Class Rules


-Teacher, Classmates, Self

Such as showing courtesy to everyone: no hateful comments or rude gestures

Such as being responsible for your own actions: no blaming others

-If everyone fully respects everyone else, no other rules are needed, because true respect encompasses all.

For example, if you respect the teacher, you will not talk while she is talking.

For example, if you respect yourself, you will always want the best for yourself and therefore, you will always complete assignments to the best of your ability and turn them all in on time.

- In case some do not understand my logic behind respect, let’s outline a few more rules…

2)Be in your seat with all needed materials by the time the bell rings.

Will be considered late if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings.

3)Students can get out of your seats to: sharpen a pencil, throw something away, etc- as long as it is done in an orderly manner and not during class discussion or test-taking.

4)Obey all school rules such as no fighting, no foul language, no weapons, etc.


1)Verbal Warning

2)Written Warning - Detention

3)Call to Parents with student

4)Referral- Sent to office

*Teacher always has the right to skip levels of consequences due to the severity of the situation.

I believe that respect is an important and vital rule in every classroom. Within a high school context, there could be just one rule- respect. If it is explained adequately, then respect can encompass every behavioral problem / disruption that could occur within a classroom. For example, the rule “coming to class prepared everyday” is a part of respect. If the students respect the teacher as an educator and themselves as someone who needs to learn, they will be prepared for class each day. I will explain examples such as this to my students. As a teacher, I plan to have a big RESPECT sign hanging up in a key focus area of my classroom. Since it is suggest that we outline several rules, I expanded my rules to include other behavioral actions that I expect to see in my classroom. I think that petty things such as throwing something away should not interfere with classroom instruction and therefore, I expect my students to handle those situations quietly, respectfully, and on their own. Beyond that, as long as they are prepared for class each day and show respect to everyone, we will have a successful class day.



-You may only make up work if you have an excused absence.

-It is up to your to take care of missed work while absent. If you want to ask me about late work, do so before or after school/class.

-You have one day plus the number of days absent to turn in absent work.

-Turn all absent work into the absent folder.


-Throughout the year, you will get two warnings; after that, there are consequences.

-1st: Warning

-2nd: Warning

-3rd: Detention

-4th: Referral- Sent to office

3)Late Work

-Late work is not accepted without a penalty.

-1 day: 10% off final grade of work

-2 days: 20% off final grade of work

-3 days: 30% off final grade of work

-4 or more days: No longer accepted

4)Bathroom/ Locker Passes

-There is a pass book located next to my desk. You must sign it each time you want to leave the classroom during class.

-You get TWO passes per semester, so use them wisely.

-After two, you can choose to use one of your tardies or take a detention.


Grading Scale:

100-97: A+

96.9-94: A

93.9-90: A-

89.9-87: B+

86.9-84: B

83.9-80: B-

79.9-77: C+

76.9-74: C

73.9-70: C-

69.9-67: D+

66.9-64: D

63.9- 60: D-

59.9 & Below: F

Grades are weighted as followed:

Tests (4): 25%

Essays (2): 20%

Homework: 15%

Oral Presentation: 10%

Creative Project: 10%

Quizzes: 10%

Participation/ Attendance: 10%


1)Beginning of Class

-Be in class by the time the bell rings.

-Take out your journal and quietly begin bell work.

-Class will begin when teacher walks to the front of the room. If you have not finished your journal for the day by that time, it is your responsibility to finish it later.

2)Paper Headings

-Every paper turned in should follow this heading format:

  • NUMBER – Every student will have a given number for ease of grading purposes.
  • DATE

-Failure to provide a proper heading will be a one point deduction from assignment.

-This helps the teacher with organization and teaches students responsibility.

3)Attention Signal


-If the teacher ever turns the lights off and back on, this is the signal for immediate quiet.

-I love allowing group work, but only if it is controlled and respected.

-Failure to adhere to the light flicker will result in group work ban for at least one day.


-Teacher will dismiss the class.

-This is for safety reasons as well as to make sure that I have made all needed announcements.

-The teacher does have the ability to hold students or the entire class after the bell rings.

Miss BigJohny

11th Grade English: American Literature


Dear Parents and Guardians:

Hi, I am Miss BigJohny, your student’s English teacher for this school year. I am very excited to have your child in my classroom. I have some exciting things planned for the school year such as a multigenre project where students will be asked to be creative, think outside the box, and make an intriguing type of research project.

I am sending this letter as an introduction to myself, my class, and my expectations. As your children will be able to tell you, I like to have fun in the classroom as long as everyone is respectful- that is my number one rule. I plan to have a very successful year as we cover many different aspects of American literature. I plan to push my students to always do their best while also creating a classroom environment that is interactive and engaging.

I do not ask anything of my students that I do not think they can achieve, and I hope that they will receive the same, positive encouragement at home. Please read over the rules, procedures, and grading policies that are attached. I ask that you fill out the receipt portion of this letter, acknowledging that you and your child have read, understand, and agree with the rules, policies, and consequences. Your child’s first grade will be to turn in this paper by date . If youever have any questions or concerns, I would love for you to contact me.

I am available by phone or e-mail:



Miss BigJohny

Parent Name:______Child Name:______

Parent Signature:______Child Signature:______

Date: ______Date: ______

Parent Phone:______Best time to be reached: ______

Parent E-mail:______Which contact is preferred?______