CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence

Workshop on

Implementing Cost Reduction Successfully

18-19 July 2017


Implementing cost reduction plans has always been a tricky issue. Even the best plans may backfire if not implemented with tact and finesse. Inspite of its need and provenness, companies desist from implementing, fearing resistance from junior level and resentment from the higher level. They suffer silently and slip into oblivion.

Can this fear be overcome and Cost reduction plans implemented successfully? Take heart, it is possible after attending this workshop.


This workshop aims to provide a solution to this Implementation dilemma and equip the participants with the knowledge and skill to implement cost reduction measures at his workplace, home or society successfully.

Course Contents

Before setting out to implement cost reduction programmes, the Manager needs an answer to the following questions

1.  Why to implement cost reduction plans?

2.  Where to implement in my organisation?

3.  What is to be changed to bring unit costs down?

4.  What indirect actions influence the changes?

5.  How to effect the change?

6.  Is there any measure which can give feedback on my progress?

7.  How much has the effort reduced the unit cost?

8.  How can I minimize consumption or maximize utilisation?

9.  What can be done immediately?

10.  What actions obviate resistance?

The workshop answers the above questions and many more.


Interactive lectures with PPT, individual interaction, Group Exercises, live demos.

Target Audience

The senior and mid management (General Manager/ Project Manager / Factory Manager / Operation Manager/ Dept. heads / Entrepreneurs)


Ninan P Chandy

A Mechanical Engineer by qualification, Mr Chandy is also an MBA in Finance. He has over 29 years of vast industry experience. He has achieved success in turning around the fortunes of a manufacturing unit, increasing Profits by 550% (5.5 times) in 1 year, thanks to Cost Reduction, and sustaining it. This prompted him to leave a 21-year-old job in Saudi Arabia and start DeltaEta to spread the concept. Mr Chandy has experience of working in various roles in leading companies such as M/S Rathi Industrial Equipment Co., Pune, M/S Bharat Forge, Pune, M/S Indabrator, Bombay& M/S Al-Babtain Power & Telecom in SAUDI ARABIA.

Prakash Mirashi

A Civil Engineer by qualification, Mr Mirashi has over 35 years world -wide experience in various field inEPC environment.He has lead and handled international project marketing for leading power transmission companies at VP level. He has been instrumental in bagging multi- million dollar projects for country.Mr Mirashi was also instrumental in setting up an independent business and profit center for the largest business house of country. He has trained and formed a self-sustainable team of engineers and managers. He is presently a consultant and panel adviser of international advisory companies. He accepts social responsibility and actively pursue CSR projects.

DATES / SCHEDULE OF SESSIONS : 18 - 19 July 2017

18 July 2017 Registration - 9:15am to 9:30am

18 – 19 July 2017 Sessions - 9:30am to 5:30pm

Venue: CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Excellence, Godrej Station-Side Colony, Opposite Railway Station, Vikhroli (East), Mumbai – 400 079

Participation Fees: (on non-residential basis)

Type of Organisation / Fees per Participant
CII Members (Large & Medium) / Rs 11000/- (+ Tax as applicable)
CII SSI Members / Rs 8500/- (+Tax as applicable)
Non Member Companies / Rs 12500/- (+ Tax as applicable)

Fees include participation, course material (hard copies), working veg lunch and tea / coffee. Advance payment of fees is to be drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry”.


5% on 2 nominations from an organization.

10% on 3 or more nominations from an organization.

Participation fees is non-refundable/ non-adjustable against any other programme of CII, but change in nomination(s) is accepted.

Registration: Prior registration for participation by the sponsoring companies is necessary. Number of admissions will be limited to 25.

Certificate of Participation will be given to all participants.

Nominations & Enquiries: Rupali Salunkhe

CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Excellence

Godrej Station-Side Colony Tel : (022) 2574 5146 / 5148

Opp Railway Station, Vikhroli (East) Email : /

Mumbai – 400 079


CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence

Workshop on

Implementing Cost Reduction Successfully

18 – 19 July 2017


Type of Organisation / Fees per Participant
CII Members (Large & Medium) / Rs 11000/- (+ Tax as applicable)
CII SSI Members / Rs 8500/- (+Tax as applicable)
Non Member Companies / Rs 12500/- (+ Tax as applicable)


5% on 2 nominations from an organization.

10% on 3 or more nominations from an organization.

We nominate the following Managers to attend the Workshop

SrNo / Name / Designation / Tel / Email id

Nominating Authority Details:

Name: ______Designation: ______

Organisation: ______

Address: ______


CII Membership No: ______Telephone: ______

Fax: ______Email: ______

Signature & Stamp of the Nominating Authority: ______

·  Participation fee is non – refundable / non-adjustable against any other programme of CII. However, change in nomination(s) is accepted.

·  Workshop is non – residential.