Knowledge test a step closer

The new taxi Knowledge test is a step closer, with the Taxi Services Commission today announcing Genix has been selected to deliver the Knowledge test to taxi and hire car drivers in metro Melbourne.

The Knowledge, part of the Victorian Government’s taxi and hire car reform agenda, will form part of the accreditation process for those entering and renewing their accreditation as a taxi or hire car driver.

Graeme Samuel, Chair of the Taxi Services Commission, said the response to the tender had been strong, but Genix represented a superior proposal that demonstrated the ability to implement the robust test that will beup and running and apply to drivers from 1 July 2014.

“The Knowledge test is the cornerstone of the taxi and hire car reforms and we are pleased to be working with such a reputable supplier.

“Genix is an independent supplier who will be responsible for assessing drivers across the four key areas - general assessment, geographical knowledge, driver skills and wheelchair accessible taxis.

“The test will set the standard for drivers now and into the future, so the TSC will work closely with Genix in working out how and where the test will be delivered to taxi and hire car drivers applying and renewing accreditation from 1 July onwards.

Under the reforms, all new metropolitan and urban taxi drivers, and metropolitan hire car drivers, will have to undertake the Knowledge test as part of the accreditation requirements after 1 July 2014.

Each module of the Knowledge test will cost $66, meaning that a taxi driver completing the minimum three modules to drive a conventional taxi would be paying $198, while those wishing to drive a WAT vehicle will be required to do an additional module.

“While the Knowledge test will assess drivers across a number of competencies, it does not replace the training that a registered training organisation can provide,” Mr Samuel said.

“While not compulsory, we would encourage all drivers to undergo training before attempting to sit the test.”

The Knowledge test will apply to both taxi and hire car drivers, with the aim of lifting standards across the industry.

“We know that passengers experience all types of frustrations when travelling in taxis, and driver’s geographical knowledge and customer service represent some of the biggest concerns.

“To address this, existing taxi and hire car drivers in the metropolitan and urban zones that have been accredited for less than five years will need to have passed relevant parts of the Knowledge before they are renewed.

The TSC will be communicating with the industry over the coming months on the further roll out of the Knowledge.

For more information on the Knowledge test visit the TSC website

For more information contact:

JamieCollins,Manager Communications

0419 348 467

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