Mr. Jason BruverisSpanish II
Chippewa Valley HS
(586) 723-2643Fall 2011
Room 243
Classroom Rules
1. Don’t talk while another person is talking.
2. Participate 100% each day!
3. Be respectful of your classmates, teacher, and yourself at all times.
Required Materials
- En EspañolTextbook
- Spiral Notebook
- Folder or Binder
- One pack of 500 index cards (for vocabulary practice)
- Pens and Pencils
- 1 Standard Color Dry Erase Marker
***All of these materials must be brought to class each day!
***I strongly recommend that you buy a Spanish/English dictionary for class. It will greatly help you as an extra resource. Bring it with you to class daily!
Discipline Procedure
1. You will receive a verbal warning from me.
2. I will call your home and speak with your parent or guardian.
3. You will get a discipline referral to the appropriate assistant principal.
Grading Scale
A 93-100A- 90-92
B+ 87-89B 83-86B- 80-82
C+ 77-79C 73-76C- 70-72
D+ 67-69D 63-66D- 60-62
F 0-59
NOTE: Grades will are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Grade Composition
Semester:40% 1st Marking Period Grade
40% 2nd Marking Period Grade
20% Semester Exam
Marking Period:35% Chapter Exams
30% Quizzes
15% Projects and Presentations
15% Homework
5% Class Participation
Chapter Exams (35%)
You will have approximately 3 chapter exams per marking period. Each exam will cover material from your textbook as well as other material covered in class. You will know at least five school days in advance when an exam will be. You always have the opportunity to review with me after or before school before an exam if you need extra practice.
Quizzes (30%)
You will have a variety of quizzes that will test knowledge of vocabulary, speaking aptitude, and grammatical structures. You will know at least two days in advance of a scheduled quiz. You will have about 2-3 quizzes per chapter, usually one vocabulary quiz and at least one grammar quiz.
Projects and Presentations (15%)
As Spanish II students, you will create a wide variety of projects to present and perform that include written work, cultural study, dialogues and internet activities. The difficulty of activities will increase as the year progresses and your aptitude improves.
Homework (15%)
You will receive homework about four days per week. Some assignments will be checked at your desk, and others will be turned in to me. Most assignments will take no longer than 20 minutes, but we will focus on practicing Spanish every day. The best way to learn a language is to practice it daily!
Class Participation (5%)
You will receive a one-time class participation grade at the end of the marking period that assesses your frequency and quality of participation in class as well as your preparation for class. A copy of my participation grade criteria has been included. You will grade yourself first, and then I will alter your grade based on my own evaluation.
YOU MUST BRING ALL OF YOUR MATERIALS WITH YOU EVERY DAY! If you do not, you will lose easy points towards your class participation grade.
Absences and Tardiness Policies
Attendance in Spanish class is absolutely vital to your success. I expect you to be in class every day. If you have an excused absence on the day of a test or quiz, you will take the quiz or test during class or during tutoring time. If you know you will be absent, then you may take the test or quiz early as well if it is ready.
If you have an excused absence the day before a test or scheduled quiz, you MUST take the test or quiz as scheduled.
Arriving to class in a timely fashion is expected in my class. You must be in the room with all of your materials when the bell rings to be considered on time.
- The CVHS tardy policy will be followed in this class. Excessive tardiness will result in detention.
Late Homework
I DO NOT accept late homework. If you miss class for an excused reason, you have as many days to turn in your work as you missed to make it up. YOUR MISSED WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
- If you miss Tuesday and I assign work due Wednesday, you must turn it in on Thursday to receive credit.
- If you miss Monday and Tuesday, and return Wednesday, your assignments are due on Friday.
- However, if an assignment is due on a day you miss, it is due the day your return.
Although late homework is not accepted, you will receive two late homework slips per semester that allow you to turn in an assignment late. These are only good for everyday homework, not projects or final exam reviews.
Academic Integrity
Incidences of academic fraud will be dealt with in accordance with the CVHS Student Code of Conduct. Consult your handbook for further explanations. The use of online translation software is strictly forbidden. Don’t use it.
