MINUTES of theMEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7 February 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman: Cllr D Liddell
Councillors: C Bower, R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley,R Leech, P Smith and R Stier.
In attendance: 6 residents and the Parish Clerk
One resident expressed his disappointment that the Parish Council had decided against providing a grant to the Crime and Safety sub group (C&SSG) for running costs. Cllr Handley explained that the Parish Council will only give grants to specific projects not general running costs and this had been explained to the secretary of the C&SSG.
An allotment holder advised that the water tap at the allotment site is not working. The Clerk will ask the handy man to repair the tap.
An allotment holder commented on the recent work carried out by the handy man on the Silkstone allotment site. Since this item is on the agenda his comments are minuted later (see minute number 10-134)
A resident advised that the road grates on Ben Bank Road, Silkstone Common are blocked causing standing water during heavy rainfall. It was noted that a number of grates between Dodworth and Silkstone Common are laid in a grass verge which is overgrown. The Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC Highways.
The sewer manhole at the bottom of Cone Lane was overflowing. The resident had reported this to Barnsley MBC and the problem appears to have been resolved.
A resident highlighted to Council that there used to be a path through the Chestnuts site. Cllr Bower advised that this path was not on the definitive footpaths map and so the developer was within his rights to close the path. It was noted that an application can be made to the footpaths officer for a footpath to be entered on to the definitive map but that this is a long drawn out process. Similarly applications can be made to close footpaths which are already on the definitive map. The resident suggested that an article about keeping footpaths open could be included in the next newsletter.
The hedge at the bottom of Beech ave has been cut back by Neighbourhood Pride as it was overgrowing the pavement, a resident has complained to BMBC about how severely the hedge was cut back. The Clerk will investigate and update members at the next Council meeting.
RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Handyman under agenda item 8(the item was not discussed as the payment was authorised on block with other payments)and also a personal interest in item 11.
Following a discussion on ways in which the handyman could assist the volunteers of Silkstone in Bloom it was;
RESOLVED that the handyman will weed kill the Roses site, stocks area and small tarmac area on Church hill next to Vicarage farm court twice per year in March and June.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will check with the handyman to ensure that he has a certificate for weedkilling in public places. If not an amenity weedkilling licence will be organised.
RESOLVED that the handy man will be asked to provide a quotation to the Parish Council to raise the height of the stone edging at the Roses site using stone left over from works in Orchard Wood.
RESOLVED to note that Jim Ritchie from the Roggins group will contact the South Yorkshire Funding Advice Bureau to discuss the proposals for the Stocks area. He will advise the Clerk of progress. If no funding is available he will advise the Clerk of the total cost of the project so that the Parish Council can consider phasing the work and paying for the project.
RESOLVED to note the content of the letter from Silkstone in Bloom relating to the Parish Council’s decision not to provide hanging baskets in the villages during the summer of 2011. The letter stated that the Parish Council should have consulted the group before making this decision. It was agreed that the Parish Council should have consulted the group through the link councillors.
RESOLVED to note that 2 planters from outside the Silkstone Common Methodist Chapel have been removed. The Clerk will contact Neighbourhood Pride to check if they removed the planters when they removed other BMBC planters recently.
RESOLVED that the Silkstone in Bloom group will consider their future plans and projects to enable a grant application to be submitted for a specific project.
RESOLVED to note the letters from 2 allotment holders. An allotment holder also agreed with these letters during public question time and in addition stated that the weed killing of the footpaths should not have been carried out as this has made the pathways slippery. The Clerk will respond to the letters including the following comments:
-The handyman’s expenditure was justified
-The Parish Council cannot allow an individual to carry out work to Parish Council land since anyone carrying out such work would need to be an employee or contractor of the Parish Council with public liability insurance.
-The concrete posts and stones next to the water tap were removed for Health & Safety reasons.
-The gate was repaired for Health & Safety reasons.
-The signs and locks were installed at the request of an allotment holder to stop dog walkers accessing the site.
-The hedge that is cut back annually is on the right hand side of the footpath when entering site through Pack Horse green gate.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to all allotment holders to gauge their interest in setting up an allotment association. An allotment association would include all allotment holders and they would be responsible for maintaining the site, allocating plots, setting the rent and dealing with all receipts and payments. An alternative will be suggested which will mean the Parish Council continue to maintain the site and deal with the administration but that the allotment holders elect a representative to liaise with the Parish Clerk on maintenance matters.
10-135 MINUTES
Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 10 January 11 as a true and accurate record following the amendments listed below. The Chairman signed the minutes.
