Module Page Word document template

Instructions for using this template:

  1. Use Helvitca 10.5 for everything that you type into this template. That will allow for you to easily copy and paste the content into Canvas when you are ready.
  2. The icons are represented by words in this template and will be replaced with the actual icons when you move the content into Canvas. This prevents having to redo design you worked on in your word document when you move the content to Canvas
  3. Each icon is represented in the template, along with suggestions for the type of information you might want to provide for each icon.
  4. Delete any icons and information you don’t need, copy and paste to add duplicates of any icon as needed.
  5. If you find there is an icon that you need that is not represented here please e-mail Jill Segerman and she will work with Xavier’s graphic designer to have the icon created and made available.
  6. Copy text below
  7. Open the page in Canvas where you want to put the text
  8. Click the “Edit this Page” button on the right of the screen
  9. Hit “Control” and “V” on your keyboard to put the text into the Canvas Page
  10. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page
  11. You can now edit the page and add the appropriate icons by:
  12. deleting the text,
  13. putting your cursor where the icon goes,
  14. clicking the Images tab on the right side of the screen
  15. clicking on the appropriate image
  16. Reminder: Your syllabus, syllabus quiz if you are using one, and your course ice breaker goes into your Start Here module rather than in your first module

Replace with Module Title

Replace with dates for module

Information icon goes here

{Replace with module introduction text}

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Module Outcome
  • Module Outcome
  • Module Outcome

Module Due Dates

Date: Type of Item Due Title of Item Due

6/2 Quiz Module 1 Quiz (example)

6/3 Assignment Short Essay

Read icon goes here

Read: {Replace with title of reading}

{Replace with description of reading} Context for reading (how it fits in the course or module, how the content will be used/applied...)

Click here for reading (if an online resource create link using the text)

Video icon goes here

Watch: {Replace with title of video} typically this icon is for a video created by someone other than you

{Replace with description of video} Context for video, why are they viewing it, how it fits in the course or module, length of video (this is helpful so students know how much time they will need to watch the entire video and can plan accordingly)

Click here for ... (if an online resource create link using the text) - Any supporting tools to help turn the video viewing into an active learning experience, a worksheet with questions to answer about the content, a grid or graph for them to fill in as they watch the video...

Click here for the video (use the text to create a link - internally or externally - to the video)

Listen icon goes here

Listen: {Replace with title of audio file}

{Replace with description of audio} Context, why they are listening, what content it covers, is it required or an additional option for learning about content

Click here for (use to link to any supporting documents, worksheets students can use while listening)

Click here for the file (use the text to create a link - internally or externally - to the audio file)

Presentation icon goes here

Watch: {Replace with title of presentation} typically used for a faculty created video

{Replace with description of presenation} Context, content it covers, how it fits in the overall course, unit or module, the length of the presentation so students can plan, we suggest that presentations be about 5 minutes - if content takes longer than that we suggest chunking it into multiple presentations - the shorter time supports students ability to focus on discrete chunks of content, and then engage in activities around the content. In an online setting, students don't have opportunity to ask questions, hear questions of others, or for the faculty to read the student's faces to check their understanding of the content, which is part of the reasoning for shorter videos

Click here for (use text for link to any documents students can use to support their engagement with the presentation and create an active learning experience)

Click here for the presentation (use the text to create a link - internally or externally - to the presentation)

Assignment icon goes here

Assignment: {Replace with title of assignment}

{Replace with instructions for assignment} in an online format this is often more detailed than in a face to face class, where students can ask for clarification, online students may begin working on the assignment at 1:30 AM, or on the weekend, when it will take them a while to get a response to questions from faculty

Click here for rubric (if appropriate) or add grading information for the assignment here

Click to submit your assignment (use text to create a link)

Due Date:{replace with day, date, and time}

Group Conversation icon goes here

Group Assignment: {Replace with title of assignment}

{Replace with description and instructions for assignment}

Information about group work - tips for working in groups, tools for working in groups available in Canvas, how to deal with problems with group members...

Click here for rubric (if appropriate) or add grading information for the assignment here

Click to submit your assignment (use text to create a link)

Due Date:{replace with day, date, and time}

Wiki icon goes here

Wiki Page Assignment: {Replace with title of assignment}

{Replace with Description and instructions for assignment}

Information about adding content to a WIKI page in Canvas

Click here for rubric (if appropriate) or add grading information for the assignment here

Click to submit your assignment (use text to create a link)

Due Date:{replace with day, date, and time}

Journal icon goes here

Journal: {Replace with title of assignment}

{Replace with description and instructions for the journal assignment}

Click here for rubric (if appropriate) or add grading information for the assignment here

Click to submit your assignment (use text to create a link) Due Date:{replace with day, date, and time}

Quiz icon goes here

Quiz/Test/Exam/Knowledge Check {Replace with title}

{Replace with description and instructions} (what content will it cover, will they have more than one chance to take it, if so will the highest grade be counted, will there be a time limit)

If there is a time limit it is helpful to add this text (You will have __ minutes to complete this ___. You should find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted, and internet access. Once you begin the ___ you will not be able to stop and start over.

Click here to go to the {replace with name} (use text to create a link)

Due Date:{replace with day, date, and time}

Discussion icon goes here

Discussion {Replace with title}

{Replace with description, context, purpose, content to be covered}

Question(s) or Description for students to respond to for their initial post

Instructions for response posts (for example, Then respond to the initial posts of at least two students)

Click here for rubric (if appropriate) or add grading information for the discussion here

Click here to go to the discussion {use text to create a link to discussion}

Due Date: (initial post)

Due Date: (response posts)

Reminder icon goes here

Reminder: {Replace with title}

Provide a reminder of an upcoming activity or task students should be working on

Examples of uses - make sure you have purchased the next book for a literature course, you should be at a certain point in a project due later in the course, you should have connected with the members of your group by now for a group project ...

Time-Management icon goes here

Time Management

Faculty use this to help students organize their time in a fast moving course, provide guidance on how long certain tasks/assignments should take, information about how often students should be logging in to the course...