Unauthorized Items
Food and drinks of any kind other than water are not allowed in my room. Music equipment and cell phones must be stored away in your personal items during class. If you use them or have them out, they will be taken away.
Class Procedures in Spanish II
1. What should I do when I enter class?
A. Make sure that you have all class materials ready for the period.
B. Have last night’s homework out on your desk for me to check or turn in.
C. Start your “Para empezar” activity on the board on your warmup sheet or complete another activity if applicable.
2. What do I do if I am absent?
Ask a classmate what you missed from the day before. He or she will direct you to any materials needed on the student table. If you have questions, please feel free to ask after class is over.
3. What goes on every assignment?
Most homework assignments are worth ten points. Each assignment you turn in should have your name, class period and the due date in the upper right hand corner. The due date should be written in Spanish. Also, papers with frayed edges will not receive full credit.
4. What do I do after I finish a test or quiz?
You should remain quiet until everyone has finished. Most of the time, you will get your new vocabulary list for the next etapa. When that is finished, you can start on your work menu for the next etapa or complete work from another class. You may NOT use your cell phone or music player at that time!
5. What should I do at the end of the period?
We will be working bell-to-bell in Spanish II this year. In the event that we finish class early, you are to remain in your seat until the bell rings. Do not pack up your things and stand by the door.
6. Where can I find classroom assignments?
Visit my blog at will feature useful links and homework assignments on a daily basis.
Chippewa Valley HSSeñor Bruveris
Español Dos Hoja de participación en clase
Fill in the chart with your honest opinion of your participation in class this marking period. I may lower it or raise it depending on what I think, but I truly value your insight on this.
Name: ______
Frequency of participation in class / 10I voluntarily participate multiple times on a daily basis. / 9
I voluntarily participate about once a day in class discussion. / 8
I occasionally volunteer to participate (not on a daily basis). I am sometimes on task. / 7
I participate when called to do so. I rarely volunteer. I am often not on task. / 6
I participate ONLY when called upon to do so. I am rarely on task.
Preparation for Class / 10
I always have all materials necessary for class, including completed homework. I am always ready to work when the bell rings. / 9
I occasionally forget materials and/or homework. I am usually ready to work when the bell rings. / 8
I usually forget some necessary materials and occasionally complete homework. I am sometimes not ready to work when the bell rings. / 7
I occasionally will come to class prepared, though most of the time I am unprepared. I am often not ready to work when the bell rings. / 6
I never have the necessary materials for class. I do not do homework. I am rarely ready to work when the bell rings.
***You may grade yourself a different number in between the others. For example, you can give yourself a “9” for Preparation for Class.
***Please write comments and explain why you think you deserve the grade that you have given yourself. I value your insight very much.
Student Total: ______/ 20Mr. Bruveris’ Total: ______/ 20
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jason Bruveris, your child’s Spanish II teacher for Fall 2011. I am very excited for this year at Chippewa, and I am sure that you and your son or daughter is ready for another year of learning.
Your child is about to begin a challenging but rewarding experience this year in Spanish II. They will learn how to communicate in Spanish on a daily basis and also gain excellent grammatical skills. Cultural study will also be a significant part of our class. I am confident that it will be a terrific year.
I cannot emphasize enough the role that you can play in your child’s learning Spanish. Please review our class syllabus with your child and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing you at Parent Night on Wednesday, September 22nd.
The following web sites are very useful for extra Spanish practice online.
(Our textbook website)
Please feel free to contact me concerning your child’s progress and behavior in class. I want all of my students to succeed in Spanish, and by working together I know that we can achieve our goals. You can reach me by email or telephone, and I will respond as soon as I can.
Jason Bruveris
(586) 723-2643
I concur that I have read and understand the rules and expectations in Mr. Bruveris’ Spanish class this year including all classroom rules, procedures and behavior expectations.
Student’s NameDate
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature and E-Mail