Miss Robin Doll

Materials required:

  • Royal blue worsted yarn for the dress and the shoes
  • Light yellow worsted yarn for the body
  • White color worsted yarn for the hat and socks
  • Maroon worsted yarn for the hair
  • Two decorative buttons for the shoes front
  • Two or three different types of ribbons
  • Printed felt with flower design to glue on the dress.
  • Aleene's fast grab tacky glue or any other craft glue
  • Poly fill for stuffing
  • Two small vowel shape blue and white felt
  • Small piece of red felt for the mouth
  • Black acrylic paint to paint eyelashes
  • Blush or red colored pencil for the cheeks
  • A pair of USA #2 knitting needles
  • Tapestry needle.

Measures: approximately 81/2" in height excluding the cap. The doll can stand without any support once the cardboard soles are inserted and it can sit when it has leaned against a wall etc.

Skills required: cast on, cast off, knit, purl, increase, and decrease.

(Please do not post this pattern as yours.) Please do not sell this pattern as yours. However, you can sell the dolls made from this pattern)



Begin at the sole and using Royal blue color cast on 8 sts.

Row 1: increase knit wise into every stitch 16 sts

Row 2: purl

Row 3: knit

Row 4: purl

Row 5: increase knit wise into every stitch (32 sts)

Row 6: purl

Row 7:(k 10, (k2tog,k2) 3 times, k10 - 29 sts)

Row 8: purl

Row 9: (k10,(k2tog, k1) 3times, k10 - 26 sts)

Row 10: purl

Row 11: (k 10, (k2tog) 4 times, k 8 - 22 sts)

Row 12: purl

Break off the yarn and join the white color for the socks.

Continue and work in st-st for 8 rows beginning with a k row.

Next row: (k1, (k2tog to last st), k1 -12 sts)

Next row: ( k2tog, k8, k2tog - 10 sts )

Break off the yarn and join the light yellow for the legs.

Increase knit wise into every st 20 sts

Beginning with a purl row work in st-st for 17 rows

Cast off.

To make up :

Join the row ends together, leaving the top open for stuffing. Place the leg on a cardboard and trace the sole, cut four pieces in order to get stiff sole. Insert two cardboard pieces for the sole for each leg and then stuff the legs firmly, but do not fill the legs completely. At the top edge, leave 1/8th inches without filling in order to insert the legs easily inside the body. Keep these aside for now until they are required.

For the ankle straps cut a length of ribbon and glue around the ankles just above the socks.

Sew two decorative buttons in the front of the shoes.


Begin at the lower body of the doll and with white color cast on 40 sts.

Beginning with the knit row st-st for 11 rows .

Break the yarn and join the royal blue color for the upper body.

Beginning with a purl row st-st for 11 rows .

Next row (k1, k2tog to last st)k1 27 sts.

Purl row

Break the yarn and join the light yellow color for the head.

Next row : (k1, inc 1 to last st, )k1 -40 sts

Purl one row.

Next row: (k5, inc knit wise in the next st ) 6 times, k4 -46 sts.

Beginning with the purl row st -st for 17 rows.

Next row: (k2, k2tog to last 2 sts) k2 - 35 sts.

Purl 1 row.

Next row:( k1, k2tog to last st, )k2- 24 sts.

Purl 2tog to end 12 sts.

Leave the sts on the needle and cut the yarn leaving a long tail, and with the tapestry needle draw the stitches and gather tightly and fasten off.

To make up :

Join the row ends, but leave 3 inches open near the head for easy stuffing. Also, do not close the bottom yet.

Insert the legs at the bottom of the body and sew in place. Now stuff the body and the head firmly and sew the gap near the head.

To form the neck :

Take a length of the yarn matching the face, gather around the first knitted row of the head, pull the stitches tightly, and fasten off.

Neck edging:

For the neck edging, take a length of ribbon and glue all around the neck.


With white cast on 66 sts.

G-st for two rows. Break off white and join Royal blue.

Beginning with a knit row St-st 14 rows.

Next row: K1, K2tog to end. -44 sts.

Purl one row

Knit one row.

Cast off knit wise.

To make up: Join the row ends of the skirt and turn the skirt right side out. Place the skirt on the doll on the first row of the white and sew in place. Make sure the center seam is at the back of the doll.

Cut a length of a ribbon and glue around the waist leaving a long tail on either side on the back to tie a bow.

Take a piece of felt with the floral prints. Cut the flowers and glue all over the dress.


With the color matching the face cast on 7 sts

Next row : purl

Inc k wise into every stitch - 14 sts

Continue in st-st and work 7 rows

Break off the skin color and join royal blue for the sleeves

G -st for 2 rows.

Next row: k1, inc in the next st , (k3,inc in the next st ) 3 times - 18 sts

Continue in the st- st and work 17 rows.

Next row : k2tog to end - 9 sts.

Leave the stitches on the needle leaving a long tail, and then with a tapestry needle draw through the stitches and pull tightly and fasten off.

To makeup :

Join the row ends together leaving the bottom of the hand open. Stuff the hands firmly and then gather the stitches at the bottom and pull them tightly.

Sew the hands in front of the body just 1 st below the neck. ( below the ribbon )

Glue the hands with a piece of ribbon near the wrist.


Cut two small vowel shape With blue and white felt. First put some glue on the white felt glue them at the center of the face 8 rows above the neck. Then glue the blue felt little bit below the white felt. ( note Aleene's fast grab tacky glue is best to glue the felt )

With black acrylic paint three small eyelashes just above the eyes.

MOUTH: Cut a small heart shape from a red felt and glue 4 rows above the neck.

Nose: use the skin color or a darker shade than the skin color and make two small horizontal stitches just below the eyes.


With maroon wind the yarn 12 times around a cardboard piece sew through the stitches in the front and at the back of one side of the cardboard and cut through the loops in the front and at the back of other side of the cardboard.

Now place the yarn on the dolls head just 4 rows above the eyelashes.

Now sew these strands of yarn all around so that the scalp is not visible, leaving a length of yarn below the neck to plait (a single length of hair or other flexible material made up of three or more interlaced strands; a braid) the hair. Repeat this 2 or 3 more time or till the head is covered completely with the hair.

Now make two plaits and tie the hair with the length of yarn matching the hair color and then tie a ribbon and make a bow. Trim the hair to equal length.


Using white cast on 50 sts.

Beginning with a K row st-st for 6 rows.

Shape the hat.

K3,k2tog to end - 40 sts.


K2,K2tog to end - 30 sts,


K1, K2tog to end - 20 sts,


K2tog to end.- 10 sts.

Leave the sts on the needle and cut the yarn leaving a long tail. With a tapestry needle draw through all the sts, pull tightly, and fasten off.


With white cast on 50 sts.

G- St for 2 rows.

Cast off.

To make up:

Join the row ends of the hat, turn the hat right side out, stuff the hat and place on the doll's head, and sew in place.

Join the row ends of the hat front turn it right side out and sew the cast on edge to the hat.

Now take a length of a ribbon and glue all around the hat and then cross at the back of the hat.