10 JULY 2003

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and finished at 8.50pm.

Meeting attended by:

CouncillorBurden (Chairman)

CouncillorGillard (Vice-Chairman)

CouncillorsClements (substitute for Councillor Knight), Gregory, Mrs Lavender, Leverett , Plummer and Trent

Also attending:

Councillors Parker (Portfolio Holder) and Wilson

Members of the public present - 5


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Knight.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2003 were confirmed as a true record.


Councillor Clements declared a personal interest in respect of M.12 due to an acquaintance who traded in the Farmers Market.


The Chairman considered this matter to be of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration at this meeting due to the fact that the next meeting of TAG was not until September and that consultation could, if this was the wish of Members, proceed as soon as possible.

The Head of Transportation Services reported that residents living in the Heckford Park and Sterte sector of the zone had been consulted on a proposed residents parking zone in 2002. Phase I had been subsequently introduced in December 2002 in those roads where there was a large majority of residents in support. Discussions with Ward representatives had indicated that Phase I of the scheme had generally been well received and that the main consensus was that it should be extended to the remaining parts of the area as soon as possible.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that residents in the original consultation area whose roads were not included in Phase I of the scheme be consulted on a proposed extension to the scheme.



The Head of Transportation Services presented a report reviewing the outturn of the 2002/3 transportation capital programme and sought approval for the capital programme 2003/4. His report detailed the outturn of the 2002/3 capital programme and stated that of the £6.539M allocated at the beginning of the year, £1.025M was being re-profiled into 2003/4. This was due to a number of factors but these problems highlighted the difficulties of delivering a mixed transportation programme with the limited resources available to a small Unitary Authority.

With regard to the 2003/4 capital programme he stated that there was £4.226M available and his report included details of individual schemes in the programme.

It was proposed that this one year programme for 2003/4 be considered now and that a 5 year programme be brought to a future TAG.

Members asked various questions on the individual schemes.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that:-

(i)the review of the capital programme for 2002/3 be noted;

(ii)the capital programme for 2003/4 be approved; and

(iii)the financial virements between categories associated with these programmes not delegated to the Head of Transportation Services be approved.



The Head of Transportation Services presented a report informing Members of the response to the consultation carried out with:-

(a)Residents in St. Aldhelms Road, Chester Road, Ormonde Road and Eaton Road which established their views on extending the parking scheme.

(b)Residents in Wills Road and Cardigan Road on introducing a residents parking scheme.

and to seek approval to advertise the proposal.

With regard to Eaton Road, Ormonde Road, Chester Road and St. Aldhelms Road he stated that although there was a majority in favour of a residents parking scheme in Ormonde Road there was not a majority in favour from the residents of the adjoining roads. It would not be practical to introduce a scheme in Ormonde Road alone, and introducing a scheme on any individual road would intensify the parking in the adjacent roads. There had been five comments concerning the parking on and near to the junction of Chester Road and Ormonde Road and he suggested that restrictions be imposed here to protect the junction.

There was clear support for extending the area parking scheme to the section of St. Aldhelms Road south of Lindsay Road. St. Aldhelms Road was a standard width road where parking would be generally allowed on both sides, but large vehicles visited the Royal Victoria School and it was suggested that parking should only be allowed on one side north of the school access.

With regard to the response to the consultation on Wills Road and Cardigan Road he stated that there was clear support for a residents parking scheme. Although some residents had expressed concerns about the clearance for the rear access to Wills Road it would still be possible to provide more spaces in Cardigan Road whilst still keeping a suitable clearance for the access.

Mr Kilminster of Wills Road drew attention to the problems experienced by residents if residents parking was available at the junction of the rear access. Residents had asked him to put forward an amended proposal which would provide more waiting restrictions thus allowing access to the lane. He also drew attention to problems of refuse vehicles using Cardigan Road. Residents felt that these vehicles and delivery vehicles would no longer be able to access the road.

