W-186 meeting

Nov. 8 & 9, 2002

Minutes of W-186 2002 Meeting

Las Cruces Nov. 8 & 9, 2002

Recorded by E. Caswell-Chen


Don Cooksey (Administrative Advisor), Steve Thomas (host), Tom Powers (Chair), Fred Grey (Vice Chair), Pat Donald, Ekaterini Riga, Russell Ingham, Ed Caswell-Chen (Secretary), Haddish Melakeberhan.

Name / Address / Email
Ed Caswell-Chen / One Shields Ave.
Department of Nematology
Univ. of California
Davis, CA 95616 /
Don Cooksey / College of Natural &
Agricultural Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521 /
Pat Donald / USDA / ARS
605 Airways
Jackson, TN 38301 /
note: must enter the address in email, don’t use “reply”
Fred Gray / Dept. of Plant Sciences
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071 /
Russ Ingham / Dept. of Botany & Plant
Cordley Hall 2082
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 /
Haddish Melakeberhan / Dept of Entomology
Michigan State Univ.
E. Lansing, MI 48824-1115 /
Tom Powers / 406 PSH
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Univ. of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68583-0322 /
Ekaterini Riga / 24106 N. Bunn Rd.
Washington State Univ.
Prosser, WA 99350 /
Steve Thomas / Dept. of Entomology, Plant
Pathol. & Weed Sci.
New Mexico State Univ.Box 30003, MSC 3BE
Las Cruces, NM 8803 /
Info on proposal guidelines / http://www.colostate.edu/orgs/waaesd

Nov. 8, 8:42 am – meeting started

Dr. LeRoy Dougherty – Director of AES at NMSU, Assoc. Dean of College of Ag and Home Econ. at NMSU – provided welcome comments, including a description of NMSU, its main campus, off campus staions and AES activities.

Chair Tom Powers initiated a discussion about the revision of the current project, which expires on September 30, 2003.

Admin. Advisor Don Cooksey explained the deadlines for submission of the renewal. The renewal will be viewed as a new project essentially and new projects will get new numbers. Jan 15th is the first deadline (strongly advised to get it in at that deadline), there is a May (15th) deadline, but recommend using that for corrections or changes on the January deadline. Questions that come up in review of projects include level of participation and numbers of institutions, and the scope of CE linkages.

Appendix A at the online WWW site (see table for URL) gives guidelines and instructions for formats for the proposals: justification, impacts (not just publications, but how will this impact agriculture in ways that are real (e.g., CD ROM)), identify reviewers of the proposal, etc. http://www.colostate.edu/orgs/waaesd. Additional details of the renewal were discussed, including the online submission process, the relationship of this project to other related multistate projects, and the use of the WWW to provide linkages and information sharing. Holding half-day workshops to enrich the meeting experiences was discussed, including inviting people in as an outreach component.



During the remainder of the day, each of the participants present gave a 15 minute report followed by discussion on work accomplished under the project objectives during the last year. Summaries of these oral reports, together with written reports submitted by project participants unable to attend the meeting, are summarized in the 2002 annual report.

End of presentations and Dinner.

Nov. 9, 2002

Chair Tom powers led the business meeting portion of the agenda:

Next meeting site:Parma, Idaho and Laramie, Wyoming were discussed as possible meeting sites for next year, with Saad Hafez and Fred Gray to look into availability of a location.

New Secretary: Ekatarina Riga (new participant from Washington State).

Was voted in unanimously as the new secretary.

The Vice-Chair this year is Fred Gray, so he will be the Chair next year.

Following the business meeting, discussion re-focused on the project renewal. Phil Roberts had emailed a draft revision outline that participants used to discuss new and continuing research directions in the project. It was agreed that Secretary Ed Caswell-Chen would send the amended draft to everyone on the project so thatcurrent and future participants could add their inputs to the revision.

Tom Powers requested that individual annual reports be sent to him for incorporation into the W-186 annual report. Ed Caswell-Chen indicated he would email the draft meeting minutes to particpants for their edits and approval.

Pat Donald was assigned to get new WWW site organized, prepared, and up and running (annual report from last year, minutes from last year, etc.).

A list of names was developed to submit to the Admin. Advisor as possible reviewers for the project renewal.

ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 11:58AM..