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1977 B.A. Empire State College Philosophy and English

Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

1979 M.A. SyracuseUniversity Philosophy

Syracuse, N.Y.

1992 Ph.D.SyracuseUniversity Philosophy

Syracuse, N.Y.

Dissertation:The Structure of Thinking Advisor: Professor Stewart Thau

Current Research Interests, Projects and Awards:

◊ Mysticism, Ineffability and Silence: an anthology on ineffability in Religious Experience, edited volume for publication with Palgrave Press in the Mysticism Series.

◊Panpsychism, a monograph on physics, metaphysics, information theory and philosophy of mind.

◊ “Ed Bloch Voices That Matter” Interfaith Award May 3, 2017

◊ “Outstanding Democratic Women of Albany County” Award March 2016


◊The Structure of Thinking, a Process Oriented Accountof Mind, Consciousness Studies Series Imprint Academic, UK, 2003

◊Editor: International Journal for Field Being, special edition“Whitehead and Process Philosophy,”

◊ “Why are Religious Experiences Ineffable?” in Mysticism and Meaning: Philosophy, Semiotics, Historical, and Linguistic-Literary Approaches, Alex S. Kohav (editor), under review with Oxford University Press 2017

◊”Daoist Mysticism: Embodiment, Eudaimonia and Flow”, In Wei Wu Wei, The International Institute for Field Being,,Hong Kong, CN, 2009, reprinted in Spirituality and the Senses, ed. Thomas Cattoi and June McDaniel, Palgrave Macmillan Press, NY, 2011

◊ “The Concept of Truth that Matters” William James Studies, Vol. 3 No. 1,2008

◊ “What Wittgenstein’s Private Language Argument Does and Doesn’t Do” in RoSophya, Romanian Journal of Philosophy, 2008

◊ “Clement and Sen: Social Dimensions in the Development of Autonomy” in The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy eds. Harun Tepe and Stephen Voss, The Philosophical Society of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, 2007

◊ “Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta and in Cognitive Science” in The Journal of Indian Philosophy

and Religion, 2007

◊ “William James, Cognitive Science and Consciousness,” in the International Journal for Field Being, online, special edition on Pragmatism, ed. David White, 2006

◊“Psychological Explanations of Religion” for the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed. Macmillan reference, Gale Group Thompson Press, Chicago, IL, 2005

◊“Kant’s Noumenon and Sunyata” in Asian Philosophy,vol. 12 No. 2, 2002 p. 77-94

◊“Whitehead, Fa Tsang and Physics” in the International Journal for Field Being, online, special edition on hitehead and Science, December 2002

◊“Causation in Field Being” in the International Journal for Field Being, vol. 1 no. 2, online at

◊“Freud and the Torah” in International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 127-125


◊ Panelist on a discussion of "Ineffability: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion," a volume on the Comparison Project at Drake University, to be presented at the American Academy of Religions 2017 meeting in Denver, Colorado, November, 2017

◊ “Whitehead, Field Being and Panpsychism,” presented at the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, Baltimore MD, Jan 6-8 2017

◊ “Logical Meaning, Social Meaning and Injustice,” presentation at the Sidney Albert Interfaith Panel discussion on Racism, the College of Saint Rose, November 2016

◊ “Yoga and Neuroscience” at the International Institute for Field Being session at the American Philosophical Association Meeting in Washington DC, Jan2016

◊ Panelist on the Sidney Albert interfaith panel discussion of Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change, at the College of Saint Rose, November 9, 2015

◊ “Holmes Ralston III’s Field BeingOntology” at the International Institute for Field Being Session at the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia, PA Dec 2014

◊ “Information, Q-bits and Natural Reference: a Bridge from It to Bit to Autopoesis to Mind”, at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2014, in Tucson, Arizona, April, 2014, and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Cognitive Science Speaker’s series, Oct 9, 2013

◊“The Unnamable in Daoism” at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting in Baltimore MD, Field Being Group Session, Dec. 2013

◊ “It’s Elementary, My Dear Art Student,”for the College of Saint Rose Art Department, September 9, 2013

◊ “ Information as Tacit and as Explicit,” at the International Institute for Field Being Session at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, Atlanta, Ga, December, 2012

◊ “William James’s More, Panpsychism and Daoism” at the American Philosophical Association meeting in Washington DC Dec. 2011

