Thecontractor shall provide the appropriatesingle or double wall fiberglassstorage tank and accessories as indicated on tank drawings.Capacity,dimensionsand fitting locations will be indicated on tank drawings.Tanks shall be manufactured byContainment Solutions, Inc.The tank must betested and installed accordingtomanufacturer’scurrent installation instructions.



1.1.Quality Assurance

1.1.1.Acceptable Manufacturers:

Containment Solutions, Inc., Conroe,Texas

1.1.2.GoverningStandards, as applicable: 22241 – Diesel EnginesNOx Reduction AgentAUS32 Equipment InstituteRecommendedPracticesfor the Storage and Dispensing of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) (PEI/RP 1100) by a nationally recognized and accredited laboratory that exposure of the Urea DEF solution to the tank interiorsurface for 30-60-90 daytest durations will not compromise the quality of the Urea DEF solution as defined in ISO 22241. LaboratoriesInc.standard 1316, Glass-FiberReinforced Plastic UndergroundStorageTanksforPetroleumProducts,Alcohols, and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures. Laboratories of CanadastandardULC-S615,Reinforced Plastic UndergroundTanksforFlammableCombustibleLiquids. FireProtection Association codes and standards:

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

  • NFPA 30A MotorFuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages Code
  • NFPA 31 Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment Standard
  1. City of NewYork Department of Buildings M.E.A., 71-85-M
  2. American ConcreteInstitutestandardACI 318, Building CodeRequirementsfor Structural Concrete.
  1. Submittals
  2. Contractorshallsubmitcopiesof: shop drawings,manufacturer’sproduct brochures, installation instructions and calibration charts.


2.1.Single-Wall,Double-Wall andTriple-WallFiberglassUnderground StorageTanks

2.1.1.LoadingConditions -Tanks shall meet the followingdesigncriteria: hydrostaticpressure: Buried in ground with 7’of overburdenover the top of the tank, the excavation fully flooded and asafety factor of 5:1 against general buckling. Loads:When installed accordingtomanufacturer’scurrent installation instructions, tanks shall withstand surface HS-20 axleloads (32,000 lbs/axle). Primary and secondary tanks shall withstand 5 psig (35 kPa), or 3 psig for 12' diametertanks, air pressuretest with 5:1safetyfactor. shall be designedto support accessory equipment such as ladders,droptubes,etc. when installed accordingtomanufacturer’srecommendations and limitations.

2.1.2.Product-Storage Requirements primary tanks must be vented.Tanks are designed for operation at atmospheric pressureonly,exceptfor use with vaporrecoverysystems at apressure or vacuum not toexceed1 psig (7 kPa). shall be capable of storing liquids with specific gravity up to 1.1. shall be capable of storing the following products:

Urea DEF (AUS32)as defined by ISO 22241-1


2.1.3.Materials tank shall be manufactured as a matrix of premiumresin, glass fibers and silane-treated silica that togetherresult in acompositeprovidingimprovedcorrosionprotection. tank inner wall shall be fabricated using a non-air inhibitedcomputercontrolled manufacturing process against a metal moldtoproduce a fully cured and high gloss laminate inner surface without the need of wax coats.The inner wall surface will havea lowcoefficient of friction and a natural resistanceto the build-up of algae or other surface contamination.Wax and wax resin coatingscannot be used toachieve full surface cure on tank shells and endcaps.

2.1.4.Dimensional Requirements (refer toContainment Solutions literature) / liters. outside diameter of the tank shall befeet. overall length of the tank shall befeet.