Amendments to the minutes:page 3 – Cllr Stier attended the Penistone Partnership meeting and Cllr Liddell was voted onto the NALC policy committee as a member not chairman.
Matters arising from the minutes: The Clerk will put in a bid for the SID at Silkstone Cross on the A628 either side of the garage.
Silkstone Playing Fields Committee –RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee on 17 January 11.
RESOLVED that the following comments be made on planning applications as detailed below.
2011/0003 / Erection of a detached dwelling with integral garage following demolition of existing bungalow.No comment / 66 Moorend Lane,
Silkstone Common
2011/0056 / Display of a double sided illuminated advertisement unit.
No comment / Silkstone Co-op
RESOLVED that the Parish Council award a grant of £140 to Silkstone Common Good Companions for their coach costs to attend the Penistone Centre Stage production of Anything Goes.
RESOLVED that the Parish Council award a grant of £150 to Uz youth group at Silkstone Church to pay towards their trip to Scout Dyke.
RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for the period 1 October to 31 December 2011, the chairman signed the bank reconciliation.
RESOLVED to note the budget monitor for the period 1 October to 31 December 2011.
RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 7 February 2011totalling
RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a personal interest in this item. He did not comment on this item.
RESOLVED that the hourly rate for the handyman contracted to the Parish Council be increased from £11.00 per hour to £11.50 per hour with effect from 1 April 11.
RESOLVED that the Parish Council will purchase a scarifier for cricket club use. The cricket club will forward a cheque to the Parish Council for the total of the Community Support Fund grant and their 50% share of the remaining cost. The cost quoted for a Rotorake is £2,395 excl Vat so with the grant taken off this the remainder is £1,395 which will be shared between the cricket club and Parish Council.
Cllr Stier advised Members that:
-The central heating system is causing problems again and the plumber had been called out a few times.
-The extractor fan in changing room 2 is broken, cost to replace will be around £180 – Clerk to progress order for new fan.
-The contractor who carried out the drainage works is due to call back to site to clear debris.
RESOLVED to note that around 90% of crimes in Silkstone are centred on the Silkstone garage. Members noted that there is a new police website where crimes are shown on a map for a specified area.
Cllrs C Bower & P Smith attended the meetings of the Silkstone in Bloom group and Silkstone Charities.Cllr Leech attended the Twinning Committee meeting and updated members on the planned July visit to St Florent. Unfortunately, Silkstone Band and Penistone Grammar school have dropped out of the trip. The implications being that very few young people will be joining in the trip and the lack of a coach may cause problems for those not wanting to travel alone. Y Dinsdale the Twinning co-ordinator will liaise with the French to organise the trip.
Cllr Stier attended the Penistone Crime and Safety Sub group meeting and advised that the police are starting a new underage drinking prevention campaign on 14 Feb in the Penistone area. Members were also told that a gypsy van is driving around the estates in the villages. Members were reminded that scrap vans must display a waste licence in the front of the van. A roofing company called Shield are leafleting the area but they are being investigated by trading standards at the moment.
Cllr Liddell will be attending a meeting with Lynda Robinson who is taking over the lead on the new scout building from Paul Lancaster.
A Media meeting is planned for 9 Feb 11 and a Grants Working Party meeting planned for 24 March 11.
RESOLVED to note the following correspondence
13/1/11 / CARE – advising tree planting date for Chestnuts site and advising of restrictions imposed by British rail relating to voluntary works around the station – noted22/1/11 / CARE – advising trees planted at Chesnuts – noted with thanks.
24/1/11 / Smiths Gore – confirming that they will inspect and tend to the Japanese knotweed at their properties on Ben Bank Road – noted with thanks.
25/1/11 / SYPTE – advising of the increase in child bus fares - noted
27/1/11 / BMBC Electoral services – Briefing session for Clerks on 8 March 11 relating to arrangements for election in May – Clerk will attend.
- / RAY – Country Air magazine – Cllr Smith taken.
- / YLCA – South Yorkshire Branch meeting information – Cllrs Stier and Liddell already have copies of the papers so Clerk retained.
Letters received by Parish Council Chairman :
A resident wrote to the Chairman regarding the possible withdrawal of the Penistone Rapid Response Vehicle. The Clerk will forward a copy of the letter to Cllr P Hand-Davis as he is already making representations to the Yorkshire Ambulance Service relating to this issue.
A resident wrote to the Chairman thanking the Parish Council for their assistance in ensuring that a grit bin was located at Hall Royd Walk,
RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will beon Monday 7 March 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.
Chairman’s Signature / DateSPC Minutes 7 Feb 11