◊”The Viability of Metaphysical Realism” at the American Academy of Religions meeting, Philosophy of Religion section, San Francisco, CA, November 2011

◊”Metaphysics for Quantum Field Theory” presented at the American Philosophical Association meeting in Boston, MA, Dec. 2010 and at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2011, Stockholm Sweden, May 2011

◊ “Causation, Time and Complex Systems: Against Reductionism in Philosophy of Science” presented at the Cognitive Science of Religion Section of the American Academy of Religions meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 2010

◊ “Cognitive Science and Affordances: James, Clark and Gibson on the Extended Mind” presented at The Philosophy of Religion Section of the American Academy of Religions meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 2010

◊ “A Relational Account of Perception” at the American Philosophical Association, New YorkCity, Dec 2009, and at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2010 Tucson, Arizona, April 2010

◊ “Spirituality and Mental Health” for the Albany Roman Catholic Archdiocese’s symposium on Spirituality and Mental Health, October 2009

◊ “Whitehead, Stapp and James on Quantum Mechanics” at the American Philosophical Assn. Philadelphia, Dec. 2008

◊ “Spinoza, Leibniz, and Quantum Mechanics” at Quantum Mind 2007, Salzburg, Austria, 2007

◊ “Causation in the Epistemology of Thought” at The International Institute for Field Being Symposium

At St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY June 2007

◊ “Multiple drafts or Anatman? Neuroscientific and Buddhist Conceptions of the Self and Language” at

the APA, Washington DC, Dec. 2006 and at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2008 Tucson, Arizona, 2008 and at the American Academy of Religion 2012 meeting in Chicago Joint meeting of the Mysticism Group and the Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Group

◊”Daoist Mysticism: Embodiment, Eudaimonia and Flow” at The International Institute for Field Being Symposium at Brock University, Ontario, Canada, July 2006, and at the American Academy of Religion, Washington DC, Nov. 2006

◊ “A Relational View of Self and Mind” at Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson 2006, Tucson, Arizona, April 2006

◊ “Is Causation a Mechanism or a Statistical Field?” at Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson 2005 in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2005

◊ “William James’ ‘More’ in Philosophy of Language and Religion” at the American Philosophical Association, Central meeting 2005 in Chicago, April 2005

◊ “Contemporary Field Theories of Religious Consciousness and William James’ Marginal Consciousness” at The seventh Symposium of the International Institute for Field Being at the University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia, August 2004

◊ “Recent Research and Religious Experience,” at the World Congress of Philosophy meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, August 2003

◊ “What Wittgenstein’s Private Language Argument Does and Doesn’t Prove,” at the World Congress of Philosophy meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, August 2003

◊ “Clement and Sen: Social Dimensions in the Development of Autonomy,” at the World Congress of Philosophy meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, August 2003

◊ “William James, Religious Experience and Consciousness”, at the American Philosophical Assoc. Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2002

◊ “Democracy and Development in China,” at the American Philosophical Assoc. Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2002

◊“The Epistemology of Religious Experience,” at the American Academy of Religion, Toronto, Canada, November, 2002

◊“W.V.O. Quine and Chinese Philosophy,” at Jiaotong University, Xian, China, Sixth Symposium of the International Institute for Field Being, August 2002

◊“Experience as the Root of Language Development,” at The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Meeting, Portland, Maine, March, 2002

◊“Whitehead, Fa Tsang and Physics,” at The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, International Society for Chinese Philosophy, August, 2001

◊“Philosophy of Mind, East and West,” at American Philosophical Assn. Eastern Division meeting, New York City, Dec. 2000

◊“The Contemplative Path to Natural Theology” at American Philosophical Assn., Pacific Division Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, April, 2000,and at American Academy of Religion, Nashville TN, Nov. 2000

◊”What does Religion contribute to Ethics?” panelist at the Capital District Secular Humanists Association, debate with Paul Kurtz 1999

◊“ Causation in Field Being” Presented at The International Institute for Field Being Conference at Fairfield University, Aug. 1999,

◊"Kant's Noumena and Sunyata"Presented at the American Philosophical Assn. in Washington DC, Dec. 1998

◊Panel Moderator: Sidney Albert Lecture Series presentation; "Marriage and Intermarriage: A discussion from the perspective of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus" At St. Rose, October, 1998

