Library Skills & Activities

Bayou View Elementary


September 5-8, 2017


K / Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: Is it okay to read at the kitchen table? Is it okay to read in bed? In a car? On the playground? In the bathtub? Objectives: 1) The students will review the book care: washing one’s hands before touching a book, no writing, no coloring, no food or drink near your book, no drawing on the pages of a book, no bending the pages, and no writing your name on a library book . Procedure: Teacher Input: 1) Following the bell ringer, the teacher will the teacher will read the story called Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn. 2) The teacher will ask questions to check for comprehension. What day do you come to the library? On what day must you return your library book? What must you use to take a book off the shelf? To take a book out of the library, what must you do? How do we turn the pages? How do we carry our library book from the library to the classroom? How do we carry our books to and from school? 3) The students will go to their assigned seats to complete a worksheet about book care. The teacher will read the worksheet to the students. 4) If time allows, the teacher will call one table at a time to practice using the shelf markers. Then, the students will bring one book to the computer to “pretend” to check it out. Closure: How do you carry books to school? How do you carry books to your classroom? Where are safe places to leave your books at home?


/ Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: How do you turn pages carefully? Objectives: Students will review how to care for a book. Procedures:Teacher Input: The teacher will have the students look at the front cover. Who is the main character of this book? Who is this story mostly about? This is Marion. What animal do you think she is? What is she doing? Does she look happy reading a book?The teacher will then read the story called What Happened to Marion’s Book? By Brook Berg. The teacher will ask questions to check for comprehension. Guided Practice: The students will practice turning the pages correctly with assistance from the teacher. Closure: The teacher will summarize the lesson.
Note: Mrs. Tappers’ class (Friday’s class) will read last weeks’ story called We are going on a Book Hunt. I accidentally read the wrong story to these students.


/ Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: Raise your hand if you read a good book over the holidays? Today, some of you will have a chance to share a book that you enjoyed with the class.
Objectives:Listening and Speaking Skills: The students will share orally a brief summary about a book they enjoyed reading. Procedure: Teacher Input: Modeling: The teacher will share about a book that she enjoyed during the long Labor Day Holiday weekend. The students will then have an opportunity to share their books. Closure: Is there a book that you’d like to read based on the summary of the book?
Note: 1)The 4th and 5th graders (Parker’s and Estes’ classes) missed last week’s lesson (The Library Dragon) due to the Strings presentation. These students will have an opportunity to vote about which lesson they would prefer…1) sharing books or 2) The Library Dragon lesson.
2) All Third grade students will also have a choice between The Library Dragon or sharing books. Their lesson last week was an explanation of their STAR reading levels.
3) Second grade students will also review selecting books on their AR levels. They will be directed to compare the AR level on the front cover of their library books to the Accelerated Reading Range inside their AR folders.

Class format for Grades 1-5:

  1. The lesson takes the first 20 minutes of the class period.
  2. Book selection takes the next 15 minutes. Call one table at a time to get their markers.
  3. The next 10 minutes is silent reading at their assigned seats or elsewhere.

NOTES: 1st graders can check out one book. Grades 2-5 can check out two books. Kindergarten students do not check out books until mid-September.