Bloomington Kennedy Physical Education
Physical Education Course Syllabus 2016-17
Robin Marvin
PE 9 Course Description
There are three area of emphasis in this course including wellness and fitness, team sports and the concept of sportsmanship. We use activities from the District Curriculum Guide. Units will include, but are not limited to physical fitness/cardiovascular emphasis, soccer, team handball, badminton, tennis, softball, volleyball, basketball, pickle ball, floor hockey and various recreational games.
Essential Outcomes:
Task #1 of the district graduation standards will be completed in this class with an emphasis on sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation as well as basic skills in a variety of team sports. Students will demonstrate personal and responsible behavior leading to a life long respect for healthy living. The importance of sportsmanship and teamwork is emphasized daily.
Students Need to Supply:
Appropriate and proper change of clothing (top and bottom) for active participation, and enthusiasm.
A t-shirt that has “Kennedy” printed on it. It may be an athletic, academic, band, choir or PE representation. No cut off shirts (including cut off sleeves) will be acceptable. The PE department has shirts available for $6.00 which the student can keep.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Be in squad, and ready for attendance before the bell rings
3. No talking while teacher is instructing.
4. No swearing, putdowns, or disrespect toward others.
JFK Attendance Policy
Per Trimester – A student who has accumulated four or more unexcused absences in class will not earn credit for that class unless the student makes up the academic time. Absences can be recovered after school on Tuesday in the media center or by appointment with your teacher.
Verified absences must be made up within one week of being absent. If they are not made up you will lose the 4 points.
Make-up required for verified absences to receive points (up to 5 days).
All make-up is due within 1 week of absences, not changing for class, or medicals.
MAKE-UP includes two choices:
1. Read a newspaper, journal, magazine, etc. article on a weight training or physical exercise. Write a ONE page summary on the article, and attach the article to the summary.
2. Perform 45 minutes of exercise. Write a one page report and have your parent/guardian sign it.
The information will be graded based on the details of the work and the citing of the resources used.
Grades will be a combination of testing and participation evaluations.
Each day you may earn a total of 4 points:
• 4 points a day = solid participation for entire class period and being dressed in appropriate attire.
Loss of points:
• 4 points for not dressing in proper PE attire. You will not be able to participate.
•1 to 4 points for attitude, participation, safety concerns and sportsmanship (teacher’s discretion)
Grading scale:
80% - Daily participation
20% - Standard and Final Exam
All of Kennedy’s policies will be followed in this class including hats, coats, beepers, phones, I-pods etc. DO NOT bring any of these to the gyms or weight room.
Each of you will be assigned a small locker. You may use the large lockers during class time, but must use the small locker at all other times. You also will be issued a school owned lock.
You are responsible for the lock and it’s care. At the end of the term, it will be turned in or a $7 fee will be assessed to you.
Contact Information
I am always available to help students. Parents/guardians may contact me with questions and to get updates on their student’s academic progress. You can contact me in several ways:
Phone Number: 952-681-6960 (VM) 952-681-5195 (Office)
Email Address:
Office Hours: Before school (7:00-7:45), lunch C, and Prep
Ø By signing this form, you agree that you have read though the course syllabus for Physical Education 10 and understand the school’s attendance, behavior, and academic policies written in the student handbook.
Ø Student: You also agree to follow all of Ms. Marvin’s class expectations
Ø Parent/Guardian: You agree to help your student follow these expectations.
Ø Please feel free to contact me at any time with your questions or concerns at
(952-681-5000) or .
Class Hour ______
Student’s Name (Print) ______
Student’s Signature ______
Date ______
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print) ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______
Daytime Phone ______
Evening Phone ______
Email Address ______
** Bring this sheet back signed for 4 class points. **
This paper is due before the 3rd week of class!!!