2.1.5.MonitoringCapabilities tanks shall have a monitoringspacebetween the walls toallowfor the freeflow and containment of leaked productfrom the primary tank.Themonitoringspace shall provide equal communication in all directions. shall be compatible with the cavitybetween the inner and outer tanks:

Vented toatmosphere

  • Vacuum – 5 psig maximum
  • Positive air pressure (3 psig maximum)
  1. Themonitoring fitting for the monitoringspace shall be a 4”NPT fitting.
  2. Tank shall be monitored electronically with an annular space liquid probe or continuously with vacuum.
  1. Tank Cleanliness
  2. Tank shall be rinsed with deionized or distilled water prior toshipment.
  3. Final preparation of the tank for Urea DEF storage in accordance to ISO 22241 shall remain with the contractor.
  1. Accessories
  2. FlangedManways
  3. Thestandardmanway is 22”I.D. and shall have a stainless steelcover.It will be furnished with EPDM gaskets (30”and 36”manwaysare optional).
  4. Location– see tank drawing.
  5. Optionalmanwayextensionsshallbefiberglassandfeetlong.
  6. Secondary Containment Collar
  7. UL label shall be affixedtocollar.
  8. Thecollar shall be fiberglassreinforcedplastic, 42”or 48”in diameter and shall be factory-installed in accordance with drawings.
  9. Thecollar shall include an internaladhesivechannel.
  10. Adhesive Kit (Kit AD)
  11. UL Listed and alcohol compatible adhesive kit shall providea watertight seal at the tank sump and containment collar joint toprevent the ingress of water or egress of fuel.The adhesive kit includes resin, catalyst, mixing stick, putty knife,sandpaper,groutbag, and installation instructions.
  12. Tank Sumps
  13. UL label shall be affixedto tank sump components.
  14. Tank sumps & collars shall be listedby Underwriters Laboratoriesforpetroleum fuels and all blends of alcohol (same as tank). Collarand sump shall be tested and listed as a complete sump system.
  15. Tank sump components shall be constructed of fiberglassreinforcedplastic.The tank sump shall be 42”or 48”in diameter and mustmount to the secondary containmentcollar.Standard tank sump shall consist of an octagon shaped base (round base is optional),round body extension and enclosure top.
  16. The octagon base shall be 24”in height and provide 19”high panels for piping entry points.The base must be capable of joiningtothe collar with an internaladhesivechannel.
  17. A 34”O.D.watertight lid shall be provided at the submersible and fill/vapor end of the tank and providea watertight seal tothesump enclosure with12”of water abovethe lid and remain leak free.
  18. Refer totank sump drawings for standard models and configurations.


2.2.5.Anchor Straps shall be supplied bythe tank manufacturer. and location of straps shall be as specified bymanufacturer. strap shall be capable of withstanding a maximum load of 25,000 lbs.

2.2.6.PrefabricatedConcreteDeadmen Anchors – Deadmen shall meet the followingdesigncriteria:

Deadman shall be designedtoACI 318

  • Manufactured with 4,000 psig concrete
  • Manufactured in various lengths
  • Provide adjustable anchor points for hold down straps
  1. Liquid Sensor Drawstring
  2. Galvanizedsteeldrawstring shall be factory installed at the monitoring fitting tofacilitate field insertion of sensor.
  3. Fittings - Flanged
  4. All flanged fittings shall be stainless steel or fiberglass and meet ANSI/ASTM B16.5. Fittings shall be located on a manwaycoveror within 12”of the tank topcenterline.Fittingsto be supplied with blind flanges with full face EPDM gaskets installed at themanufacturing facility.
  5. All standard fittings shall be 4”diameter.
  6. Internal piping shall be terminated at least 4”from the tank bottom(6”for 12’diameter tanks).
  7. All tank fittings (and manways) shall have a stainless steel deflector plateunder each opening.


3.1.Installation andTesting

3.1.1.Fiberglassunderground tanks must be tested and installed accordingto the current installation instructions provided with thetank (refertoContainment Solutions Pub.No. INST 6001). Supplemental installation instructions (Pub.No. INST 6052) must also be followed.Tanksare installed with pea gravel or crushed stone as specified in current installation instructions. ContainmentSolutions’tanks are intendedforstoring products listed in the warranty; any other products not listed in the warrantymust be approved in advance byContainmentSolutions.


4.1.Warrantyshall be Containment Solutions limited warrantyin effect at time of delivery.

Copyright © ContainmentSolutions,Inc. • All Rights Reserved • April 2014 • Pub.No. CHM 17011C3