NASPE Fitness related skills-
Cardiovascular Endurance- refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel your body with oxygen over an extended period of time
Muscle Strength- refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert, in a single effort.
Muscle Endurance- refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing.
Flexibility- refers to the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion.
Body Composition- refers to the amount of body fat you have, versus the amount of lean muscles, bones and organs.
The 6 components of skill related fitness
Agility- the ability to change and control the direction and position
of the body.
Balance- the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person
is standing still or moving.
Coordination- the ability to use the senses together with body parts
during movement.
Speed- the ability to move your body or parts of your body swiftly.
Power- the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the
maximum force of the muscles.
Reaction Time- the ability to reach or respond quickly to what
you hear, see, or feel.
VAPEHRD Mini Conference at Longwood University
March 16, 2013
Andrew Wymer- Meriwether Lewis Elementary School, Charlottesville, Va
Brandon Flowers- Broadus Wood Elementary School, Earlysville, Va
Large Group Games
Partner Bocce-
Partners begin play by placing or throwing a small ball/object to a spot. Player 1 (using a gatorskin ball) will underhand roll a ball towards the object with the intention of getting the ball to come to a stop as close to the object as possible. After his/her turn, Player 2 takes a turn trying to do the same thing. Each player has two gatorskins and alternate turns. The winner of the round gets to place or throw the ball/object for the next round.
*variation: players can throw or underhand toss instead of roll.
Sharks in the water-
Set up hoops on the outside of the playing area and designate a place in the middle of the play space as the "main island". In the hoops (remote islands) place treasure of some sort (beanbags, noodle pieces, etc). Assign a few players to be sharks but giving them a pinnie, noodle, or other tagging implement.
The object of the game is for the swimmers on the main island to swim to the remote islands to get a piece of treasure and bring it back to the main island.
If a swimmer gets tagged by a shark, the swimmer can perform an activity at the main island before they can go to another island again.
Clean out the Backyard/advanced pass to teammate then throw
Use mats or volleyball nets as a barrier to separate the two sides. Just like in clean out the backyard players throw the ball over to the other side. However, in this version when a player gets a ball they must make an overhand throw to another teammate. The teammate must catch the ball before they can throw the ball over the net/mat to the other side. When the music is off count up how many balls are on your side.
Oscar's Trashcan
4 way Shack Attack-
Divide gym into four quarters using dome cones. In each quarter take a floor mat, stand it upright and unfold it so that it stands freely. Take another floor mat, keep it folded, and place it across the top of the free standing mat to create a table top. This is a shack. Place three objects on top of your shack, we use plastic cones. Have each team in each quarter do this.
Play begins with players throwing gatorskins in an attempt to knock down other teams cones from their shack. Once a team has all of their cones knocked down, they may scatter to whichever team they want to go to next who still has cones up. Game is over when one team left.
Defense Rules: team may play defense however, no interceptions and can only swat the ball away. To prevent standing, once a defender blocks a ball away, that defender must go get a ball and make a throwing attempt before they can play defense again.
4 way Frantic
(this game has a feel of Clean out the Backyard) Divide gym into four quarters using the dome cones. Use gator skin balls to begin with. Empty them out onto the floor. When the game starts students can slap, kick or throw the ball out of their area. At the end of the round see which group has the fewest balls in their area;
Variations: -start off with fewer balls then add more each round.
- play with fewer balls and have the object of the game to be not to let any balls stop rolling in your area.
Equipment: Gator Skin balls (at least 1 for every other student) Sit up mats, targets (foam blocks, pins, etc) noodles (at least 4)
Procedure: Divide gym into two or three zones and two teams
Give each team an equal number of targets (foam blocks, pins, etc)
Place several mats down either in the middle zone (if divided into 1/3) or randomly on the teams side (if divided in ½)
Select some students to be catapults, as many as you want for each team
Give Go signal and begin
Rules: If a student is selected to be a catapult they lay flat on the mat on their territory so that when they do a curl up they can throw the ball to their opponent’s side.
All other students are blockers/reloaders. Their objective is to give the gator skin balls to their catapults by placing it in their hands or blocking any cannonball that comes through the air.
