Minutes of the Scarcroft Village Development Working Group meeting
8pm 21st May 2012 at the Village Hall
Those present:
Councillor Ruth Middleton, group leader
Breeda Murray
Gary Jameson
Malcolm Lobley
Richard Burke
Peter Campbell
Ann Lobley
Rob Murray
Melvin Dawson
David Cross
Chris De Whytell
Alex Jackson
Apologies for absence
Bernard Mageean
Walter Allen
The meeting followed the agenda under the following headings:
1. Welcome and Introductions
Each member of the meeting introduced themselves, giving an indication of where in the village they lived and how long they had lived in Scarcroft. Councillor Middleton commented that there was a good mix of lengths of residence in the village.
2. Presentation by Malcolm Lobley
Malcolm gave his presentation which was well received by the meeting and a discussion ensued.
Malcolm made the point that the village is split by the A58 and has developed in no particular pattern or shape. The Group has, in the past, discussed the question 'If the village had a centre, where would it be?' Wouldn't it be a good idea to establish a centre before further expansion of the village or development within the village?
Gary Jameson said that he doesn't think we'll have to accept a lot of houses, at a guess no more than 150. Councillor Middleton said it depends how the allocation of 6400 new dwellings for Leeds North East Outer is divided up. [Leeds North East Outer includes Harewood, Wetherby, Bramham, Aberford, Thorner, Barwick in Elmet, Shadwell and Alwoodley.]
The issue of a centre for the village has been closely linked with discussions about a shop for the village. Councillor Middleton thinks Tesco would be interested. Peter Campbell queried whether there would be a minimum size requirement for such a store? It was agreed that there would a similar minimum size for all such stores irrespective of the brand or chain.
Councillor Middleton said it was not a bad idea to have a store and it would be best if the frontage was on the A58.
The questionnaire mentions both a shop and a farm shop. Breeda Murray asked how viable such a village centre would be? David Cross said the Village Hall could be used and could, possibly, be rebuilt so as to face down towards the Castle Mona site. Councillor Middleton said the Village Hall could be redeveloped, with a coffee shop within the new Village Hall overlooking the play space, but the access presently at the left hand side and rear of the Village Hall would have to be moved.
Councilllor Middleton asked that the the potential redevelopment of the Village Hall be highlighted in the Minutes.
Malcolm Lobley asked if there is a specific question about the Village Centre in the Questionnaire.
Peter Campbell said having a pharmacy in the village would be very useful. Breeda Murray responded saying that a pharmacy not attached to a GPs' surgery wouldn't be viable.
Councillor Middleton said that having the A58 run through the village is an advantage, vis-a-vis the shop that Bardsey and East Keswick don't have and that, when negotiating with retailers, you only have bargaining power if you own the land.
3. Site updates
YEB site - Councillor Middleton gave the update on this site.
The consensus remains that 'Brownfield' land should be put forward first for development. The old building on the site is beautiful and the site, generally, would be suited to a mix of types of housing. Councillor Middleton said that the existing tenant wants to move because the site is not easily accessible, particularly for staff.
Councillor Middleton recommended that people take a look at the site and pointed out, on the SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) plan, the land on the site that would be dedicated as a public open space. The site has 'lots of potential' and a developer whose agent has already been in discussion with the Parish Council and members of the Group. The developer is looking at how many residential units would be required to make development viable.
Ann Lobley asked if this is the same plan or proposal that was put forward 2 or so years ago? Councillor Middleton said it's highly likely that it is.
David Cross said that the site is an uncommon example of a Georgian layout easily visible from the road, so any development should be sensitive.
Councillor Middleton said that her personal view, based on her planning experience, is that 'Brownfield' sites should be put forward first.
Breeda Murray and David Cross expressed concern at the present state of the old buildings on the site; there are open and broken windows - which is the owner's responsibility.
Malcolm Lobley asked why the owner's duty of care is not being enforced?
