Monotype Toastmasters Club invites you all to its eighthmeeting!

The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide

a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member

has theopportunity to develop

oral communication and leadership Skills,

which in turn foster

self-confidence and personal growth.

March 9th, 2016

01:15 pm to 02:30 pm (Zapfino)

Theme:Celebrating roles of a woman


SergeantatArms:Begins the meeting with an introductory note of 1-2 minutes on the theme, introduces the Toastmaster or the President.

The President: Leads any discussion of the club business.

Toastmaster of the Day: Leads the meeting, coordinates the agenda, introduces each of the speakers & keeps the meeting on the right track. S/he is the anchor of the day.

Grammarian: Gives a short introduction to the role, records grammatical errors & reports on grammar at end of meeting. Appreciates any good usage of grammar by anyone.

Word master: Provides a word of the day to be used during the meeting & reports on usage at end of meeting. And usage of memorable phrases.

Timer: Gives a short introduction to the role, times speeches, table topics & evaluations. Also, would show some cards during the meeting to indicate the time remaining for each speaker.Reports on timing at the end of the meeting.

Ah Counter: Gives a short introduction to the role, counts speech fillers like ‘ahs’, ‘ums’, clutches, filler words like – you know, I know etc. during all speaking, & reports on counts at the end of meeting.

Table Topics Master:Asks for volunteersamongst guests & members & provides them with topics for 1-2 minute impromptu speeches.

Table Topics Speaker: S/he is the impromptu speaker. There can be individual speeches, group discussion, role plays etc. as per the wish of the Table Topics Master.

Prepared Speaker: Presents a speech with an objective based on theprojects from Toastmasters International manuals. A speaker progresses with every successfully completed project. It can earn titles such as Competent Communicator (CC) or Advanced Communicator (ACB/ACS/ACG) by completing the projects.

General Evaluator: Presents an overall evaluation of the meeting, introduces evaluators & calls for reports by its team members (ah counter, timer, wordmaster, grammarian, Speech evaluator, table topics speech evaluator).

Speech Evaluator: Provides a speaker with positive feedback & suggestions for improvement. This important role offers an opportunity to support the speaker & sharpen listening & observation skills.

Table Topics Speech Evaluator: Provides the table topic speakers with positive feedback & suggestions for improvement. This important role offers an opportunity to support the speakers & sharpen listening & observation skills.

Agenda for Meeting # 8

Celebrating roles of a woman

March 9th, 2016 (Wednesday @ Zapfino - 01:15 pm to 02:30 pm)

Role Players for the Meeting

Role Name / Role Player
President / Mukesh Agrawal
SergeantatArms (SAA) / Rajat Deep Singh
Toastmaster of the Day (TOD) / Rajat Deep & Monalika
General Evaluator (GE) / Jitendra
Grammarian / Abhimanyu
Word Master / Real Deepak
Timer / Sahil
Ah-Counter / Amit Dhawan
Prepared Speaker 1 / Mukesh(P1)
Prepared Speaker 2 / Prabhakar (P3)
Prepared Speaker 3 / Prince (P1)
Table Topic Master / Namita
Speech Evaluator 1 / Sourabh
Speech Evaluator 2 / Gaurav
Speech Evaluator 3 / Rajvinder
Table Topics Speech Evaluator / Akshay

Meeting Schedule

1315 hours – Meeting begins

  • 1315 hours – SAA calls program to order, reads out the mission of the club (2-3 minutes). Invites President.
  • 1317 hours – President familiarizes everyone to thetheme of the day and Welcomes guests if any. Introduces TOD. (2-3 minutes)
  • 1319 hours – TOD gives a briefing on the theme. Makes everyone familiar with the format of the meeting. Finally introduces the General Evaluator (5-6 minutes)
  • 1325 hours – GE introduces the evaluation team members (Grammarian, Word Master, Ah-Counter, Timer) – 30 sec to 1 minute for every role player – total 7-8 minutes
  • 1333 hours – TOD calls evaluator of Speaker 1
  • 1333 hours – Evaluator 1 reads out the mission for the speaker and invite him/her for speech
  • 1333 hours – Prepared Speech 1 (4-6 minutes)
  • 1339 hours – TOD calls evaluator of Speaker 2
  • 1339 hours – Evaluator 2 reads out the mission for the speaker and invite him/her for speech
  • 1339 hours – Prepared Speech 2 (5-7 minutes)
  • 1346 hours – TOD calls evaluator of Speech 3
  • 1346 hours – Evaluator 3 reads out the mission for the speaker and invite him/her for speech
  • 1353 hours – Prepared Speech 3 (5-7 minutes)
  • 1400 hours – TOD introduces table topic master – 30 second to 1 minute
  • 1400 hours – Table Topics Session (10-12 minutes)
  • 1412 hours – TOD calls GE for the reports (10 seconds)
  • 1412 hours – GE invites its team for reports. (10 seconds)
  • 1412 hours – Evaluator for Prepared Speech 1 (2-3 minutes), Evaluator for Prepared Speech 2 (2-3 minutes), Evaluator for Prepared Speech 3 (2-3 minutes), Table Topics Speech Evaluator (2-3 minutes) and the Team of evaluators (1-2 minutes for every member) provide their respective evaluations.
  • 1425 hours – GE presents its report (1-2 minutes), meanwhile members and guests vote for best prepared speakers/ best role players/ best table topics speaker etc. (only if the awards are to be given)
  • 1428 hours – TODannounces the results of the meeting and invites for queries, feedback and suggestions. Finally it adjourns the meeting.

1430 hours – Meeting ends


*Shake Hands at the lectern while coming/leaving and clap vigorously for speakers.

* Provide Constructive feedback to the speakers and role players. The approach should be CRC (Commend – Recommend – Commend), so that every one learns effectively.

* Bring your CC and CL manuals to the meeting

* Please be on time for the meeting and do not bring Laptops to the meeting.

* Ensure that you don’t hurt anyone’s sentiments while speaking on sensitive issues such as religion, politics, sex etc.

* Everyone is requested to conduct his/her role within the time limits.

* Give a round of applause when anyone uses the word/phrase of the day.

* At the end of any milestone speech (such as the first speech, or final speech of any module) a standing ovation would be observed.

* Do not enter/leave the room while some one is on lectern.