanctions for academic dishonesty can include the following: a mark reduction up to zero on a piece of academic work, a grade reduction up to an F in the course, and suspension or expulsion (with transcript notation) from the University. Please see the academic integrity policy for more details. You are responsible for understanding what constitutes academic dishonesty.
- Registration Status: You are responsible for your registration status at the University. Program advisors (Rm 6-211) may assist you with the process of registration, including adding or dropping of courses, but it is your responsibility to verify that these changes have been officially completed. This verification can be done at any time using myStudentSystem. You should check your official registration status before the last date to officially withdraw from the course.
- Withdrawing From The Course: If you stop attending class you must complete a Course Drop Form, have it signed by a Program Advisor (Rm 6-211), and submit it to the Registrar’s Office by the last day to withdraw as provided in the Academic Schedule in the Academic Calendar. Failure to officially withdraw will result in a grade being assigned based on course work completed. Late withdrawals are only allowed in exceptional circumstances.
- Attendance and Punctuality:For good grades you need to attend the class!
- Exams: Your student photo I.D. is required at exams. It is at the discretion of the instructor whether you will be allowed to write the exam if you arrive over 15 minutes after the exam has begun. You must remain in the exam room for at least 20 minutes from the time it commenced. Only calculators approved for use by the instructor may be used during examinations, which include any laboratory and lecture quizzes. Any devices capable of external communication, such as cell phones, iPods and blue tooth enabled devices, cannot be used for exams of any type. Permission to use the washroom during exams is at the discretion of the instructor and may require accompaniment.
- Missed Term Exams: If you miss a term examination you must provide the instructor with an explanation within 24 hours or a mark of zero may be given. Notification may be provided through email, voice mail, or direct contact with the instructor. Official documentation as to why the examination was missed will be needed to assess whether your absence will be excused or not. If your absence is excused the weight of this examination will be added to the weight of the final examination in the course. Medical excuses must include the date you were examined, the specific dates for the period of the illness, a clear statement indicating that the severity of the illness prevented you from attending school or work, and the signature of the examining physician (a signature by office staff on behalf of the physician is not acceptable). Medical notes obtained subsequent to the date of the examination are generally not accepted. A mark of zero will be given if the instructor considers the excuse inappropriate or inadequately substantiated.
- Deferred Final Exam: A deferred examination will be granted if a student misses the final lecture examination for reasons considered by the Bachelor of Science Program to be unavoidable (deferred examinations do not apply to term or laboratory examinations). An application for a deferred examination must be provided to the Bachelor of Science Program no later than two business days after the date of the missed final examination. Application forms are available from the individual departments within the Bachelor of Science Program (see CristinaVocaturoinRoom 5-107), and must be submitted with appropriate documentation. Students should advise the instructor prior to the examination if they know beforehand that they will be unable to attend the scheduled examination time. Deferred examinations are granted by the Chair, Bachelor of Science Program, not by the course instructor. If you have any questions about the process please contact Program Services (780 497 4520 or ) or CristinaVocaturo, 780 497 5786, . For further information please refer to MacEwanUniversity Policy C2005: Final Assessment (found here) and Policy C2020: Grading (found here). Note that C2005 states: only a compelling situation such as serious illness, hospitalization, domestic affliction or religious observance will be considered a valid reason for a student to receive approval for deferral of a final assessment activity and personal vacations are not a sufficient reason.
- Assignments: All assignments are to be handed in to the instructor on their due dates. As due dates for assignments are known well in advance, medical and other excuses are generally not accepted as a reason for submitting late assignments.
- Cell Phones: All cell phones are to be turned off during class and exam periods(except under exceptional circumstances in which approval has been given by the instructor).
- Students With Disabilities: Students with disabilities who may have special requirements in this course are advised to discuss their needs with Services to Students with Disabilities located in the Student Resource Centre. You should advise the course instructor(s) of any special needs that are identified. See Policy E3400 Students with Disabilities (found here).
- Student Appeals: The University has a policy regarding Student Appeals (E3103, found here). You should access this policy to become aware of the deadlines and guidelines that need to be followed if you are appealing a grade or other University assessment.
- Email: All students are given a <name> email address. This email address is available to the course instructor who may distribute relevant course information or announcements via email. The Bachelor of Science Program regularly communicates with students via email. Check your email regularly or forward it to an email address you check regularly. If you use email to communicate with your instructor, you must use your account. This is to protect your privacy; if a account is used, there is no way for an instructor to verify the identity of the sender.
Disclaimer: The information in this course outline is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class or, if applicable, in the laboratory.
Schedule and assignments
Week / Topics / Assignment Problems / Assignment due in classWeek 1:Sept 3-6 / 1.1-1.3 / The problems listed will be collected for marking: They are not enough to learn the material!!
Week 2:Sept 9-13 / 1.3-1.5 / 1.1:28,30,42,64,76
1.2:12,24,38,50,68 / Week 2:Sept 12
Week 3:Sept 16-20 / 1.6-1.8 / 1.3: 22,36,124
1.5:14,24,46,70 / Week 3:Sept 19
Week 4:Sept 23-27 / 1.10,2.1 / 1.6:22,28,38
1.8:16,36,46,96 / Week 4: 26
Week 5:Sept 30-Oct 4 / 2.2 midterm 1
Week 6:Oct 8-11 / 2.3-2.5 / 1.10:10,26,34
2.2:40,46,52, 76 / Week 6:Oct 10
Week 7: Oct 14-18 / 2.6-2.7,3.1 / 2.3:22,34,36
2.5: 22,30,46,80 / Week 7: Oct 17
Week 8: Oct 21-25 / 3.1,3.3-3.4 / 2.6: 12,16,50
3.1:20,40,46,54 / Week 8: Oct 24
Week 9: Oct 28-Nov 1 / 3.4 midterm 2
Week 10: Nov 4-8 / 6.1-6.3 / 3.3:10,22,34,54,60
3.4:16,18,20,24,34 / Week 10: Nov 7
Week 11: Nov 12-15 / 5.3-5.4,7.1 / 6.1:20,44,62
6.3:24,30,36,48 / Week 11: Nov 14
Week 12: Nov 18-22 / 7.1-7.3 / 5.3:16,36,46
7.1:16,28,44,64 / Week 12: Nov21
Week 13: Nov 25-29 / 7.4-7.5
Week 14: Dec 2-3 / Review / 7.2:8,20,24,40
7.4:16,42 and 7.5:12,44 / Week 14: Dec 3