MoneySmart School Implementation Plan - Example

MoneySmart Program Overview

Term 1

Curriculum: links to learning & teaching

·  Implementation of MoneySmart teaching units of work.

·  Establishment of ‘real-life’ context by setting up a children’s’ play area (a shop & café) for K-2 students to be used to support learning & teaching opportunities across all KLAs. This initiative will provide opportunities for the development of Literacy and Numeracy. Students will be involved in the setup of the shop & café, the design of signs & menus.

·  Fundraising opportunities.

-  Shrove Tuesday: Pancakes for sale (K-2)

-  Caritas fundraising (K-6)

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
Implementation of MST Units of work / K-6 / MST Units of work to be adapted for S/T curriculum compliance & included in class programs. One unit per class.
Establishment of shop & cafe / K-2
Students, teachers & parents / Furniture/resources to be purchased/collected
Word cards made for labels e.g. cash register, table
Signs & menus to be designed by students (links to Mathematics & Creative Arts).
Fundraising / K-2
K-6 / Shrove Tuesday - pancakes will be made/supplied by students/teachers & parents
Caritas – students will be actively involved in planning & facilitating a variety of fundraising activities. Money collection will be students responsibility (teachers to oversee)

Parental Engagement

·  Parent workshop facilitated by school MoneySmart co-ordinator.

·  School Newsletter updates twice per term

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
Parent Information session / Parents & caregivers / Facilitated by school MoneySmart Coordinator supported by Principal
·  Overview of Being a MoneySmart school
·  School implementation strategy 2015
·  PowerPoint presentation: Teaching Kids about Money
School newsletter / Parents & caregivers / Items included twice per term

Community Engagement

·  Items/articles to be submitted to local newspaper

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
Local newspaper / Community & parents / Items submitted twice per term by Principal/school MoneySmart coordinator

Term 2

Curriculum: links to learning & teaching

·  Adapting existing units of work to include a consumer and financial literacy perspective

·  Guest Speaker to address students

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
Adapting existing units of work / Teachers / Stage meetings: teachers to work collaboratively to adapt existing units such as Workers in the Community (Stage 1 HSIE) & Who will buy? (Stage 2 HSIE)
Guest Speaker (to be determined) to address designated class/es (TBD).

Parent Engagement

·  School Fete – establishment of student stalls.

·  School Newsletter updates twice per term

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
School Fete / Parents & caregivers / Student will determine type of stall, create & make items for their stalls & will ‘run’ their stall on fete day (under teacher supervision). Students will be responsible for determining a target amount to be raised, money collection & budgeting.
School newsletter / Parents & caregivers / Items included twice per term

Community Engagement

·  Items/articles to be submitted to local newspaper

Initiative / Focus group / Strategy
Local newspaper / Community & parents / Items submitted twice per term by Principal/school MoneySmart coordinator