◊"Kant’s Noumena and Sunyata" and "The Tao of Kant"Presented at the World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston MA, August 1998: also presented at the meetings of The International Society for Field Being, at Fairfield University, July, 1998,

◊"Battered Women and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"Presented at the National Women’s Studies Assn Meeting in St. Louis, MO, June 1997

◊"Why Platonic and Causal Accounts of Language Can't Work."Presented at the Capital Area Philosophical Assn. meeting, March 11, 1995

◊"Feminism and Pacifism" Presented at the North Adams State College Philosophy Colloquium, January, 1992,

◊"Quine's Ontological Realism" Master's Thesis


2007-present Full Professor, tenured, the College of St. Rose, Department of Philosophy, Albany NY Philosophy and Religious Studies Department Chair, 2007-2014

2000- 2007 Associate Professor, tenured, the College of St. Rose, Department of Philosophy,Albany NY, Philosophy and Religious Studies Department co-Chair, 2004-2005.

1994-2000 Assistant Professor, tenure track, The College of St. Rose,Department of Philosophy and

Religious Studies, Albany NY

2003 Consultant, reviewing logic texts for Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

1996-2000Consultant: reviewing texts in Philosophy and Religious Studiesfor SUNY Press, Albany,

New York

1993-2012 Consultant: exam construction and grading, Excelsior College of the University of the State of New York for undergraduate exams in Philosophy and Comparative Religions, and graduate exams in the Master in Liberal Arts program

1993 SUNY Empire State College Mentor: Johnstown Unit and Forum East Program

1988 - 1993 Junior College of Albany: Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and English

1990 - 1993 Contract Trainer in "Effective Writing" for the NYS Department of Social Services, Public

Management Institute, sub-contracting with the Rensselaerville Institute

1990 - 1991 New York State Department of Social Services (Feb.-Aug.) Office of Human Resource

Development, contract manager for training contracts

1989 - 1991 Maria College: Adjunct Professor, Philosophy and English

1987 - 1990 Siena College HEOP Program Academic Advisor and Tutor Co-ordinator

1988 summer Adjunct Professor of Philosophy Siena College, HEOP Program, Critical Thinking

1987 summer Lecturer for HEOP, summer study skills program, SienaRussell Sage joint summer


19861987 Lecturer in Philosophy, Siena College, Theories of Knowledge, Professional Tutor in Writing, HEOP Program

19831984 Instructor in Philosophy, Syracuse University

19821983 Evaluator and Research Assistant in Sloane Foundation project on science, technology, and

society, Syracuse University.

19811982 Instructor in English, Syracuse University

19791981 Instructor in Philosophy, Syracuse University

19771979 Teaching Assistant in Philosophy, Syracuse University

Professional Affiliations and Activities

◊American Philosophical Association

◊American Academy of Religions (Mysticism Group Committee member 2001-2016, co-chair 2007- 2013)

◊Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

◊International Institute for Field Being (Vice President2003-2012 currently, Director in USA)

◊International Society for Chinese Philosophy

◊William James Society member 2003-present, blind reviewed two articles for the journal, William

James Studies

◊Sidney Albert Interfaith Lectureship Board1995-present

◊ Executive Committee of the Albany County Democratic Party 2016-Present

◊ Town of Colonie Conservation Advisory Council 2006-present

◊ Town of Colonie Comprehensive Plan Update Committee 2016-2017

Service to the College of St. Rose

◊ Co-Chair of Philosophy and Religious Studies 2004-2005, Chair, 2007-2014

◊Pre-Law Advisor 2005-2013

◊Search Committees for new Phi-Rels faculty 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007(Endowed Chair search)

◊ Undergraduate Academic Committee 1994-2000

◊ Women’s Studies Committee 1994-2016

◊ Interdisciplinary Studies Committee 1994-1995

◊ Liberal Arts core revision committee 2007-2008

◊ Worked to get Philosophy Major re-established 2005

◊ Philosophy & Religious Studies Program Review and Benchmarking Project 1997-1998, and 2009-2010

Areas of Specialization:

Philosophy of Religion, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, Asian Philosophy, American Philosophy, Theories of Perception and Representation, William James, Alfred North Whitehead, and Comparative Religions.

Areas of Teaching Competence:

History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Human Nature, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Cognition and Consciousness, Critical Thinking, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Math and Science, Asian Philosophy, Comparative Religionsand Women in Philosophy

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