Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Nagy Mohamed

Legal Name: Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Nagy Mohamed

Date of Birth: 29/4/1983

Place of Birth: El-Minia, Egypt

Nationality: Egyptian

Military Service: Completed

Family Status: Single.

Home Phone: +20862375623

Mobile Phone: +201114211201


1- Academic Degree: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Major Area of Study: Chemistry & Biochemistry

University: CairoUniversity, Cairo, Egypt.

Graduation Grade: 82.9 % , Very Good , (May ,2004).

2- Academic Degree: M.Sc. Degree

Major Area of Study: Biochemistry

Recommendation for Master Degree : Instituito Superiore Du Sanita , Rome , Italay.

University:BeniSuefUniversity, Faculty of science ,Beni Suef, Egypt.

MasterTitle: “Comparative biochemical effects of L- Carnitine, Sibutramin and Mixture of Herbal extracts on induced obesity in rats” , ( September 2009).

3- Academic Degree: Bachelor of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy).

University: MiniaUniversity, Faculty of Pharmacy , Minia, Egypt.

Graduation Grade: Good , (May , 2012).

4.Academic Degree: Ph.d. Degree

Major Area of Study: Biochemistry.

Recommendation for Ph.d. degree :Center of Physiology and Pharmacology ,Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

Univerity: BeniSuefUniversity, Faculty of science , Beni Suef, Egypt. Ph. d Title: “Biochemical effects of some medicinal plants on alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rats” , (June 2013).

Position: Clinica Pharmacist ,Hospital of Beni-Mazar(2013).

Position: Clinica Pharmacist ,El Minia Psychiatric Hospital and Addiction (2014)

Private Work: Dr. Mohamed Nagy Diagnostic Lab.El Minia ,Egypt.

Rcecent is First:

Full Research Articles had been published from Ph.d in International Biochemical Journals

1.Nagy MA and Ewais M (2014):Antidiabetic and antioxidative potential of Cystoseira myrica .American Journal of Biochemistry, 4 (4):(59-67).

2.Nagy MA and Mohamed SA (2014): Antidiabetic effect of Cloem Droserifolia (Cloemaceae). American Journal of Biochemistry,4 (4):(68-75).

3.Nagy MA and Mohamed SA (2014): Biochemical effects of Hydroclathrus clathrus on alloxan induced diabetic rats. American Journal of Biochemistry, 4 (4):(76-83).

4.Nagy MA and Mohamed SA (2014): Antihyperglycemic, Antihyperlipedemic and antioxidative potential of Fucoidan.Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 8(6) ,(209-219).

5-Nagy MA(2015):Antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects of Cystoseira myrica on hepatic dysfunction in alloxan-induced Diabetes mellitus in male albino rats .Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 9(1) , (012-019).

6-Nagy MA(2015):Biochemical effects of cleome droserifolia on hepatic dysfunction in alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in male albino rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 9(1) , (020-027).

7-Nagy MA(2015):Antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects of hydroclathrus clathratus on hepatic dysfunction in alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in male albino rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 9(1) : (028-035).

8- Nagy MA(2015):Biochemical effects of cleome droserifolia on alloxan -induced diabetes in rats: Role of insulin, oxidative stress and inflammation. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 9(2): (061-069).

9-Nagy MA(2015):Biochemical effects of Cystoseira myrica on alloxan -induced diabetes in Rats: Role of Insulin, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 9 (4) : (130-137).

10. Nagy MA(2015):Biochemical and histopathological analysis of Hydroclathrus clathratus aqueous extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 9(2):(070-080).

11. Nagy MA(2015):Antidiabetic , Antihyperlipidemic and histopathological analysis of panax quinquefolium extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 9 (2) : (041-050).

12. Nagy MA(2015):Biochemical effects of Hydroclathrus clathratus on alloxan -induced diabetes in Rats: Role of Insulin, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 9 (3): (102-109).

13. Nagy MA(2015):Antidiabetic , Antihyperlipidemic and histopathological analysis of Cystoseira myrica aqueous extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 9(2) : (051-060).

