Survey 2016
This year’s survey is focussing on the 5 Key lines of enquiry from the CQC.
Question / Yes/no/not sure / What has made you give the answer you have done? / Can anything be changed to improve things in this area?Do you think Rockmount provides a safe home and service for the people who live here?
Does you think enough is done to ensure everyone knows about safeguarding?
Do you feel that health and safety is important to everyone?
Do you think there is enough staff cover on the rota?
Question / Yes/No/Not sure / What has made you give the answer you have done? / Can anything be changed to improve things in this area?
Do you feel that Rockmount service is caring?
Is the care provided person centred?
Are individual needs catered for?
Is there adequate food and fluids provided?
Is everyone treated with dignity and respect
Question / Yes/No/Not sure / What has made you give the answer you have done? / Can anything be changed to improve things in this area?
Do you think Rockmount staff are responsive to service user needs?
Are people encouraged to speak up?
Are complaints dealt with properly?
Are people involved in having a say about the care they receive?
Do you think Rockmount provides an effective service?
Question / Yes/No/Not sure / What has made you give the answer you have done? / Can anything be changed to improve things in this area?
Do you feel that service users have a positive and meaningful lifestyle?
Do you think that Rockmount has a positive reputation?
Are family members as involved as they could be?
Does Rockmount meet the needs of the people who are placed here?
Do you think Rockmount is well led?
Question / Yes/No/Not sure / What has made you give the answer you have done? / Can anything be changed to improve things in this area?
Is the registered manager honest and open when discussing care and treatment?
Is she available when required to help resolve issues?
Is everyone clear about their role and responsibilities?
Is there a clear vision for Rockmount and does everyone know what it is?
Do you feel there are safe systems in place for recruitment?
Do you think there is adequate opportunity for staff to access training?
Do you feel everyone is treated fairly and equally?
What other things/ideas do you have for making Rockmount better?
Please return to Jackie by 21st August 2016Thank you for your time
J Taylor