Year 12 ST JAMES COLLEGE Term 4 2013

Unit : Advertising

Reading/Writing Activity 2 Name: ______

1.  Read the text below and highlight up to five new words. Write your new words in the space provided and make a note of the meaning.

Which current advertisement has most impressed you? What product is it advertising: soft drink, food,
clothes, a car or something else? Why did it impress you? You can probably answer these questions without too much thought. This is because you have been influenced by advertising. Every day you are exposed to hundreds of advertisements. Everywhere you look producers are trying to sell us things.
In Australia, businesses spend billions of dollars a year on all forms of advertising. Advertising has been around for a long time. Your grandparents may have been influenced by advertisements for all sorts of things as well. The style of advertisements may have changed over the years but their purpose remains the same. Persuasive advertisements are used to entice the consumer into buying a particular product or brand. One brand will compete against a number of other brands. The advertiser hopes to sell more of the product and increase the profits of the business.
Most advertisements are correct in what they say. Those advertisements that make false claims are
breaking the law and will be prohibited. However, what the advertisement does not tell us is often of more interest to consumers. As consumers we need to be aware of the power of advertising. The advertised product may not make us more successful, glamorous, sexier, happier, healthier or wealthier!
Adapted from Concepts in Commerce by S Chapman, M Freak, and S Ross
New word / Meaning (or example)

2.  Write some examples of advertisements you have seen lately and explain why they have been memorable for you.




3.  According to this reading, what is the purpose of advertisements?



4.  The last paragraph refers to “what the advertisement does not tell us” and also “the power of advertising”. Look at the example below and give an explanation of what these ideas are about in relation to this advertisement.