David Cross commented that the ease of access to the site is contributing to the vandalism problem.
Councillor Middleton will send an email to Jeremy Good, agent for the owner, passing on the concerns raised at the meeting.
Peter Campbell asked if the old building is the only listed building on the site. It is thought so. Councillor Middleton commented that we don't want the concrete building to be listed.
Wood Farm
Alex Jackson had joined the meeting at 8.35. Councillor Middleton gave a precis of the meeting to that point.
As owner of Wood Farm, Alex would take the Farm Shop proposal forward. A Farm Shop would add character to the village.
Malcolm Lobley proposed a joint venture between a general village shop and the Farm Shop. Alex said the Farm Shop would sell niche products and be close to the A58 - the two shops could co-exist as they would serve discrete markets.
Additional Sites
No other sites have been identified as being suitable to put forward.
4. Joint Work with Bardsey Parish Council
This item on the Agenda was discussed in conjunction with
5. Joint work with Thorner, Shadwell and East Keswick Parish Councils
7. Report back on the meeting with the Neighbourhood Planners from LeedsCity Council
Councillors Middleton and Procter ( Chair of Scarcroft Parish Council) had met with Ian Mackay and Heather Suggate at Leeds City Council. [Ian is a Principal Planner/Project Manager and Team Leader East Forward Planning and Implementation, and Heather is a member of his Team]
It was an interesting meeting and, although the Council hadn't taken their plan to the Executive Board, next due to meet in June, the Council were concerned that they have to facilitate the referenda. Councillor Middleton had raised the issue of the North of the city helping the South of the city. Ian and Heather seemed to think it more important that Scarcroft and Bardsey are working together.
On this issue, Councillor Middleton said Bardsey are happy to work with us, and we will show the data from our Questionnaire to them. We are happy to work with them.
We have asked when the next Bardsey public meeting is, and Group members will advised of the date time and location of that meeting when Councillor Middleton has received that information.
The owner of the land or field between Moss Syke and the Golf Club have approached Bardsey Parish Council regarding developing the site. Access to the site could be a problem, if development were to go ahead. Councillor Middleton will follow this up with Councillor Ed Stentiford, Chair of Bardsey Parish Council.
Councillor Middleton has noticed that the traffic on Syke Lane has speeded up since the trees were cut back on the 'Mickey's Field' site.
Peter Campbell asked how much sway the Parish Council has? Councillor Middleton responded that that depends on how many alternative sites we put forward.
East Keswick are not planning to do a Neighbourhood Plan as they have no sites to put forward.
Melvin Dawson asked if there had been any mention of travellers' sites? Councillor Middleton gave the local and national overview, as aspects of this issue fall within her role with the NHS. It is easier if the local authority owns the land. The past practice of locating sites next to electricity pylons and motorways has given rise to human rights issues.
David Cross remarked that it is interesting that a lot of the SHLAA sites are in central Leeds. Councillor Middleton said that this relates to the issue of 'critical mass', access to amenities and low car ownership.
6. Update on Questionnaire and where to deposit completed Questionnaires
Councillor Middleton said that the Questionnaire should go out in the next 2 weeks. There will be a box, for completed Questionnaires, in the New Inn and we need to make sure thew red post box is put on the outside of the Village Hall.
8. Any Other Business
The frequency of Group meetings was discussed, given the low attendance tonight. Councillor Middleton said people could attend the 'Core Group' meetings, usually held in the New Inn. Gary Jameson said the next Group meeting should be after the Questionnaire has been delivered and completed ones received back - then we would have something to discuss. Breeda Murray said it was a good idea to receive the completed Questionnaires back, draft a Plan and then hold a Group meeting.
It was agreed that the Group's Secretary should email those members who volunteered to contribute text to the draft Plan, to obtain those contributions so they could be considered in conjunction with the responses to the Questionnaires.
It was agreed that the next Group meeting will be held in about 3 months time.
The meeting closed.