14. Nagy MA(2015) :Antidiabetic , Antihyperlipidemic and histopathological analysis of Cleome droserifolia Methanolic extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal 9(3) : (110-119).

15. Nagy MA(2015) :Biochemical and histopathological analysis of Hydroclathrus clathratus aqueous extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats 9 (2) : (070-080).

16. Nagy MA and Amin KA(2015) :Biochemical and histopathological analysis of Cystoseira myrica aqueous extract on alloxan induced diabetic rats. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal)9)3,(081:091)

17-Nagy MA and Mohamed SA (2015):Momordica Charantia (Cucurbitaceae) methanolic extract alleviates alloxan-induced oxidative stress and β-cell damage in rat pancreas. Biochemistry .An Indian Journal , 11(7),(209-219).

18.Nagy MA , Bastawy MA (2012): Renoprotective effects of Egyptian herbal formula during experimental diabetes. Access Scientific Reports. 1 (9): (1-9).

19. Nagy MA , Bastawy MA, Abdel-HamidNM (2012): Effects of Momordica Charantia on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats: Role of Insulin, Oxidative Stress and Nitric Oxide. Journal of Health Science , 2(2): 8-13.

20. Kamal Adel Amin, Ezzat Mohamed Awad and Mohamed A Nagy (2011): Effects of panax quinquefolium on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: role of C-peptide,nitric oxide and oxidative stress. Int.J.Clin.Exp.Med.1. 4(2):136-147.

21.Kamal A Amin and Mohamed A Nagy (2009): Effect of Carnitine and herbal mixture extract on obesity induced by high fat diet in rats, Journal of Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 1, 17.

22- Nagy MA , Abdel-Hamid, NMand Bastawy, M A (2012):

Golden Forms of Nano - Sized Anticancer Drugs.

Archives in Cancer Research, Vol 1, N01, 1-13.

23. Nagy MA (2012):Green Biological nanofactories. Global advanced research journal of medicine and medical sciences.

24-Nagy MA (2011): HIF-1 is the Commander of Gateways to Cancer. J. Cancer Sci. Ther. Volume 3(2): 035-040.

  1. Reviewer in Journal of Food and Chemical toxicology.
  2. Reviewer in Journal of Brain and behavior.
  3. Reviewer in Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis.
  4. Reviewer in Journal of Diabetology &Metabolic syndrome.
  5. Reviewer in European journal of Medicinal plants.
  6. Reviewer in Journal of medicinal plant and herbal therapy research.
  7. Member in OMICS Publishing group.

1- Position: Demonstrator in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, El-Minia , University, Egypt , from: 2004 to 2007.

2. Position: Specialist medical tests, from: 2009 up till 2013

3. Position: Consultant medical testes , from: 2013 till now.

1- Professional in the Isolation by using Chromatographic Methods, and very good at the Spectroscopic Data Analysis (IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and Mass Spectroscopy).

2- Having ability to work under any conditions.

3- Having ability to work with team work.

4.Having International Commuter Driving License (I.C.D.L)

5.Good experience with Endnote ®, Graph pad Prism ® Statisticia ® SPSS ® .


A. Isolated organ (in-vitro) preparations

Good experience with isolated rabbit intestine, guinea pig intestine, frog rectus abdominis.

B. In vivo experience:

A. Good experience in handling of experimental animals and administration of drugs by different routes.

B. Good experience in inducing experimental diabetes mellitus, diabetic nephropathy , diabetic macroangiopathy , Obesity and Hepatotoxicity.

C. Induction of cardiotoxicity in rats by using chemotherapeutic drugs as doxorubicin.

D. Screening of antidiabetic, antioxidants, antiobesity drugs, antihistaminic and CNS depressant.

E. Instrumental techniques:

Good experience specrtoflourometry, spectrophotometry, ELISA.

Arabic: Mother Tongue.

English: Having a good command of English (Written, and Spoken).

TOFEL Score: 545

EPE: (65/100)