Mr. Martin is a partner atRMA Consulting – Securitization Process Advisers.

Among other positions, he joined BancoHipotecarioNacional in 1995. Actively participated in the bank restructuring process that led to its transformation into a private owned company Involved in the creation, implementation and set up of BACS Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A., financial institution controlled by BancoHipotecario and the IFC, where he served as the CFO.

His main professional activities have been:

  • Advisory on standardization of Mortgage Loan Origination Procedures in ElSalvador, as part of a program sponsored by the IDB for the development of aSecondary Mortgage Market.
  • Researcher in ‘Basel II: Adoption and Adaptation in Latin America: Case of study El Salvador’, for IDB Research Department.
  • First international "investment grade" securitization based on assets (residential mortgages) located in Argentina.
  • First securitization to be internationally rated as “A” through the implementation of highly sophisticated structuring (residential mortgages).
  • Creation, implementation and setup of BACS, Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A., a secondary mortgage bank, originated by BancoHipotecario and International Finance Corporation Banco Mundial with the objective of developing a secondary mortgage market in Argentina.
  • First operation to be locally rated as raAAA after the 2001 Argentina´s 2001 economic crisis (residential mortgages).
  • Implementation of Credit Lines provided by Multi and Bilateral Financial Organizations through the utilization of guarantee trusts.
  • Advisory on over the first mortgage-backed securitization in Ecuador.
  • Advisory to Banco Pichincha (Ecuador) on the improvement of Origination and Servicing processes for Consumer and Mortgage loans, as a first step in the Securitization of those types of loans.
  • Advisory to Corporación de Desarrollo de Mercado Secundario de Hipotecas CTH (Ecuador) on Risk management in Mortgage Securitization Processes in the Ecuadorian market.
  • Efficient integration and development of the processes involved in selecting credit portfolios, re-packaging, and issuing mortgage-backed securities.
  • Launching the BancoHipotecario S.A. as a retail institution.
  • Active participation in BancoHipotecarioNacional (I.P.O) privatization process (IPO).
  • Truly innovative structure design successfully applied to the securitization of consumer credit loans, credit card receivables, foreign trade, and agricultural credit.
  • Implementation of BancoHipotecario S.A. Negotiable Obligation Bond Issuance Program.
  • Creation, implementation and setup of an Origination and Servicing unit, including allDelinquency Recovery Processes for BACS (Banco de Crédito y SecuritizaciónS.A.), financial institution controlled by BancoHipotecario and the IFC.
  • Due Diligence and Pricing evaluation of Non-performing loans on an acquisition process analysis for Deutsche Bank.
  • Pre-feasibility analysis for a Credit Card receivables Securitization for Diners Club International (Ecuador).

Mr Martin is aCPA graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires

Av. Santa Fe 1480 – Piso 5 – Of. “D”

C1060ABN – Buenos Aires – Argentina

(5411) 4813-4910 (Office)


45 years old