Admissions in Tbilisi

June 2007




Required Documents2

Guidelines to Documents2

Admission Exams3

Contact Us4


KSE Application for Admission Brochure

KSE Application and Registration Forms


Since 2004 Master’s Program in Economics in Kyiv strives to attract qualified participants from South Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia into the program. The EERC recruitment campaign for 2005-2006 and 2006-07 academic years specifically characterized with intensified efforts in the South Caucasus. At the end of June 2005 and June 2006 EERC representatives conducted entrance examinations for students from South Caucasus region in Tbilisi. As a result, 8 students from the region started studying at the EERC MA Program in Economics full-time. Six students were awarded full scholarships funded by the Government of Norway and two students, who have not been offered any fellowship support, paid for their education from their own funds. However, even these two students, who paid for the first year of studies from their own funds, for successful academic performance received funding for their second-year of studies from the Government of Norway.

In 2007 EERC, with support of the Victor Pinchuk foundation, will start a separate university, transforming into the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE). The Kyiv School of Economics will build on the successes of the EERC MA program and will be a world-class institution, with a reputation for excellence, both in Ukraine and internationally. It will rank with the best schools in Central and Eastern Europe, will be competitive on the world market, in both economic education and research, and will produce the future generation of economists, thus improving the economic, business, and policymaking environment in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries.

The Kyiv School of Economics will offer an internationally recognized two-year, full time English language Master’s Program with focus on Financial Economics, Economic Policy and Economics of Firms, Consumers and Market Structure. The program will be taught by international and Western-trained Ukrainian faculty with a strong research background, its curriculum being modelled on the best economic and financial economics graduate programs in North America and Western Europe and providing students with an unrivalled access to the world economics literature.

In 2007Kyiv School of Economics also plans to organize admission exams for students from the regionin Tbilisi, approximately,from June 19, 2007 to June 23, 2007(please note that dates are subject to change, as well as exact time and location of admission exams will be announced later).

*** For 2007-2008 academic year 1 scholarship, provided by the Government of Norway, is available for students from the South Caucasus region.


Admission to the program is based on merit and is open to any citizen ofArmenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia who meets the basic eligibility requirements:

Specialist’s or bachelor’s degree by the time of entrance from an accredited institution (3rd or 4th level of accreditation)

Proficiency in English

Strong mathematical skills

Submission of required documents for admission by the specified deadline ofJune 1, 2007

A prior specialization in economics is desirable, but not essential.

Selection for admission is based on a review of the application materials, results of the written exams, and an interview, which will be conducted in English by English-speaking professional economist/s.

Required Documents

Please note that all documents should be submitted at once by June 1, 2007. Documents required for submission by students from South Caucasusare:

Completed KSE application form

Statement of Purpose

Completed KSE registration form

Three recommendation letters

Notarized copy of original diploma and a notarized attachment with grades together with officially certified English translations of both

Notarized copy of original passport together with officially certified English translation

6 photos 3 cm x 4 cm

Medical certificate ф-086/о form

This set of documents can be mailed. (Postal address: vul. Nizhniy Val 41, office 55, Kyiv04071, Ukraine).Please be sure to submit all documents in one envelope. This will ensure that all materials will arrive at the master’s program by the specified postmark deadline of June 1, 2007.

Please be sure that your name appears on all forms submitted. If some of your documents are submitted under any other name, be sure to indicate this by attaching an adequate certified document (e.g., marriage certificate).

Guidelines to Documents

1. Completed EERC Application Form

EERC Application Form lists general personal information, educational background, professional experience, knowledge of English language and is included to the interviewers’ package as the main information about the applicant. Although applicants may submit a resume, they should not complete any section of the application form by referring the Admission Committee to an enclosed resume or vitae or to other portions of the application.

2. Statement of Purpose

One of the most important parts of the EERC Application Form is the 250-word statement of purpose on why you wish to study economics and how a master's degree in economics is related to your career goals and intellectual interests. The statement of purpose should be typed, double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper, in English. It should include the purpose of your scientific and professional interests and objectives, and a description of your goals, and how the master’s program can help you meet them. If you are primarily interested in research, also include a description of the research that you wish to pursue and report, if applicable, your research in progress. In general, a good statement of purpose should include answers to the following questions:

  • Based on your personal background, interests, and experience, what do you expect to contribute to the program?
  • What have you already done, at any level that has contributed to the specialty of the program?
  • How does the master’s program fit into your short-term and long-term career goals?

The statement of purpose should be entirely the applicant’s original work. It must be also written in English and NOT in another language, as well as not translated for the applicant by another person.

3. Completed KSE Registration Form

KSE Registration Form serves the purpose of initial registration and includes personal data of each applicant. Is to be completed by all applicants.

4. Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters are to be from three individuals, such as university instructors or employers (namely from people who have supervised you in either an academic, professional or community service capacity, and who can comment on your intellectual ability, creativity, initiative, sensitivity to others, and leadership potential).

Recommendations should not be written by friends or family members. When feasible, at least one should be from a university professor familiar with your academic work.

Recommendation letters written in native language or Russian must be translated into English, and translations must be officially certified. Certified English translation is required. Letters of recommendation should include the name, title, address, and telephone number of the person providing the recommendation and should be signed and officially stamped. Unstamped or unsigned recommendations without certified translation are not accepted for consideration.

5. Notarized Copies of Original Diploma, Attachment to Diploma and Passport

Since the package with all the documents can be mailed by post, it is compulsory requirement to notarize copies of original documents that are submitted:


2). attachment to diploma

3). passport

All these three documents should be notarized and also include certified translations into English. Documents that are not notarized, as well as translations that are not officially certified will not be accepted.

6. 6 photos 3cm x 4 cm

Photos can be either color or white & black, but should meet the requested size parameters (3cm x 4cm).

7. Medical Certificate ф-086/о form

All applicants are requested to submit original medical certificates corresponding to the form ф-086/о. Though the title of this form may differ from country to country, the content is the same. Such certificate is issued to a person for the purpose of admission to the educational institutions and lists examination statements by major doctors (therapist, oculist, neuropathologist and others).

If medical certificate is issued in the native language, its English translation should be submitted as well.

Admission Exams

Admission exams will be held in Tbilisi in one of the universities, or the EurasiaFoundationResourceCenter. Exact location will be announced later.

Admission exams will run, approximately, from June 20 to June 24, 2006 in the following sequence and will be assigned with the following numbers of points:

Mathematics / 25 points / June19
Economics exam / 25 points / June 20
English Language / 10 points / June 21
Interview / 30 points / June22

Note:Students from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia will be exempted from the Ukrainian admission exam, but if admitted will be asked to pass an international students’ exam in Ukrainian after a 4-month course during the academic year 2007-2008.

Each admission exam, except for an interview, will be conducted in written form by one of the Kyiv School of Economics representatives. Almost all exams will last for 2 hours(English exam for 1 hour and 30 minutes). Interviews will be conducted with each person individually for about 20 minutes.

Contact Us

More information about admission to the Kyiv School of Economics can be found at the KSE Website: or checked directly with KSE Admissions Office representatives:

Yaroslava Naimushyna,Academic Affairs Manager, Head of the Academic Affairs Department at , (+38-044) 492-8012;

Artem Panchenko,Academic Affairs Specialist at ; (+38-044) 492-8012.

All application documents should be sent to the following address:

EERC Office

office 55

vul. Nizhniy Val 41,

Kyiv 04071,
