AUGUST 19, 2014

The Board of Beadle County Commissioners met Tuesday, August 19, 2014 pursuant to adjournment of July 31, 2014 with the following members present: Chair Mattke, Vice Chair Benson, Hansen, Drake and Marcus.

The minutes of July 31, 2014 were approved with no additions or changes.

Moved by Drake, seconded by Benson, motion carried to approve the agenda with the following amendments: add approve Bills and remove 3:30 p.m. appointment with Mr. Bruce Dudley.

At 9:00 a.m., Chair Mattke declared time for Bid for 2015 Motor Grader and the Notice to bidders was read with the following bid received:

Butler Machinery Company, Huron SD

2015 Caterpillar 140M3AWDB Motor Grader $279,799.00

Moved by Drake, seconded by Hansen, motion carried to approve the bid from Butler Machinery in the amount of $279,799.00 for a 2015 Caterpillar 140MAWDB.

The Board recognized the normal in-kind work that was done for the South Dakota State Fair Grounds including but not limited to spraying done by Beadle County Weed Board and the annual dirt work prepping before and clean up after of the Red Wilk Construction CBR Bull Bash.

Moved by Marcus, seconded by Benson, motion carried to go into Executive Session at 9:35 a.m. for personnel pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Chair Mattke declared Executive Session over at 9:50 a.m.

Moved by Marcus, seconded by Benson, motion carried to declare miscellaneous scrap as surplus and sell to Barti Metal for $26.00.

Moved by Drake, seconded by Hansen, motion carried to approve the Fuel Quotes for #2 Premium Dyed Fuel as presented by Merl Hanson, Beadle County Highway Superintendent and award the bid to Farmers Alliance as being in the best interest of the County:

Farmers Alliance $3.07

North Central $3.122

Raymond Oil $3.079

M.G. Oil Company No Response

Harms Oil $3.0965

At 10:00 a.m., the Board Convened as Board of Adjustment

At 11:00 a.m., the Board Re-Convened as Board of County Commissioners

Moved by Benson, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to approve the following bills:

Name Description Amount

City of Huron Aug Rent for 333 9th St 477.75

Farmers Alliance Diesel – shop 22,104.00

Century Link utilities 600.99

SD Div of Criminal Investigation Background Check 24.00

The Lodge at Deadwood DOE SDAAO Conference 20.00

PMB utilities 99.65

Beadle County Highway work for other offices 3,526.29

Santel utilities 99.90

Mid-Dakota Rural Water utilities 56.75

Dakota Energy utilities 287.71

Matt Micheel speaker system 1,500.00

SD Dept of Public Safety SD Homeland Security Conf. 75.00

State Treasurer Care of Indigents 3,299.48

Dan Nelson travel 1,425.76

TOTAL 33,597.28

Moved by Marcus, seconded by Drake, motion carried to adopt the following resolution:



WHEREAS, unanticipated reimbursements were received from the State of South Dakota Department of Public Safety Office of Homeland Security for US Department of Homeland Security 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program. The following items will be reimbursed for monies expended in the 2014 Budget.

226.222.429.04 Emerg Mgmt Cert $2,073.70

226.222.429.04 Emerg Mgmt Cert 570.60

226.222.429.04 Emerg Mgmt Cert 583.91

TOTAL $3,228.21

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Beadle County Commissioners do hereby propose, make and move for adoption of this Grant Supplemental Budget in the items set forth above.

Moved by Benson, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to approve Beadle County Jail Administrator hiring Ben Artman as part-time jailor at the rate of $18.00 per hour effective September 3, 2014 pending background check and employment physical.

Moved by Marcus, seconded by Benson, motion carried to approve E-911 Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Huron.

The board adjourned to meet next on Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 9:00 a.m..


Larry Mattke, Chair of the Board


Jill Hanson, Beadle County Auditor

**Minutes are also available online at the Beadle County webpage

Published once at the total cost of $______