Emergency Radio Communications

Sacramento Bishops Storehouse District

General Information – April4, 2009

Net Managers

HF Net: Roger H 408-867-0399


VHF/UHF Nets: Dennis 209-744-8240

Radio Net Information

HF ERC Sacramento Net every Saturday at 7:45am PT/PDT3.878 MHz LSB

VHF ERC Net every Saturday at 8:00am PT/PDT (Local Sacramento net)146.910 MHz PL 100

Alternate HF Frequencies

When moving to an alternate frequency we will move up in 0.002MHz jumps starting with 3.880 MHz and ending at 3.888MHz.

Other Nets

75 Meter3990 Hz LSBSaturday6:15am PT/PDTAR/NV/NM Mercury Net

75 Meter3878 Hz LSBSaturday7:30am PT/PDTUtah ERC Net

40 Meter7178 Hz LSBSaturday7:00am PT/ 8:00am PDT (15:00 Zulu)Mercury Western Net

2 Meters147.285 MHz PL103.5 SAT8:30am PT/PDTMARA South Bay Net



0100 UTC1700 PST – 1800 PDT14.244 MHz USB

0145 UTC1745 PST – 1845 PDT 7.177 MHz CW

0200 UTC1800 PST – 1900 PDT 7.280 MHz LSB

0230 UTC1830 PST – 1930 PDT VoIP – 9259 (Channel 9 of the Western Repeater)

0245 UTC1845 PST – 1945 PDT 3.575 MHz CW

0300 UTC1900 PST – 2000 PDT 3.878 MHz LSB

ERC Net Preamble

Good morning. This is the ERC net for the Northern California / Western Nevada Bishops Store house region conducted every week at this time. Your net control today is ______(net control id).

This is a directed net. All stations should refrain from transmitting unless called upon. If there are any stations with emergency traffic they can break at any time. Is there any emergency traffic?

The purpose for this net is to provide training and to verify communications capabilities of ERC specialists.

The roll will be called in order. Please acknowledge when called upon and indicate if you have any announcements or business for the net. The announcements or business will be handled after completing the role call.

After net business is completed the net will be opened to visiting stations that wish to identify. After acknowledging visitors the net will be formally closed.

The roll call follows, please answer when called:

(Acknowledge each station that checks in. Record in net log)

Net Postamble

Are there any late or missed member stations wishing to check in?

Are there any relays?

(Announcements and Business)

Are there any Visitors wishing to check in to the net? (Acknowledge and record in visitor log)

Hearing none, the ERC net is now closed. We thank all who have participated and look forward to our next net. The frequency is now returned to normal operations. This is ___ (net control id),clear.

ERC 75 Meter Net

Call sign

/ Operator / Storehouse District /




KG0AO / Jeanie Meyers / Folsom, CA /
AI6CC / Chris Capener / Saratoga, CA Stake / / 408 466 0333
N6CK / Greg Rauch / Ben Lomond, CA
Santa Cruz, CA Stake / / 831.336.5344
K6DLR / Donna Ranger / Pollock Pines, CA
El Dorado, CA Stake / / 530.644.5952
K6DSC / Dave Christensen / Danville / / 925.785.5999
K6GER / Jerry Ranger / Pollock Pines, CA
El Dorado, CA Stake / / 530.644.5952
AC7IP / Roger Rowland / Sparks, NV
WA6JCT / Wayne Haycock / Rescue, CA / / 530.676.2959
N6JKH / Jerry Haar / Lincoln, CA /
K6LDS / Walley Jukes / Latrobe, CA / H 530.677.7827
C 530.919.9100
KC6LEW / Roger Smith / Santa Clara, CA
Saratoga, CA Stake / / H 408.867.0399
C 408.355.4569
KE6MFF / Dennis Bartholomew / Sacramento / / 916.383.7400
N6NNR / Cal Chamberlain / Red Bluff, CA
Anderson, CA Stake / / 530.529.4978
KI6OMA / Darrold Darling / Lincoln, CA
KC6OPX / Tom(Thomas) Low / Georgetown, CA
El Dorado, CA Stake / / 530.888.9168
N7OTX / Andy (Charles) Anderson / Hawthorn, NV / / 775.345.2025
KF6PQM / Warren Grandall / Quincy, CA / / 530.283.0478
K9RJ / Harris Leck / Alamo, CA /
AI6RW / Richard Wheeler /

San Jose

Saratoga, CA Stake / / 408.996.9460
N6SLV / Brad Burgon / Ben Lomond, CA
Santa Cruz, CA Stake /
W7TAP / Ray Maxwell / Reno, NV
BSH ECS Reno, NV /
/ H *82 775.324.0819
C *82 775.338.7728
KE6VGW / Tom Jones / Santa Rosa, CA / / 707.578.1762
W6XW / Dave Weller / Danville / / 925.984.3981
N6YBZ / Larry Hyde / Cameron Park, CA El Dorado, CA Stake
KS6Z / Kelley Shelley / Susanville, CA / / 530.251.52.42
K9ZY / Mark Engebretsen /

Galt, CA

/ / 209.251.9116
Utah ERC
K7BFI / George / Pleasant Grove, UT
WY7D / Warren Davidson / Manti, UT
AF7JC / Joe Chenworth / Heber, UT
N7NKK / Dave Harris / Panguitch, UT
N7RU / Ron Lewis / South Jordan, UT