When the catapult student has a ball to throw they must do a sit up and throw it in ‘soccer style’ (two hands over their head) to try to knock down their opponent’s targets.
At any point give the groups a few seconds to restack. Switch catapults as necessary.
Cardio Cornhole:
Equipment: 2 beanbags and 2 polyspots for each game. (4 players per game/2 on each team)
Teams play against each other in a 'play as fast as you can' cornhole game. First player from each team throws their beanbag toward their polyspot. 1 points for tossing, 3 points if the bean bag is at rest and touching the spot. Player that tosses sprints down to get their bean bag and communicates the point(s) earned to partner. The partner tosses next and continues play until one team scores 21 points.
-Play to a higher score and give different point scores ex. play to 49 (3 points for toss, 7 for touching polyspot)
-Play in push up position for upper body strength
- complete a sit up and toss in sitting position to improve abdominal strength.
-In a crab walk position, toss the bag from your foot
Garden Risk Tag:
Equipement: Noodle for each tagger , variety of colored beanbags/noodle pieces, myplate picture.
Objective: To complete a healthy myplate by collecting the corresponding beanbags from the garden.
Set up: Give each team of 2 a myplate picture and a starting location. On ‘go’ students try to run past the fast food junkies to get to the garden where the beanbags are located.
Round 1: If students run past the junkies and get into the garden then they can collect a bean bag to help complete their myplate. This student gets a free walk back up the sidelines. Once back, their partner goes. If tagged, the student must go to the sideline and trade with their partner.
Round 2: Risk- If a team has a beanbag collected then they can either choose to save it like the first round or they could risk it by trying to carry it back through the playing area. If they are successful and not tagged then they can collect an extra piece. (3 total) If they are tagged though, they must put the risked bean bag back in the garden and start over.
Round 3: Risk as many as you’d like. Students can carry over as many beanbags as they have earned. If they carry over 1 then they earn 1 bonus piece—carry over 3 get 3 bonus pieces. Same rules apply that if you are tagged you must return any risked beanbags if tagged.
Game Objectives: Students are divided into 6 teams and each person is a tagger. Teams try to strategize how to knock out each team and avoid becoming ‘extinct.’ Students that are tagged must kneel and raise a hand. Students can come back into the game when a teammate has high fived them.
Equipment Needed: Pennies or some way to tell apart teams, team bases if desired
- Students start together with their group
- On ‘go’ students are free to travel where they want to try to tag players from the others team or rescue ‘tagged’ players
- Any player tagged must kneel down and raise a hand to be tagged back in
- Once a team has officially become extinct (no players remain) they must move to the side to perform a desired fitness activity to be allowed back in the game\
-All tags must be with appropriate force
-Any disputes must be solved with rock, paper, scissors.
-Game will end when all teams have been eliminated or the command is given
-Pause the game to allow students to discuss specific strategies they would like to try
Tunnel Ball
(Tchukball Lead up game)
Game Objective: To bounce a ball through a teammates legs and have it bounce two times before the defensive team can catch it.
Equipment: 1 Tchukball or bouncy ball per game, pinnies for each team
- Divide 2 teams per game (3-6 per team)
- R-P-S to decide who will start with the ball
- Player with ball may only pivot when in possession, all other teammates may move freely
- A teammate will position themselves with feet apart so the player with the ball can bounce the ball between their legs.
- Point is scored if the ball bounces through their legs and hits the floor again without the defending team possessing the ball.
-Turnover if the player with the ball moves their feet. (Allow a 3 step rule for catching)
-Defenders cannot guard the player with the ball but can guard anyone else!
Ultimate Kan Jam
Game Objective: To be the first team to score 11 points playing by Kan Jam/Ultimate Frisbee rules
Equipment: Kan Jams (Buckets can used), Frisbee, cones for two entry areas, pinnies
- Divide into two teams (3-6 per team)
- R-P-S to decide who starts with the Frisbee
- Player with Frisbee can only pivot but can toss to a teammate. Frisbee must be caught to retain possession.
- Team attempts to advance closer to the Kan Jam by passing to their team.
