Mobile County Council PTA
Executive Board Meeting
October 17, 2011
Mobile County Council PTA was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Carrell.
Inspiration – Angie “Leaders who work more efficiently…’
Minutes were read and there were no corrections.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer – no report
Membership: - Angie stated her report would be delayed. Some membership down but others are becoming active such as Pillans and Williamson. These schools are building their organizations. Scarborough has asked for assistance, as well as, Murphy. Marty, Linda and Karen attended Murphy’s meeting and they have agreed to stay PTA. Also Dixon has recently joined PTA but they did not receive the information regarding the increase in fees. It was motioned by Greg and second by Ms. McRae that the County Council PTA will absorb the cost of increased fees for Dixon. Early bird award deadline is September 30. Lucy Whitley Award deadline is December 1, 2011.
Dr. Crist suggested if anyone have tips on membership to share with the committee.
Scholarship: Ms. McRae – no report
Hospitality: Lisa – no report
Awards:Erica Holloway- She will be getting information out early December.
Reflections - Paula Powell - October 28, 2001 week to organize. Following week information received by judges. Also making master list on this date. Judges – South Alabama – judging literature and Ms. Helman’sdaughter will possibly judge dance. Deadline for the information will be November 5, 201l.
Principals’ Report: Dr. Crist – Fundraiser is doing well. A grant for healthy living has been written by the Bedsole Foundation for Dodge Elementary.
Superintendent Report: Dr. Nichols - Three candidates have been chosen for the job Ed Smith, Dee Foster and Marcel Smith. Dr. Nichols advised drivers are needed on November 7, 8, and 9th to transport the candidates from the airport, hotel, central office and back to the airport. The candidates will be interviewed at central office.
New Business:
Mark Berte – has resigned from Mobile Area Education Foundation and he would like to continue working with Mobile County Council PTA.
Members Present:
Marty Carrell
Dr. Roy Nichols
Angie Hannah
Erica Holloway
Dr. Suzanne M. Crist
Tara Busby
Grey Essary
Susan McRae
Eletha B. Harris
Paula Powell
Yvonne M. Baldwin
Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Marty Carrell, President
Yvonne M. Baldwin, Secretary
Dr. Roy Nichols, Superintendent