Ali Jennifer

12/20/11 "Copyright (c) 2011 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author."

Script: Just Moody T.V Pitch

(Moody and best guy friend Rell walk into school)

Moody: I wonder what day awaits me today. I hope its better than yesterday.

Rell: Its all in how you perceive things. Yesterday may have seemed like the worst day in the world, but you were looking at it all wrong.

Moody: Okay and how do I perceive falling in a puddle after getting dumped a good thing?

Rell: You had that ketchup stain on your shirt right? All clean now huh?

Moody: *gives death stare* I AM NOT AMUSED.

Rell: Hey I’m sorry, just trying to be the supportive best friend.

Moody: You’re being about as supportive as a bra made of toilet paper. All I know is david doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.

Rell: Well you did lie to him about where you were last weekend…

Moody: I HAD to. I was planning his surprise party at fuego, that new teen club. I didn’t know his friends were going there…

Rell: Sooo just explain to him what you were doing.

Moody: He won’t believe me he’s always so skeptical.

Rell: Its okay, forget him. Me and heather are going to see a movie tonight wanna come?

Moody: Ehh rather not be the third wheel thanks though. Have fun.

Rell: haha okay if that’s the way you feel. See you later.

(They hug and he walks away)

(David walks by holding hands with another girl)

Moody: Wow that was quick!

(David ignores her and they keep walking)

(Tiffany, Moody’s best girl friend approaches)

Tiffany: Hey girl, I heard what happened with you and David, and I got you.

Moody: And how do you ‘got me’ this rarely ends well.

Tiffany: oh hush. I meann I was a talking to a cutie whos into you.

Moody: Hmm…keep talking but lets walk and talk, I’m gonna be late for Mr. Kelly’s class.

Tiffany: Alright, his name is Nate. I think he might be a new kid, wait there he is in the flannel shirt…go say hi.(Tiffany pushes Moody in his direction)

(Moody cautiously approaches Nate.)

Moody: Hey,  I’m moody how are ya?

Nate: Hey I’m Nate. I’m alright, just no plans for tonight…. :)

Moody: Wanna hang out with my friend Rell and His girlfriend Heather? There seeing a movie…maybe we can go bowling afterward or something.

Nate: That sounds chill. (Writes number on her hand) Hit me up with the details.

Moody: Awesome. I’ll call you.

Tiffany: Ahh should I be hosting the love connection or whatt?

Moody: We’ll see how well this date goes.

(At the movies)

Moody: Popcorn?

Nate: Ohh thanks!

( At the Bowling Alley)

Nate: Don’t try to cheat I see you trying to create wind to move the ball.

Moody: Hahaha I don’t need to cheat I just have natural skills boy.

(After the date the next day at school)

Tiffany: How’d the date go?

Moody: It was actually amazing. Nate is really cool. Thanks for the hook up.

Tiffany: Aww yay no problem girl! Glad you enjoyed yourself! 

Moody: Wait why is my ex coming over here? What was his name Dylan, Dustin, Davon?

Tiffany: haha I think it was Daniel or something like that.

David: So I heard you and Nate went out last night?

Moody: I mean yeah we did…why do you ask?

David: Listen, moody, I think I made a mistake, breaking up with you. After I heard you guys went out…I realized I still have feelings for you.

Moody: Oh so you got a little jealous? Maybe you should have considered that before you dumped me. You’re so pathetic. I’m not just a coat you can just put away and pick back up again when you wanna wear me. Yeah we had something special but its over now and I’ve moved on.

David: I know your much more than that babe, I’m sorry. I messed up and I just really miss you.

Moody: We’re done. This is a mistake you can’t fix.

(David walks away)

Tiffany: I’m proud of you for not letting him get to you.

Moody: I’m proud of myself too but theres one problem.

Tiffany: Whats that?

Moody: I think I may still have feelings for him too.

Tiffany: Let him go. You met an amazing new guy.

Moody: I know but its not that easy tiff, after you’ve been with someone for 2 years. When I’m with Nate, I’m into everything hes saying, but I get home and still have memories of David.

Tiffany: Your young, you can make new memories of amazing times with Nate.

Moody: Your right, I guess overtime I’ll get over him.

(Rell walks over with Heather)

Rell: What are we all talking about?

Tiffany: ehh girltalk you wouldn’t understand…

Heather: Tell me thennn!

Moody: It’s nothing…but I wanna know how you can bowl like that Heather, MAD SKILLS

Heather: Haha I have experience, wii bowling you know…

Rell: Pshh I kicked your butt in that too…girls, last night was beginners luck for this one (points at heather)

(Nate walks over)

Nate: Ayy whats happenin?

Moody: Talking about the AMAZING time we had last night.

Nate: How about we hang out again next weekend? Just you and me?

(The rest of the group smiles and looks at each other)

Moody: Absolutely I would love that. 

Nate: Tight, why is that kid glaring over here?

Moody: I have no idea, I don’t really know him.

(Nate and Moody walk out the double doors)

(The rest of the group starts conversing and follows them out the doors)