The Head of Transportation Services suggested that by advertising the bays as suggested, it would always be possible to reduce the extent of parking if there were sufficient objections. The Chairman confirmed that these points could be considered further during the consultation period and suggested to Mr Kilminster that he should make sure that he and his neighbours put their views forward.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that the following Orders be advertised:-

(a)A parking scheme with 2 hours limited waiting Monday to Friday, 8.00a.m. to 6.00p.m. exception for residents, visitors and commuter permitholders, in St. Aldhelms Road;

(b)No alterations be made in Chester Road, Ormonde Road and Eaton Road apart from no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of Chester Road and Ormonde Road;

(c)A parking scheme with 2 hours limited waiting Monday to Friday 8.00a.m. to 6.00p.m. with exemption for residents and visitors in Wills Road and Cardigan Road; and

(d)The restrictions in Cardigan Road be changed to provide more parking bays.



The Head of Transportation Services reported that in June 2001 a Committee Member passed on a request from a member of the public for a refuge to help pedestrians cross Sandbanks Road in the Lilliput area. On 16th July 2001 the Area Committee considered the full list of traffic measures that had been requested and included the provision of a refuge in its programme for 2001/2. The proposal was for a pedestrian refuge in the most appropriate place in Sandbanks Road between Lilliput shops and Whitecliff Recreation Ground. A study of pedestrian movement across this stretch of Sandbanks Road indicated that the predominant movement was to and from the shops from the area to the north. Subsequently a crossing was provided near the Beehive site.

At the Newtown, Parkstone and Penn Hill Area Committee on 4th June 2003 a request was made from the Parkstone Bay and Dorset Lake Residents’ Association for the refuge to be removed on the basis of it being unnecessary for pedestrians, difficult for motorists and a danger to cyclists. There were concerns that drivers entering the petrol station blocked the road on occasions. The estimated cost of removing the refuge would be approximately £4,500. It would be difficult to justify allocating funds from the Area Committee or the capital programme to remove a facility of this type when there were so many other locations where the Council was being asked to provide new pedestrian facilities. A further consideration was that the development of the adjacent Beehive site could well result in a requirement for improved pedestrian facilities for crossing the Sandbanks Road, precisely what the current refuge achieved.

Mr Bearcroft on behalf of Parkstone Bay Association felt that the refuge was in a dangerous place and caused incidents. He felt that a refuge would be better suited near Britannia Road.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that no action should be taken to remove the refuge pending consideration of the development at the adjacent Beehive site.

For:Councillors Burden, Gillard, Gregory, Mrs Lavender, Leverett and Trent

Abstention: Councillors Clements and Plummer.


The Head of Transportation Services presented a report on the present condition of Turlin Moor footbridge and the possible refurbishment options to maintain it in a safe and viable manner. The bridge was well used by pedestrians but during its life had been subject to acts of vandalism and up until recently repairworks had always been undertaken as quickly as possible to correct the damage sustained. On the weekend of 1st June 2003 the extent of the damage to the plywood deck had been such that it necessitated the closure of the bridge to the public on safety grounds. The cost of undertaking repairwork to the deck was relatively expensive since the bridge had remained closed whilst options were considered for its future.

Maintenance of the structure had been intermittent over the past 30 years and it was considered that now was an appropriate time to develop a longer term strategy for the bridge. His report looked at the following options for the bridge:

  • Permanent closure (£20,000)
  • Minimum for the bridge to remain in use (£30,000)
  • Undertake total refurbishment of the footbridge, insitu (£100,000)
  • Provide a new bridge on the existing foundations (£150,000 to £200,000)
  • Provide a new bridge on new foundations (£225,000)

An emergency bid had been submitted to Government Office South West to replace this structure with a fully galvanised structure in the sum of £150,000. A response on this bid would not be received until September. If the bid was successful then it was suggested that the scheme for replacement be undertaken as quickly as possible in order that the new bridge was in place by March 2004. In this case it was suggested that bringing the bridge back into use for £30,000 by December 2004 could not be justified. This money could then be available to supplement the Government funding if necessary.

It was suggested that the final decision be delegated to himself in consultation with the Transportation Portfolio Holder when the actual amount of Government allocation was known.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that following a bid for emergency funding to Government Office South West for Turlin Moor footbridge the following be agreed:-

(a)If the bid is successful, Turlin footbridge be replaced with a galvanised structure with preference being given for Option 4 (Appendix A – with a 1.8 metre structure at £150,000); OR

(b)If the bid is unsuccessful the bridge deck be repaired as quickly as possible from the current capital allocation and further consideration be given to the ultimate replacement of the bridge within the next 5 years from the Authority’s capital programme;

(c)Such decision to be signed off by the Portfolio Holder.

