7:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments

8:00 a.m. Welcome & Orientation

Review role of PROM/SE Science Associate

Establish norms of working together

Opening Activity--What is Science?

Begin developing a vision of science and determine working groups for the day

Is This Inquiry or Is It Not?

Examine beliefs about science as inquiry through a “card sort” activity

Scientific Case Study—Beluga Whales

Analyze a case study of scientific research and introduce the Understandings about Scientific Inquiry from the National Science Education Standards (NSES); relate the NSES to state standards


Temperature of Mixtures

Engage participants in an investigation through which they apply the Abilities of Scientific Inquiry from the NSES and related state standards; to reinforce that subject matter can be taught through inquiry-based experiences

12:00-12:45 Lunch

12:30-12:45 Sign-In for Afternoon

12:45 Complete Temperature Investigation


Inquiry as a Teaching Strategy

Analyze learning and teaching (what students do and what the teacher does) during an inquiry-based investigation shown on video; to become familiar with the Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry and Their Variations from the Inquiry Addendum of the NSES

4:10 Science as Inquiry: What Have We Learned? What Do We Still Want to Know?

Evaluate Day 1 and prepare for Day 2

Adjourn at 4:30 (unless enrolled for graduate credit)

4:30 Reflection—only for those enrolled for graduate credit

Engage in reflection questions and specific assignments for credit

Adjourn at 5:00

4:30 Sign Out – only for those requesting SB-CEUs

©2005 MSU PROM/SE Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education http://promse.msu.edu

Supported by NSF Cooperative Agreement EHR – 0314866