Minutes of the Bewcastle Parish CouncilMeeting

Monday 17th October 2016 at 7.30 pm in Roadhead Hall

Present:Barbara Smith (Chairman), Brian Carruthers, Malcolm Dodd, Ann Holt-Thomas,
Steven Pattinson,Mary Phillips,Pat Renwick, Frank Waugh,
Item No / Action
16.90 / Apologieswere received from Andrea Nicholson, City Cllr David Shepherd and County Cllr Val Tarbitt.
Requests for Dispensations – none received.
Declarations of Interest – none received.
Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2016. Cllr Renwick pointed out that in Minute 16.78 the words “below Blackpool Gate” in paragraph 4 should have read “above Blackpool Gate”. The Clerk apologised for the error which was corrected. The Chairman then moved the receipt and adoption of the Minutes.
RESOLVED:that the Minutes be received and signed as a true record of the meeting.
Matters arising
16.73 BT Callbox removal – an email had been sent to the City Council giving the Parish Council’s strong objections to this plan.
16.74 Purchase of printer – this had been made and was in use.
Financial report
The Clerk reported that after payment of outstanding invoices and transfers there was a balance of £6636.71 in the current account. It was suggested that the £150 received for the burial of Duncan Telford be transferred to the deposit account. RESOLVEDto agree the transfer and authorise the expenditure in the financial report.
Playing Field
a)An estimate of £350 had been received from Alan Routledge and as the inspection was imminent the work had been authorised by the Chairman who agreed to confirm that all the rotten fence posts would be replaced. The Clerk had still not received a reply from Lapsett regarding the swing. It was thought that the cracked seats were a greater hazard than the wear on the chains.
b)City Council Waste Collection had reserved a smaller wheelie bin to replace the present litter bin which was very difficult to empty. RESOLVED: the Clerk to contact the City Council to deliver the new bin. Cllr Dodd offered to collect the old bin for use at the Hall.
CALC AGM – there were no requests for bookings.
Health Services - Success Regime Public Consultation
It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr Renwick who had attended a previous Success Regime meeting should prepare a presentation for the Council in November.
a)Warning signs - agreed at the Manse but not at Kinkry Hill.
b)Flooding at Roadhead -There had not been sufficient rain to establish whether further work was required.
c)The willows in the ditch before Blackpool Gate have been removed.
d)Following damage to the bridge at Blackpool Gate warning signs had been erected. The Clerk to ask whether they could be made permanent.
e)The Council were extremely concerned about the lack of notification to Telford’s Coaches about the closure of road C1004 and the refusal of access to the Bailey Mill road. The Clerk would contact County Cllr Val Tarbitt to complain.
Planning – Application ref: 16/0822 Lexi House, The Steppings
There was no objection to this application.
Cemetery- Cllr Waugh had been contacted by David Little who said that a tree was causing damage to the headstone on his parents’ grave. Cllr Waugh said the tree had been cut back but really it needed to be removed. RESOLVED: Cllr Waugh to arrange for the removal of the tree.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.