Doncaster Inclusion & Fairness Forum


1.1The Doncaster Inclusion & Fairness Forum (The Forum) has been set up by the Team Doncaster Strategic Partnership (Team Doncaster) as an independent advisory group to explore and identify ways in which we can make Doncaster a fairer place to live and work.


2.1The purpose of Forum will be to:

  • Increase understanding of the challenges related to inclusion and fairness (at a certain point of time) facing those who live, work or visit Doncaster;
  • Research, consult with and examine people’s views on key priorities, the potential impact of making significant changes or reductions to services and wider issues such as poverty, financial inclusion, pay and employment, and access to publicly funded services; and
  • Develop appropriate working arrangements and community pathways to enable Doncaster’s diverse voices to be heard and listened to.


3.1The Forum will:

  • Consider inclusion and fairness implications of the most strategic developments impacting across the Team Doncaster partnership and communities in Doncaster, seeking community feedback and making recommendations on how impact on diverse communities may be mitigated;
  • Highlight and celebrate the good work that currently takes place within Doncaster and encourage greater working relationships between organisations and partners to address inequalities;
  • Consider the impact of and reports of “Fairness Commissions” elsewhere in the country and review what has worked with regard to reducing inequalities and prioritising fairness within other local authority areas;
  • Develop a communications plan and use a wide range of communication mechanismsto ensure information to and from the Forum is accessible and inclusive;
  • Considerhow the extensive range of data and intelligence that already exists within Doncaster is currently being used to promote fairness.
  • Request and receive evidence from a cross-section of interested parties. This will includesharingthe lessons learnt and best practice of those with expertise on inclusion & fairness issues;
  • Work with local partners and groups in the public, education, business, community, voluntary and faith sector to provide a platform for diverse voices from communities of place and of interest to be heard within and beyond Doncaster. Recommend means of strengthening the power of Doncaster’s diverse voices.

4.Accountability & Responsibility

4.1The Forum will report on progress, provide evidence and make recommendations to the Team Doncaster Partnership to advise it on what decisions and practical steps could be taken in the short/medium or long-term to address inequality or un-fairness.


5.1Membership of the Forum will comprise of an Independent Chair and up to 20 cross sector members with a broad mix of expertise to help to shape and promote the work of the Forum including nominated representatives from:

  • Doncaster Council - Cabinet Member for Equalities and Cohesion;
  • Doncaster Children’s Services Trust;
  • NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group;
  • Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
  • Rotherham Doncaster & South Humber NHS Foundation Trust;
  • Doncaster Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise;
  • Doncaster College;
  • Doncaster Council;
  • Doncaster CVS;
  • New Horizons Doncaster;
  • South Yorkshire Police;
  • South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue;
  • St Leger Homes of Doncaster;
  • Thorne CAB
  • Healthwatch Doncaster;

Additional members could include nominated representatives from:

  • Prison Service;
  • South Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company.

5.2All Forum members will have an equal voice, but should not focus on specific/personal interests. Additional representatives may be requested to attend the Forum for specific agenda items to help achieve the identified aims and objectives. Membership will be reviewed on a regular basis.



Each member on the Forum will register any potential conflicts of interest. In addition, at each meeting there will be a standing agenda item where any conflicts of interest related to specific agenda items can be made known and recorded in the minutes/ notes of the meeting.


Liam Scully, Chief Operating Officer ofClub Doncaster, has been appointed as Independent Chair of the Forum.


No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Forum unless at least four members are present. The Forum will endeavour to form a consensus on all relevant matters/ questions/ issues/ recommendations.

Members will limit the use of substitutes to allow the work of the Forum to progress smoothly. If a substitute for a member attends more than half of the meetings of the Forum in a calendar year the member will be asked to consider their membership of the Forum in the light of their individual circumstances.

6.4Frequency and venue

The Forum will hold up to six public formal meetings per year. Venues will be decided based on the content of the agenda, the target audience where relevant and in consultation with communities. Each meeting will have an agenda that contains the following:

  • At least one Team Doncaster ‘Hot Topic’;
  • Advanced noted topics generated from community engagement, when relevant;
  • Open space at the end of the meeting for public attendees to reflect on agenda items and introduce emerging topics and future agenda items;
  • A clear timeline for actions and expectations;
  • At least 30 minutes being applied to the ‘open space’ section.

The meeting dates will be aligned to ensure that recommendations can be made and issues escalated to meetings of the Team Doncaster in a timely fashion. In addition, the Forum will hold a number of public engagement events to gather evidence, hear from and listen to individuals and community groups as required.

6.5Operating Principles

The Chair of the Forum will, in consultation with the Team Doncaster Partnership Team, determine the agenda of each meeting and an appropriate order of business. Forum Members or other partnership groups wishing to propose and present papers, should liaise with the Chair and the Partnership Officer to agree issues for the agenda, as well as the relevant supporting papers and presentations.

The secretariat function (e.g. arranging meetings, compiling and circulating agendas, recoding and circulating minutes, co-ordination of agreed actions) will be undertaken by a nominated Officer from the Local Authority. Representatives from each of the Forum’s membership bodies will work collectively to support the Forum to achieve its objectives.

Inclusion & Fairness Forum TOR