Stockholm 2018-03-01

Dear presenters,

Please take the time to read the important information below concerning your participation in the Industrial Efficiency 2018 conference.


We do hope you already have registered for Industrial Efficiency 2018. At least one author/presenter per accepted contribution must be registered to make the presentation at the conference. Please also note that to ensure maximum participation and networking, we don’t allow a registered participant to make more than one presentation.

If you have any questions about your registration, do not hesitate to contact the eceee secretariat at .

Also remember to regularly check updated information on the event.

Oral presentations of extended abstracts

The five panels run in parallel during one session on Monday afternoon and two morning sessions each on Tuesday and Wednesday. A panel session will last 90minutes and include four presentations. You will have a maximum of 15minutes to present and a minute or two for clarifications. This schedule will be strictly enforced. The end of the session will give room for a general discussion of all four presentations.

We suggest that you end your presentation by stating the one or two issues you would like to see discussed.

Please send your draft presentation to your panel leaders by 12 March! They will need it inorder to make the best panel schedule possible. You will however be able to update your presentation until the event.

By early May, you will be provided with a first version of the panel schedule. Please note that the schedule is likely to change, so you should attend the whole event to make sure you can make your presentation and there won’t be a problem if your presentation slot is moved before the schedule is fixed.

There are a few points you should take into consideration when preparing your presentation:

  • If you’re a native English speaker, please remember that most of your audience is not. So please do your best to keep your language accessible to a non-English audience.
  • Decide on your key message(s) and concentrate on that.
  • Prepare legible slides (fewer words and larger font), containing e.g. bulleted lists with keywords, simple tables and graphs, and contrasting colours. (Remember that light colours are not projected very well and might disappear altogether.)
  • Keep the number of slides small. As a general rule, 4–10 slides will be sufficient.
  • Don’t forget that your audience will be diverse in nature and some may not grasp complex equations or detailed models explained orally.

If you have any questions on your oral presentation or the organisation of your panel, do not hesitate to contact your panel leaders and/or the conference managers.

Getting to Industrial Efficiency 2018 – a few tips

Detailed travel information is available on our venue page to help you plan your trip:

eceee conferences combine state-of-the-art information exchange on the latest energy efficiency developments and a relaxed and informal atmosphere. In general, the dress code is casual. Although we cannot promise the weather will be pleasant during this period, it is often quite warm in the daytime and freshens up a little in the evenings. If weather permits, the evenings’ cocktails and dinners will take place in the lovely courtyard of Die Kalkscheune.

Best regards,

Therese Lindström & Christel Broussous
Conference Managers