For:Councillors Burden, Gillard, Gregory, Mrs Lavender, Leverett, Plummer and Trent

Against: Councillor Clements


The Head of Transportation Services reported that within the modernisation of the political process undertaken in Poole two years ago, Area Committees had been established in order to bring decision making closer to local people and communities. As part of this the aid to traffic movement budget was allocated to individual Area Committees to be spent on local schemes. The funding was originally provided in accordance with the 13 Wards which meant that each Area Committee had a budget based on whether it contained 2 or 3 Wards. Following the Boundary Review 3 new Wards and 3 additional Councillors were introduced for the 1st May 2003 elections. As a result the Wards were no longer broadly the same size, containing either 2 or 3 Members. It was considered therefore that the original method of allocating the budget per Ward was no longer appropriate. Under the new structure each Councillor broadly represented an equal number of electorate. It was therefore recommended that the budget be divided based on the number of Councillors.

The Head of Transportation Services also reported that owing to the pressure on the outturn of the 2002/3 budgets, no underspends from last year had been brought forward. However, any schemes committed last year had been completed without call on the current year. Each Area Committee would therefore start with a completely new budget for 2003/4.

A Member stated that he had some concerns on the allocation of funding where it related to major roads in the boundaries of an Area Committee. He felt that budgets should take account of this. Also, he referred to the fact that in the past agreement to a particular scheme had been given on the understanding that there was some give and take on the allocation from one particular Ward to another on the unwritten agreement that some reciprocal arrangement would be made which would benefit all of the Area Committees. He hoped that this would continue even with the new boundaries.

The Head of Transportation Services responded by stating that there was no new money available and that if Members wished to not give Area Committees funding for major roads even though these were minor items such as markings, then the budget would have to be top-sliced using existing money.

A Member felt that there was an anomaly due to the fact that assurances had to be given that some schemes would be implemented.

The Head of Transportation Services responded by stating that the fund had essentially been designed to be spent each year it was allocated.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that the overall Transportation Services budget for Area Committees should be allocated based on the number of Councillors in each Committee.

For:Councillors Burden, Gillard, Gregory, Mrs Lavender and Leverett

Against:Councillor Clements

Abstention:Councillors Plummer and Trent


The Head of Transportation Services presented a report asking Members to agree a form of delegation for Members to approve minor transportation schemes funded from Developer contributions. In order to streamline this process, both in officer and Member time at Committees, the following delegations were proposed:-

  • Contribution up to £10,000 – Head of Transportation Services
  • Contribution £10,000 to £20,000 – Ward Councillors plus Chair/Vice-Chair TAG and Transportation Portfolio Holder
  • Contribution £20,000 + - TAG/Portfolio Holder following consultation with the Area Committee

He emphasised the fact that if there were any contentious issues Members would be consulted.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that the form of delegation described above be approved.



The Head of Transportation Services reported that the Traffic Panel had met on 11th March 2003. The majority of the issues were for consideration by the relevant Area Committee but the suggestion that a 10 minute limit be imposed on all the coach bays that were currently subject to a “pick up and drop off only” restriction was a Borough-wide issue. Members had made no comments on the Panel’s recommendation which was therefore approved by the Head of Transportation Services under delegated powers.

AGREED that the information be noted.



The Head of Transportation Services reported on a request from the Town Centre Manager to allow street trading in Falkland Square. Within the Town Centre, Falkland Square was designated as a prohibited street. However, Town Centre Management, in consultation with local traders, considered that certain forms of trading here would increase footfall through the area and actually benefit local businesses. The process for redesignating Falkland Square as a consent street on a permanent basis would be to advertise the proposal on site and in the press with consideration being given to any objections. Formal objections would be brought to a future meeting of this Group.

He stated that it was planned that there would be a Farmers Market on Thursdays. This would be in line with the strategic aims for the Town Centre to improve the vitality and vibrancy of the Town Centre, and would complement other attractions. Redesignation of the street would permit all forms of trading to be considered. In order that adequate safeguards were in place to ensure only activities of an appropriate nature and quality were permitted, it was proposed that all applications would be considered initially by the Town Centre Manager against a pre-defined set of conditions.

This Transportation Advisory Group recommends that an Order be advertised redesignating Falkland Square to allow street trading to take place, subject to consideration of any objections.
