P. O. Box 628

Jacksonville, Alabama 36265

February 10, 2017

Ms. Marcia Stallings, Guidance Counselor

Jacksonville High School

1000 George Douthit Drive SW

Jacksonville, AL 36265

Dear Ms. Stallings:

The Exchange Club of Jacksonville is pleased to announce that it will offer a $1000 tuition scholarship to Jacksonville State University (JSU) for the fall semester 2017. The recipient will be selected on the basis of need, service to the school and community, and academic achievement. Please notify your seniors of this wonderful opportunity offered on behalf of the Exchange Club of Jacksonville.

Seniors may apply for the scholarship in the form of a letter and resume. The information outlined below should be included in the application packet:

1.  Name, address, and high school presently attending.

2.  Autobiography emphasizing events that have helped to shape development.

3.  List of high school activities and awards.

4.  List of community activities and services.

5.  A statement expressing educational/vocational and occupational goals.

6.  A statement of financial need for college attendance.

7.  List of other JSU scholarships for which you have applied

8.  Photocopies of transcripts of grades 9 – 12.

9.  At least two letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or high school administrators.

Please have students return completed applications to your office. They should be received in my office no later than March 31, 2017. The recipient will be notified prior to the April 27th, 2017 meeting of the Exchange Club, at which time the scholarship will be awarded. You may send the applications to the following address:

Dr. Louise J. Clark

College of Commerce and Business Administration

Jacksonville State University

700 Pelham Road North

Jacksonville, AL 36265

In the past few years, the number of applicants for this scholarship has been very small. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to receive assistance with the financing of their education. If there is anything that I can do to enhance interest on the part of your students, please let me know. You may call me at 256-782-5780 or email me at . Thank you for assisting us in our efforts to promote this opportunity for your students.


Louise J. Clark, Chair

Scholarship Committee

cc: Dr. Mark Peterson, Superintendent of Jacksonville City Schools

Mr. Bill Singleton, Principal, Jacksonville High School

Ms. Erika Clark, Assistant Principal, Jacksonville high School