- A teammate may go ungraded in the entry area. A teammate will attempt to throw the Frisbee at the Kan Jam. The playing in the entry area can redirect the Frisbee by hitting it out of the air.
1 point- hitting the Kan Jam with assistance
2 points- hitting the Kan Jam with no assistance
3 points- teammate hits the Frisbee in the Kan Jam or tosses in directly in the top of the Kan Jam
Automatic winner if the player throws the Frisbee in the slot with or without assitance
- If a team does not catch the Frisbee in the air it is a turnover to the other team
-You can play with or without defending the Frisbee thrower
- Only one offensive player in the entry area of the Kan Jam—no defenders in this area. They may guard outside of that cone zone.
Warrior Ball-
A cross between Football, Handball and Ultimate Frisbee.
Small sided games are best for most participation and MVPA.
The object of the game is to score points by advancing the ball across your teams end zone.
You can start the game in different ways: Jump ball, RSP, etc. Whoever gets the ball first will make a throw to a teammate. Once that teammate catches it, game on. The player then tries to advance the ball by running towards their end zone or by making a pass to a teammate.
The defense can stop the team with the ball by tagging the player who has the ball. Once a player has been tagged they must stop in that spot and make a pass to a teammate. The thrower cannot take any steps after they have been tagged.
An incomplete pass is a turnover to the other team. The defense can knock down passes and intercept passes. The teacher can decide if an interception can be advanced.
On a turnover, the other team must make a throw to a teammate before their possession can begin. Fumbles are a turnover and cannot be advanced.
After a score, the player leaves the ball in the end zone and the other team goes to retrieve it. The team that retrieves it gets a free toss to a teammate to start their possession and then the game continues.
- for more of a challenge- use flag instead of tagging.
-With younger grades (2nd-3rd) play where incomplete passes are “live”. Anyone can get them but whoever gets it must make a pass, they cannot advance it themselves.
Rainbow Run-
Equipment: Cones, makers
Setup: Spread out cones across the playing area. Place one marker under each cone. In most cases it is best to have more cones than markers.
Description: Teacher will have a list of colors written down onto an index card. The teacher will divide group up into groups of 4-5. When all the groups are formed the teacher will inform one group at a time what color they need to find. The group will then take off trying to find the color.
When the color is found, each player from the group will mark the color on their arm. When everyone has marked their arm they will return to the teacher to get another color to find. EVERYONE IN THE GROUP MUST BE PRESENT BEFORE THE TEACHER CAN GIVE THE GROUP A COLOR.
Keep repeating this until time is up or everyone has collected all the colors.
Strategies: have teams come up with a code word to let other teammates know a color has been found without letting the other teams know what it is.
After teams have marked themselves with the marker, one person may take the marker and place it under a different cone.
Air Attack
Who: 3rd-5th
What: Large Group Continuous game
Why: Throwing/catching, Cardiovascular, offense/defense, teamwork, strategy
Equipment: Flag Football belts for two teams, pinnies (if necessary), Hoops 5 per team, dome cones 2 per each hoop, equipment to throw/catch (Yarn balls, football, Frisbee, gator ball, etc)
Objective: Be the team that scores the most points by either running to the opposite zone, balancing on dome cones and catching a ball or throwing the ball to a teammate that is on the cone
Set Up: Split the class into two teams, 5 hoops with 2 dome cones are in the ‘endzone’ for each team. Give each team an equal amount of equipment to throw.
To Play: Offense: Students try to run to the opposite zone without having their belt pulled, get into a hoop and then balance on the dome cones. Once balanced, they must catch a thrown ball from a teammate from their zone.
Defense: Students try to keep the opposite team from getting into a hoop by pulling their belt. Defensive students can also block thrown balls by knocking them down or intercepting them.
-If a students’ belt is pulled then they must go back to their zone to restart
-If student gets on the dome cones and then steps off they must go back to their zone to restart
-Students playing defense must stay out of the hoop when guarding
Variations: Give fitness task if their belt is pulled
To make game harder: Once the ball is caught, the student must run the ball back to their side without having their belt pulled
Once the ball is caught the student can run the ball back or throw from the dome cones. If the ball is thrown from the cones then the student must return to their side.