MISSIONARI VERBITI-Via dei Laghi bis,52 – 00040 Nemi(Roma) ITALIA

Web: Phone: (+39) 069365 0001 e-mail:



Nemi – Rome, 05 April – 17 May 2013

(This Bibliodrama Training Course in English is offered by the Biblical Pastoral Team of Munich in collaboration with Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi-Rome.)

The Word of God has within itself the strength and the dynamism to get people moving -- from the head to the feet: in a playful mood to dance, reflect, pray and celebrate through ritual, dance, gestures and dramatizing scenes. This all leads to a lively proclaiming of the Good News.

1. Participants

Women and men (lay, religious, priests) who are involved in proclaiming the Word of God and are active in the Bible apostolate. Women and men who are engaged in youth work or adult education, in catechetics or in the school apostolate, in retreat work or in conducting Bible services.

2. Requirements for Participation

Being active in a field of work in which Bibliodrama can be made use of.

Readiness to commit oneself to the development of faith experiences and awareness of one’s inner self in the process of being instructed in Bibliodrama.

Readiness to participate in an intercultural and creative way within the formation group in methodical reflection on one’s own faith story and that of the others and the challenges to oneself arising from it. In this way different images of God and experiences of God can surface.

3. Course Elements

The course consists of six interconnected weeks:

  • Phase of initiation (about one week)
  • Phase of learning through self-experience (about two weeks)
  • Phase of how to facilitate (about two weeks including two three-day seminars with time for supervision, written report of processing and reflection on two Bibliodrama modules conducted by the participants)
  • Concluding and Evaluation Phase (one week)

One personal reflection day a week.

4. Purpose and Goal

This course is meant for those who up to now have no training in bibliodrama but wish to become a trained facilitator. The participants will learn to practice the methods of bibliodrama in order to accompany groups spiritually and in a biblical context, to deepen the faith of people in their daily life and to strengthen their love and joy in listening to the Word of God and living accordingly.

5. The Concept of Bibliodrama

Lectio Divina, that is, reading, meditating and praying the Word of God in a group and letting it influence the life of the community, is a key element in dealing with the Word of God in a biblical pastoral setting.

The life story of each participant plays an essential role in deepening the faith during the performing of the Bibliodrama, as it is taught and accompanied by the facilitator.

6. Course Content

Biblical theology and exegesis, Christian spirituality of everyday life, intercultural and therapeutic issues related to the topic, and Church documents since Vatican II form the basis of the course.

7. Participants: 16 persons

In the application process we will pay attention to the number of women and men.

8. Course Fee

The total course fee is €2,000 for board and lodging, group pilgrimages and course expenses. However it does not include personal expenses, monthly allowance, private travels or trips, personal effects, books, phones, mail.

9. Venue and Dates of the Course

The Training Course will be held in the newly renovated CENTRO AD GENTES / Missionari Verbiti / Via dei Laghi bis 52 / 00040 Nemi-Roma / ITALIA

The dates of the Course are from 05 April to 17 May, 2013. Dates of arrival are 02 to 04 April. All must be present by supper of April 04, 2013. The Course will end on 17 May in the evening with a mission sending Eucharist. Departure is from 18 May onwards.

10. Coordinating Team:

< > Fr. Rudi Poehl SVD (Coordinator, Moral Theologian, Bibliodrama and Retreat Guide, Therapeutic Counselor)

< > Fr. Tony Bon Pates SVD (Co-Coordinator, Retreat Guide, Director of SVD International Renewal Programs and On-going Formation Courses)

< > Ms Jessica Joy Candelario (Bibliodrama Guide, active internationally in Church youth ministry)

< > Sr. Maria Illich SSpS (Bibliodrama and Retreat Guide, Therapeutic Counselor)

11. Resource persons:

< > Fr. Ludger Feldkaemper SVD (biblical scholar with a world-wide experience in the biblical apostolate)

< > Fr. Thomas Heck SVD (Bibliodrama and Bibliolog Guide, Cursillo chaplain, Gestalt Therapist)

< > Other resource persons will be invited according to the specific theme of the course.

For further Information

Fr. Rudi Poehl, SVD

St. Karl Borromaeus

Genfer Platz 4

81476 Muenchen

