Outline of Story Structure

Paragraph (ignore new character speaking) / Key points
1 / Sam didn’t want to go to the farm
Sam’s grandad encouraged him
2 / Sam tried to be brave
3 / Long journey
Arrived at Nethercott
4 / Tasks before breakfast
5 / More tasks
6 / Sam didn’t have time to miss Grandad
7 / What happens at night

Week 1

Extract from ‘Keep Yelling, Young Un’

by Dick King-Smith

‘Keep yelling young un!’ bawled Ma, as she ran beside Babe. ‘They won’t never stop here with that row going on!’

And suddenly all sorts of things began to happen as those deafening squeals rang out over the quiet countryside. Birds flew startled from the trees, cows in nearby fields began to gallop about, dogs in distant farms to bark, passing motorists to stop and stare. In the farmhouse below, Mrs Hogget heard the noise as she had on the day of the Fair, but now it was infinitely louder, the most piercing, nerve-tingling, ear-shattering burglar alarm. She dialled 999 but then talked for so long that by the time a patrol car drove up the lane, the rustlers had long gone. Snarling at each other and their dogs, they had driven hurriedly away with not one single sheep to show for their pains.

Week 1

Developing interesting sentences by word addition

Ahead of them was a house.

Suddenly ahead of them was a house.

Suddenly ahead of them was a huge house.

Suddenly ahead of them was a huge house, with fields and trees all around.

Suddenly ahead of them was a huge house, with green fields and trees all around.

Suddenly ahead of them was a huge house, like a palace, with green fields and trees all around.

Week 1

Add words and punctuation to make these sentences more interesting.

Breakfast was porridge, eggs and toast.

The sheep were brought in for the night, the pigs fed, the horses groomed and the hens shut up.

Even when they had to muck out sheds or clear a field of stones.

In the auction ring there was a man who made the calves move.

Week 1

Address here

Date here

Dear old gardener (perhaps invent a name!),

First paragraph includes:

how much I (Sam) enjoyed the visit to the farm

some of the things I enjoyed doing

thank old gardener for help with Francis

Second paragraph includes:

description of drive home

what happened when I (Sam) gave the duck to Grandad

how we (Grandad and Sam) visit the pond daily

Final paragraph includes:

hope all is well at the farm

repeated thanks for help

happy ending for Francis

With best wishes,

Signed by Sam

Week 1

The Ant and the Grasshopper – Statements

Close beside the wood was a meadow.

The grasshopper sang all summer long.

The grasshopper waved at the ant.

The food was stored in neat piles.

The ant’s mound looked tidy and homely.

The ant rolled a large nut into her winter basement.

The grasshopper was starving and frozen.

The ant gently closed the door.

Week 1

The Possessive Apostrophe

1.  The baby sister of Tiro ______

2.  The friend of Naledi ______

3.  The last letter of Mma ______

4.  Passes of grownups ______

5.  The brother of Poleng ______

6.  The supper of the farmer ______

7.  The sound of the trucks ______

8.  The hands of each other ______

9.  The house of Grace ______

10. The small baby of the woman ______

Week 2

Name of Character: ______

Page no. / Dilemma/Issue / Prediction / Evidence from text / Actual outcome

Week 2

Apartheid Fact File

·  Apartheid means segregation

·  The apartheid system operated in South Africa from 1948 to 1991

·  Non-white people couldn't use libraries, buses, beaches, parks and toilets that were reserved for white people

·  Whites couldn't marry a non-white person

·  Non-white people did not have good health care

·  Black people and people of mixed race could not go to school with white people or play on sport teams with them

·  The black Africans were not able to vote, while the white Africans voted for all of South Africa

·  Many adults had to leave their homes in the countryside to work in large cities, leaving their children behind

·  Nelson Mandela fought for the rights of black people, but was arrested because of his views and was sentenced to life imprisonment

·  Nelson Mandela was just 46 years old when he was sent to prison on Robben Island

·  His wife could visit him for just half an hour every six months

·  He was not allowed to see his children for 12 years

·  During apartheid many people refused to buy South African products or visit the country as tourists

·  By the late 1980s the USA, the UK and 23 other nations had imposed trade sanctions on South Africa

·  On 11 February 1990, Mandela was released from prison, where he had been for 27 years

·  Soon after, all people, white and black, in cities and villages, were allowed to vote, and they made Nelson Mandela their president

·  Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993

Week 2

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2007 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y4 N Unit 4A – Sum – Weeks 1 - 3

Show me suffix cards

-ible / -able
-tion / -sion

Week 2

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2007 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y4 N Unit 4A – Sum – Weeks 1 - 3

Its or It’s?

Complete the sentences by writing the correct form in the spaces: its = belonging to it, or it’s = it is

“______all right,” assured his older sister.

But what if they wait and ______too late?

The sun had already passed ______midday position.

He’ll say ______not in order.

Stay here and I’ll take you there when ______dark.

The train was on ______way.

“______a place called ‘Parktown’,” she read slowly.

The lorry sped on ______way through the countryside.

______the earth they dig up to get to the gold.

But ______not my lorry.


There it stood, a great pink house with ______own grass lawn and trees in front.

Week 2

Sam’s Duck

“You’ll like it when you get there,” said Sam’s Grandad.

“I won’t,” said Sam. But he knew he had to go to the farm. Everyone in Mrs Southerden’s class was going. Besides, Grandad said it would be good for him.

“City boy like you can learn a lot down on the farm,” he said. “Fresh air, fresh eggs. I wish I could go myself. You’ll be back on Friday for my birthday. We’ll have a party.”

Journey to Jo’burg

Naledi and Tiro were worried. Their baby sister Dineo was ill, very ill. For three days now, Nono their granny had been trying to cool her fever with damp cloths placed on her little head and body. Mmangwane, their aunty, made her take sips of water, but still their sister lay hot and restless, crying softly at times.

The Ant & the Grasshopper

Once upon a time there was an ant. The ant lived on the edge of a wood. The wood was a quiet wood, and not many folk came by there and so the ants had the run of the wood. There were many ant hills – great mounds of needles and composted-down dry leaf mould. But this particular ant lived right on the edge – in a small detached little mound which had once been occupied by hundreds of ants but was now empty of all except her.

Week 3


/ Characters / Issue/Dilemma
Supermarket / You & the gang you would like to be part of / You see the gang shoplifting – they dare you to join in…
Local park / You and the children from next door / Next door’s children ask you to play in the park. They start writing graffiti on park benches and want you to join in…
School playground / You, a bully and a new pupil / You see a new pupil being bullied because she/he has a different accent, by a boy/girl that you are frightened of…
Newsagent’s / You & older group of boys & girls / The older children have bought a packet of cigarettes and try to persuade you to smoke one. They call you a baby when you try to refuse…
High Street / You, an old lady and a group of teenagers / You see the teenagers, who you know, steal the old lady’s purse from her shopping basket. The teenagers threaten you as they run past with the purse…
Classroom / You, your teacher, the rest of your class, a friend from another class / A friend from another class offers you the answers to an important test that your class still has to take…
The street outside your school / You and a group of girls/boys from your class / You are about to walk home from school, but you see the group of girls/boys hanging around at the corner you need to walk round…
A friend’s house / You, your friend, his/her parents / You are at your friend’s house and you see that she has the very latest fashion accessory/electronic game/DVD that you can’t afford. He/she goes out of the room…

Week 3

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2007 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y4 N Unit 4A – Sum – Weeks 1 - 3

Week 3

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2007 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

Y4 N Unit 4A – Sum – Weeks 1 - 3